25 Random Facts About You (bootlegs, house, rock, single, albums) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 02-19-2009, 10:06 AM   #91 (permalink)
Moodswings n' Roundabouts
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1. I was born on Friday the 13th, a pretty good alibi for my bad luck.
2. Potatoes make me throw up, but i can eat crisps!
3. I absolutely detest people who say they have no regrets, stop it with your hot buttered lies.
4. Like Kamikaze Kat i also hate stubbing my toe, it puts me in the worst mood imaginable.
5. I think i'm the opposite to a lot of people, i'm a nice guy on the internet and a dick in real life
6. My most obsessive quality is that i always have to have something on my wrists. If i don't then i may as well be naked.
7. My best halloween costume so far is being a siamese twin with my mate. It lasted about half an hour though.
8. Every morning i make a note to always open the curtains and do one of those huge yawns with both arms outstretched in front of the window. I'm not really sure why though.
9. People say i'm too laid back, but i think someone has to be..
10. The fact that i hold the ideas and ethics of a cartoon involving talking cats and otters more important than any religion or philisophical idea says powerful things about the sort of person i am.
11. I've had more men tell me they fancy me than women in the last year.
12. It's only recently that i've realised a large proportion of my family are pretty racist :s
13. I've never had a bad night on Tequila slammers. Or Absinthe.
14. I'm generous when i'm in a crap mood. After one of my girlfriends dumped me i gave a hobo a fiver.
15. I'd love to be a Manatee. They have life sorted out i think.
16. One of the best presents i've ever got was on my 18th when my mate stole 18 items from her school. I have a load of school posters on my wall still.
17. One of the best moments in my life was when i climbed a remote bit of the great wall of China. Everyone should do that if they can, you feel like a king.
18. If i don't have some sort of caffeine in a day i break down.
19. I feel a bit bad that i miss my cat more than my parents right now.
20. I haven't cried in over two years.
21. My home listening habits and pretentions aren't present in a club. If there is a beat, i will dance.
22. I have double jointed arms. Great party trick.
23. One of life's greatest rewards i'd have to say is the chocolate at the bottom of Cornettos.
24. I can't really see myself ever wanting or having a family. As long as i've got a nice stereo, badass music collection and a nice leather lazyboy i'll probably be fine. Simple things.
25. I am one happy prick.

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Old 02-19-2009, 12:44 PM   #92 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
to post too much info... or not to post too much info...
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Old 02-19-2009, 01:53 PM   #93 (permalink)
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  1. I'm mildly embarrassed to be doing one of these things.
  2. When I'm in a bad mood, extremely fast, aggressive music is usually the best thing to cheer me up.
  3. My first band experience was as the singer of a metal band when I was 18.
  4. My first concert was Roy Orbison with my dad. Buddy Holly's old backing back, The Crickets, were the opening act.
  5. I've only been thrown out of a bar four times in my life but one of them was only a few months ago.
  6. My love of popcorn is well known to all my friends and family.
  7. I know how to bind my own books and have occasionally made bound books for my family, girlfriends and now my wife.
  8. I've written two novellas in my life.
  9. I write and record music constantly but I feel like I'm not focused enough with it.
  10. I have one cat. She's about 10 months old and her name is Pismo, after Pismo Beach, California.
  11. On a related point, my wife and I spent the first three months of 2008 living right on the water in Pismo Beach. It's one of my favorite places I've ever lived.
  12. I lived in Chicago for a long time and really miss it a lot of the time.
  13. Sometimes when I look at a map of the world I am kind of bummed out by the realization that I won't be able to visit everything in my lifetime.
  14. These days I consider myself an atheist but when I was a teenager I considered going to divinity school to become a Unitarian minister.
  15. I'm in the process of try to learn Spanish.
  16. My dad has a reel to reel demo of his old band that was recorded on my birthday, fourteen years before I was born.
  17. My favorite cocktail is a Jack and Coke.
  18. My favorite fruit is watermelon.
  19. My ancestors were Spanish tombstone engravers.
  20. I have this weird thing where I hate having things lightly touching my neck. I have to either wear something tight like a necktie or something that doesn't touch my neck at all like a button-down shirt. Turtlenecks drive me crazy.
  21. I feel like sleeping is a waste of time and wish I didn't have to do it.
  22. I haven't owned a car in thirteen years by choice.
  23. I used to work at Disney World. In fact that's where I met my wife.
  24. The view from my apartment is of a parking garage. I actually really enjoy looking at it for some reason.
  25. I think there might only be 24 interesting facts about me. And even that's debatable.
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Old 02-19-2009, 08:17 PM   #94 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Piss Me Off View Post
13. I've never had a bad night on Tequila slammers. Or Absinthe.
That makes one of us...

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Old 02-20-2009, 12:45 AM   #95 (permalink)
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1. I enjoy eating taro flavored stuff.

2. I only like techno on weekends.

3. I feel the need to change my hair color every month.

4. I want a Telecaster.

5. My ears hurt after I go swimming.

6. I have a fascination with Greek and Roman mythology.

7. I can lick my elbow.

8. I don't know how to properly tune drums.

9. I sing in my car every time I drive.

10. I despise winter more than anything, ever.

11. I keep a humidifier beside my bed during the winter, or I get nosebleeds.

12. I produce gratuitous amounts of thermal energy while I sleep.

13. I drink SoCo Amaretto Limes

14. I like to dance. Anytime, anywhere.

15. I enjoy food. In large amounts. With chesse.

16. I rock out to myself in my bedroom. I think i'm cool.

17. I pretend my sunfire is a much nicer car when I go over 100.

18. I only dance to country when I'm tanked.

19. I buy a lot of CDs. But I still usually listen to the same 10.

20. I really need a job. One that doesn't involve a lot of work, but gives me money.

21. I'm rather good at aggravating people with a knife in COD W.A.W.

22. I hate my curls.

23. I think confidence is sexy. I think i'm confident. That means I think i'm sexy.

24. I always like a good cuddle and a movie.

25. I want to go to Japan.
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Old 02-20-2009, 01:33 AM   #96 (permalink)
county fair energy
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Originally Posted by Rob-Boy View Post
7. I can lick my elbow.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis View Post
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)

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Old 02-20-2009, 10:15 AM   #97 (permalink)
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Because I am bored, I will also join in the 25-random-facts-ness.

1. I've been to Japan 5 times. One of those times was to study abroad. It's the only foreign country I've ever visited.
2. I majored in Graphic Design, but I don't think that's what I want to do with my life. I honestly have no clue what I want to do.
3. I have two jobs: one in an office, and one in retail. I like the one in retail better (I work in a cafe in a bookstore), but I'm glad I have the other job, so I'm not doing retail ALL the time.
4. I'm 23 and still live at home. It sucks.
5. I am a cat person. Unfortunately, I'll probably end up one of those crazy cat ladies with 10 cats and no husband.
6. I hate New Jersey, and desperately want to move somewhere else, preferably NOT on the east coast.
7. People seem to like me, but I honestly don't know why, because I think I'm pretty boring, lol
8. I'm always in a bad mood when it's cloudy/rainy.
9. I like to help people. I especially like to help people find things.
10. In high school, I played in every band there was: concert band, marching band, jazz band, pit orchestra, honors band, etc, etc. I played clarinet and sax. And I haven't played since high school, so now I probably suck.
11. I started college as an English major, but they made us read crappy books, so it made me hate reading. I've since recovered, and I love reading again.
12. My favorite movies are The Princess Bride and The Karate Kid.
13. I spent years of my life listening to Japanese pop music, and nothing else. I feel like I missed out on a lot of great stuff I could have been listening to, and that I've just now, within the last year, discovered good music.
14. I've always wanted to learn how to play guitar and piano, but never have.
15. I don't particularly like traveling (hassle at the airports, living out of suitcases, etc), but there are a ton of places I'd like to visit, including places within the US and places in foreign countries.
16. I really like sci-fi and fantasy. Though, if it's sci-fi, I prefer the science-based stuff to the outer space-based stuff. Not real big on the space.
17. I don't like parties.
18. I very much enjoy the TV show Ghost Hunters.
19. I've been an atheist since before I knew what the word meant.
20. I've never gotten drunk enough to vomit.
21. I can swing dance. (Though I haven't done it in a couple years, so I've probably lost some skill.)
22. My dreams are usually extremely strange.
23. Cologne and perfume make me nauseous. Especially on long car rides. It's why my brother gave me face masks for Christmas. lol
24. The only sport I like is baseball.
25. I don't buy CDs because I have nowhere to put them. If I buy music, it's on iTunes.
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Old 02-20-2009, 12:18 PM   #98 (permalink)
The Sexual Intellectual
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1. I've never been to France even though it's only 26 miles away.

2. The smell of Red Bull makes me vomit.

3. I once had sex with my boss's wife

4. I own a copy of every surviving episode of Dr Who since it's was first broadcast in 1963.

5. I also own every single Dr Who novel ever written (Approx 400)

6. I prefer watching Rugby League to football these days even though I don't support any particular team.

7. My favourite ice cream is mascarpone & black cherry with grated pistachio nuts.

8. My biggest guilty pleasure is watching wrestling even though I know it's completely stupid. But i'll poke fun at anyone who takes it seriously.

9. I can only smoke out of the right side of my mouth

10. I have a really dodgy left knee that just gives out with no warning . which is quite embarrassing when your walking down a crowded street.

11. I'm always having dreams where I can't move my neck or my fingers

12. My ideal holiday is being left alone to sleep in my own bed till whenever I want followed by reading loads of books. I don't do getting burnt on a beach somewhere , preferably with some good music in the background.

13. I've not drunk any alcohol in about 2 years. I still have booze in the cupboard from Xmas 2006.

14. Nostalgia irritates the crap out of me.

15. I follow politics but the thought of having a political debate with someone else bores the shit out of me , especially on the internet. And because it tends to bring out the worst in people.

16. I've never dated a blonde

17. I once made an ex girlfriend orgasm in a bar by blowing on her ear lobe.

18. I've not listened to about 50% of the albums on the Urban 100 since I originally wrote it.

19. The first Urban 100 that I wrote in 2001 had Alice Cooper's Billion Dollar Babies at No 1.

20. The first album I ever got was a K-Tel records compilation called Knuckle Sandwich when I was about 3 or 4 years old. Highlights include Jilted John , Showaddywaddy & Overkill by Motorhead.

21. First record I ever bought with my own money was Number Of The Beast.

22. I'd sell my mother to get some Husker Du bootlegs circa 82-84

23. I only joined musicbanter with the intention of being an obnoxious prick for a couple of hours while I waited for my girlfriend to come around so I could spend Xmas with her. I only stuck around here because she dumped me on Jan 2nd.

24. I fancy Lamb Jalfrezi for dinner but i'm all out of lamb

25. As long as I live I will never ever understand the appeal of Muse.

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 02-20-2009, 01:37 PM   #99 (permalink)
daddy don't
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1. I only have 50+ years to live if cancer or an accident doesn't get me.
2. I currently live in north norfolk UK with my parents and six non-humans. Including my sister who is a super genius and will be an astronomer. Norfolk was previously fenland drained by the Dutch in the 16th century, and thank christ it'll be the first place to drown when sea levels rise
3. This time next year I will either be back in higher education or living in an anarchist commune in East London (true stories).
4. I am a card-carrying socialist but my card is invisible and as big as a house. The Worker's Club is now home to an old man in a rocking chair who talks to spiders.
5. I am opaque.
6. The band in my sig is not mine but my musical soulmate's band who are based a long way from here, it is just a glorious coincidence that I love them more than any contemporary band, signed or unsigned. I support them and write bits of press for them. Oh and we all hate capitalism, hooray!
7. I don't like vertical power structures.
8. I have difficulty separating the personal and political and I fail at heated debate (very easily wound-up, my blood boils and start forgetting what my views are, seriously, I hope it's low blood pressure or something) but I stick to my guns because i'm right.
9. I have poor (mainly short term) memory which I attribute to medication and a very druggy period.
10. For people that don't already know Bulldog is my younger brother, I said if he was going to join up not to tell anyone but he blabbed to Jackhammer so I beat him with reeds.
11. This feels really stupid but I don't think I'm giving too much away. Yet.
12. My first proper school was an all-girls, I was one of four boys attending just before they phased them out. So i'm a f*cking wuss and i prefer tea and cock to beer and pussy
13. I was educated in both the private sector (not the Oxbridge politician-factories exactly but expensive enough and with their fair share of rich twats) and the state sector intermittently; my parents went bankrupt 4 years ago. Go figure.
14. I am bisexual and was the subject of a BBC documentary about my 3-foot penis.
15. I consider myself genetically Polish (3 grandparents), one of whom escaped prison camps 3 times and walked to Italy to fight at the Battle of Monte Cassino. I have not inherited his brass balls. My paternal grandparents escaped the Nazi invasion through North Africa, up through France, and crossed the English channel in a dinghy, where my grandad joined the RAF. Two totally unpraised air regiments (the Poles and the one set aside for African-Americans) had the highest kill rate in the war, true speak.
16. I am really prone to mood swings for reasons I don't wish to elaborate upon; so sorry if I have been uncharacteristically rude to anyone on here in the past, though you were probably asking for it like a bellend.
17. Like iksokept I am really quite lazy, but I celebrate idleness (as should you)... It's actually more apathy to be honest.
18. Unlike adidasss I have worked, but only a tiny bit. I am 23, have had 5 jobs, 3 of which did not last more than a fortnight. Needless to say I embellish my CV alot. (Sorry Americans, RESUME)
19. All this forum business feels vaguely ridiculous sometimes, I think broadband abuse is probably un-natural and we make eachother feel guilty and unsociable for it, but I don't have any friends in the immediate vicinity so there's probably no harm in stimulating chat. I've also learned quite alot since joining a year ago and met some well-informed, lovely people (assuming they aren't actually robots or aliens).
20. I haven't had a job since August and I've hardly left the house except to walk the dog, stab up prostitutes and tour with my band Radiohead.
21. Always had terrible dietary habits and I often forget to eat for an entire day or more, this balances out with my lack of vigorous exercise to make me a loveable, doughy individual with a psychotic gleam in my eye.
22. Yeah I do suffer from anxiety actually, and I get nauseous in large crowded spaces often, that's only developed the last couple of years.
23. I was thinking about doing this the other day and what I could write that was interesting/humorous, and I came up with some corkers but since forgot them all.
24. The non-humans referred to in fun fakt #2 are four cats and a black French Briard Briard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I have a round bite-mark scar on my upper arm from him and he also destroyed my favourite t-shirt in 2003 (mars volta, black, red lettering, rats/possums or something). I was wearing it at the time.
25. I am a clean freak and have been berated for cleaning up other people's houses when on visits, especially when intoxicated.

After reading this back it looks like I might be a minor hypochondriac...

[SIZE="1"]Eff em
tumble her

Last edited by Molecules; 02-20-2009 at 01:46 PM. Reason: if you're reading this you are a communist
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Old 02-20-2009, 01:49 PM   #100 (permalink)
county fair energy
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Originally Posted by Molecules View Post
20. I haven't had a job since August and I've hardly left the house except to walk the dog, stab up prostitutes and tour with my band Radiohead.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis View Post
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)

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