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Old 12-04-2010, 07:51 PM   #751 (permalink)
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That was an interesting list
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Old 12-04-2010, 10:02 PM   #752 (permalink)
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Gunnels is so interesting
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Old 12-05-2010, 08:03 PM   #753 (permalink)
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Was that sarcastic?
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Old 12-05-2010, 09:28 PM   #754 (permalink)
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1. I was born in the 50's man.
2. I served in the Falklands conflict.
3. I miss Motorcycle riding.
4. My 1st wife died when we were 20, 12 days after my son was born.
5. I think Marillion are the best band ever.
6. I nearly died last year from internal bleeding in my stomach.
7. I prefer records to CDs.
8. I am growing 6 types of chili.
9. I have never been to the USofA.
10. I emigrated to Australia in 2001.
11. I don't have an iPod.
12. I have not bought a PC since 1994.
13. I make awesome Baclava.
14. I used to play Bass in a band with 3 Sri Lankans.
15. I am still not used to Christmas in Summer.
16. I lived in Turkey for a year, Oman for 18 months, and Brunei for 2 and a half years.
17. I love to travel.
18. I miss seeing my children (27, 29 and 31) and my Grandkids.
19. My 14 year old stepson and I share similar taste in some music.
20. Never broken a major bone in my 52 years on this earth.
21. I have never surfed.
22. I live in Australia, which has 7 of the top 10 deadliest snakes and I have a snake phobia.
23. I have been bitten by a camel spider.
24. I have no idea what to put at 24.
25. I have been totally honest with this.

Last edited by Batty; 12-05-2010 at 09:30 PM. Reason: 2 19s
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Old 12-05-2010, 09:39 PM   #755 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
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Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy View Post
3. When I listen to music, I like to feel the energy coming off of it, whether it's reddish energy or bluish energy or whatever energy it portrays.
This is very cool to me. I don't necessarily do this with colors, but I do get very specific feelings from the energy of each song, often that have nothing to do with the lyrics. I just make up my own stories. Do you have synesthesia, by any chance, though? The color thing kind of sounds like it, and that's mega-interesting to look into if you've not already!

Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy View Post
8. This summer I almost got the chance to visit England, but we couldn't afford it
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. I do hope the opportunity presents itself again in the not-so-distant future!

Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy View Post
15. My favourite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story!
17. Winter is, without a doubt, my favourite season.
18. Which is why I plan on moving to a cold country when I'm older!
I agree with all of this! My plans are to move to Romania, actually. Teaching myself Romanian is pretty rough, though.

Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy View Post
20. I regularly practice lucid dreaming techniques. I started when I was twelve and I thought it was the bomb-diggity.
When I was a lot younger, I thought I was the only person in the world who could lucid dream, and I felt like a superhero or something. I talked about it with my friends at school, and they thought I was lying, but I knew I wasn't so I thought it was the neatest thing ever.

Do you ever have any of those awkward problems when you know you're dreaming but you're still having a horrible nightmare, and no matter where you go, the bad things from the dream follow you? That's an issue I've had with it in the past.

Originally Posted by FaSho View Post
1. I'm under a lot of stress these days
2. I run a lot
3. I wish I knew more about film
4. I think Dilbert is by far the best comic strip ever
5. I used to really like Winter
6. Not so much anymore
7. Suprising to most, I <3 rap music
8. I'm the biggest harry potter fan around
9. I'm pretty good at guitar hero
10. I really haven't watched any TV since I got Netflix
11. I watch netflix pretty much 24/7
12. I like cartoons
13. Radiohead
14. Radiohead
15. French toast, that's good stuff.
16. I dig bandannas
17. Radiohead
18. I can't really stay up late anymore
19. I go to bed at like 9:30 these days
20. Writing this is super boring.
21. I want to be an english teacher
22. I've hated pretty much every english teacher I've ever had
23. I'm 15
24. Radiohead
25. I'm pretty hip
Your list made me lol. Very awesome. I gather that you like Radiohead?

Originally Posted by GeddyBass2112 View Post
1. I play 6 instruments, all self taught.
5. I speak 14 languages and understand (but not speak) another 25 or so.
6. On that note, English is my second language.
12. I LOVE playing Dungeons and Dragons.
23. My first ever performance infront of an audience was to my church, exactly a year after I'd bought my first bass. .
25. I won my high school award for 'making the biggest contribution to the social life of the college'.
I find all of the above insanely cool. The ability to play multiple instruments and speak multiple languages in particular. I just speak English, very poor Spanish, very very poor French, and am learning Romanian (with piss poor results.)

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
5. I love typing on a typewriter even though computers are more handy sometimes
THIS. YES. Typewriters are my favorite method of writing.

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
6. I wish I could play the guitar
I'm currently trying to learn. Used to just "wish" I could played, then thought I was completely inept...I believe "guitarded" was the term I used to describe it. But now I can actually play some songs and such, never having taken lessons or anything, and I've only been playing about 7 months or so. I really believe that anyone can do it if they put time into it. If you're more coordinated than I am, you'd probably be able to be way better than I am right now in a fairly short period of time.

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
9. I'd love to have a van and be on the road day and night
14. I love the number 5 and 25
24. I'm a pretty good singer, but I don't (want to) do anything with that.
25. I love the nighttime more than the daytime.
All of these! Except I'm just terrified to sing in front of people. It is much better when I'm playing guitar, but that's still my issue with the whole singin' thing. Also, 5 is my lucky number!
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Old 12-05-2010, 09:50 PM   #756 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by gunnels View Post
1) I spend a good 60% of my time daydreaming, and that's a conservative estimate.
2) I have at least two stalkers.
3) I drained all of my iPod's battery the other day watching FMA for about 6 hours.
4) I'm on episode 27.
5) My right leg is asleep.
6) I own a trench coat and frequently wear it.
7) I love winter.
8) I've never felt even mildly infatuated for another person.
9) I pulled an old lady's pigtail the other day in an act of revenge.
10) She pilfered through my stuff near my seat and threw everything onto the ground while I was gone and disrespected my mother.
11) It was at a Nashville Symphony concert.
12) The Elgar cello concerto was ace.
13) Elgar is my favorite composer.
14) I'm playing Beethoven Rondo Op. 51 No. 1 for my winter recital.
15) I would love to be a midget.
16) I don't want to grow any taller.
17) I'm 5' 9"
18) I browse pixiv constantly for no reason.
19) I'm going to be walking around downtown tomorrow at 7 AM when it's cold as hell for a history project.
20) I ****ing love history.
21) I think this is the shortest time I've ever taken doing one of these lists.
22) I hate language classes, foreign or native.
23) I can not wait to get the hell out of the southern US.
24) The thought of my life ending tomorrow honestly does not bother me.
25) I'm scared to death of developing an affectionate relationship (friend, partner, or otherwise) and hurting somebody.
Good list. You wish you were a midget?

I'm 5'2 and I wish I was as tall as you
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Old 12-06-2010, 02:31 PM   #757 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Burning Down View Post
Come to Canada!
Well I speak English and French already, so

Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post
I find all of the above insanely cool. The ability to play multiple instruments and speak multiple languages in particular. I just speak English, very poor Spanish, very very poor French, and am learning Romanian (with piss poor results.)
I'm just a person who can learn a language pretty easily. I go on holiday and within a week I'm fluent to the point I don't have to use English if I don't want to do so.
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Old 12-06-2010, 02:41 PM   #758 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post
This is very cool to me. I don't necessarily do this with colors, but I do get very specific feelings from the energy of each song, often that have nothing to do with the lyrics. I just make up my own stories. Do you have synesthesia, by any chance, though? The color thing kind of sounds like it, and that's mega-interesting to look into if you've not already!
What exactly counts as synesthesia? I definitely am imagining/feeling colors and shapes when I listen to music, but it seems more like a daydream than anything else. Sometimes I also go straight into a memory or even some imaginary scenario if it fits with the music. More than visual stuff, though, I definitely feel music to an incredible extent. Just yesterday I was walking around pissed off that it was cold. I was playing Black Mountain and wasn't too familiar with the album, and a song came on that just immediately lifted my mood...drugs don't even work that good haha.

Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post
When I was a lot younger, I thought I was the only person in the world who could lucid dream, and I felt like a superhero or something. I talked about it with my friends at school, and they thought I was lying, but I knew I wasn't so I thought it was the neatest thing ever.

Do you ever have any of those awkward problems when you know you're dreaming but you're still having a horrible nightmare, and no matter where you go, the bad things from the dream follow you? That's an issue I've had with it in the past.
I used to practice lucid dreaming. I actually got the hang of it for a while, but I got out of practice. I actually pay attention to my dreams a lot...if I have an intense dream that sticks with me throughout the day, more often than not it means something in real life will happen that is related to it.
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Old 12-06-2010, 03:41 PM   #759 (permalink)
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Gunnels has the best list ever.
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Old 12-06-2010, 04:13 PM   #760 (permalink)
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It's been long enough since I've done this that I don't remember what I put, so (rather than go look, because I'm feeling narcissistic today) I'm going to do it again.

1. I've dropped out of college twice, but am back in again because the third time's a charm and it beats trying to support myself entirely on the crap jobs currently available here. This time I'm studying film (after previous attempts at English/Writing) because most of what I do in my free time involves watching movies, anyway.
2. Every time I take a Myers-Briggs test, I get either INFP or INTP. That seems about right to me. I think I generally lean more toward the F side of the fence, but it depends on my mood.
3. There are, to my knowledge, less than 10 pictures of me on the internet. I say "to my knowledge" because one never knows what might show up on Facebook or whatever. Especially when there are drunken parties to be had.
4. The only drugs I engage in anymore are caffeine, alcohol and pot. However, I think I probably spend more money on alcohol than I do anything else except rent (and possibly food, but only possibly). There are at least 2 bars where I can order "the usual" (a double whiskey ginger, btw) which is kind of a nice feeling, if mildly alarming.
5. I've only ever been outside the US twice (and it was only as far as a couple cities in southern Canada), however I've set foot in 31 US States and lived in 6.
6. I really want to become a better drummer. I'm also (slowly) teaching myself to become a better pianist. The only two instruments I've ever had formal training on are the oboe and the trombone.
7. After about 15 solid years of feeling anything but, I feel reasonably mentally and emotionally healthy these days, occasional/situational panic attacks aside (and even those are milder and more manageable than past ones).
8. My boyfriend is two years younger than I am, slightly shorter (less than an inch, though) and cooks more than I do. I suspect I actually love him more than I'm fully prepared to admit to myself.
9. I'm a Rat and a Virgo. Actually, more specifically, I'm a Virgo/Pisces/Sagittarius combination, which is... erm... interesting. I don't know how much I believe in astrology, but everything I know about it is generally borne out fairly accurately, so there's that.
10. I also get the color/music connection. Actually, all sounds (and tastes) have color, shape and texture. I'm not entirely sure how to describe it--it's more like a direct association than a daydream (the same way the color green jumps into your head when you hear the word "grass"), it feels like something I observe, rather than something I control. I suppose that's synesthesia or whatever.
11. The first album I ever bought was "The Simpsons Sing the Blues." The second album I ever bought was Smashing Pumpkins' "Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness" and listening to it remains a pivotal moment in my memory.
12. I haven't eaten meat for more than half my life. But I could NEVER live without cheese.
13. Once, when I lived in California, I was walking somewhere (didn't own a car at the time) and came across a dust-jacket-less copy of Hunter S Thompson's Kingdom of Fear on the sidewalk, open, with the first page on fire and the name of a 14th century Italian poet (and author of The Decameron, Giovanni Boccaccio) scrawled in sharpie on the cover. Hand to god, that actually happened and it's one of the best things I've ever seen in a "there is definitely magic in the universe" kind of way. I still have the book.
14. I've dated a stripper (two actually) and been rather good friends with a moderately classy prostitute ($250+ as I understand), but I don't think I could ever do either of those things.
15. I've been a smoker for eight years. I know I should quit, but that probably won't happen any time soon. Presently, I usually smoke Pall Mall Red 100s or American Spirit Blacks (Periques), depending mostly on how much money I have when I run out.
16. I've seen The Mountain Goats live four times, which makes them the only band to date that I've seen more than once that I wasn't in or friends with.
17. This is taking a lot longer to write than I thought it would because I'm trying to think of interesting things to say. But that's getting laborious, so the last few are going to be whatever comes to mind.
18. I once broke the door off a taxicab. I have only the vaguest memory of this, but (according to my roommate at the time, who was there) apparently I was quite angry and shoved it open hard enough to knock one of the hinges loose. Ended up paying about $150 to have it fixed, which is probably a pretty good deal, considering.
19. I feel so lazy lately. I used to walk more than 6 miles a day when I lived in Colorado and didn't have a car. Since I've lived here, I drive or bus everywhere. It's starting to show in my weight, as well, which perturbs me a bit.
20. If you started my iTunes at 12:00AM on January 1st, it would play until 8:17 on the morning of September 24th. While I have not listened to everything in it (yet), I've absorbed most of it.
21. I can only sleep in one position--one arm under the pillow under my head, the other arm wrapped around a pillow half under my stomach. I think this has to do with the fact that I'm a very physically uncomfortable person and it's hard for me to relax enough to sleep.
22. I have a very small family (a full-on family reunion would involve about 15 people if boyfriends/girlfriends came too) but I actually like all of them and I feel pretty fortunate in that.
23. I'm a cold weather person. Which isn't to say I particularly enjoy the cold, I just vastly prefer it to the heat. Which is why I'm glad Portland has a fairly mild climate, but the week or so in August every year when it gets into the 90s (or the mid 30s for you C people), I get insufferable.
24. Jeg kan tale meget lidt dansk. It's the 4th language I've studied. I still remember most of my Spanish, but Japanese and Latin I'm a bit fuzzy on.
25. I'm wearing a Blue Velvet movie-poster t-shirt. The Goodwill by my house will be my undoing.

tl;dr, I know. I get that way.
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