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Scarlett O'Hara 07-17-2013 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1346247)
I could never be a dumb blonde even if I tried lol


That is because you are brunette! I actually don't play games with men anymore, I used to but now I am who I am, they can like it or lump it.

Brunette's are considered more intelligent if we are speaking in stereotypes.

Mondo Bungle 07-18-2013 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle (Post 1346215)
1. I'm punk as f*ck
2. That being said, I love "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" by Green Day, and don't give any f*cks about that
3. I'm going to be a seneior in HS, and have never had a girlfriend, I've been kissed once, on the cheek
4. I like to make spastic and abnormal noises with my mouth and voice, and sometimes record myself doing so to hear what it sounds like. I once made a recording that was 35 minutes long.
5. I love classic country musicians (ie Waylon Jennings) but rarely ever go out of my way to listen to them.
6. I wanted to make a Teen Wolf tv show long before MTV did, and it would have been a whole lot less gay, but a whole lot cheesier and stupid.
7. I'm fluent in French
8. I am one of those melodramatic fools
9. I hate the government, but anarchy is kinda stupid
10. I am currently on fire
11. As a child, I had a nightmare about a pink blanket of mine sneaking up on me, killing me with a spoon, and eating my remains
12. I am deathly afraid of a pink blanket I own
13. I know a lot about dreams, dream mechanics, the science of sleep, and all that through years of study after having a jarring hypnagogic experience when I was 13.
14. I've never sat in the driver's seat of a vehicle
15. I smoke more weed than people who say they smoke a lot of weed
16. I laughed the hardest I've ever laughed while playing Fallout 3, because I picked up a baseball glove.
17. F*ck the cops and sh*t
18. I believe in permanent astral projection upon death
19. I was hit by a truck while on mushrooms, the truck wasn't moving.
20. I hate parties
21. I also strongly dislike the taste of most alcohol (good thing I quit) but will still occasionally drink during social gatherings.
22. I once threw a rock through a police car's windshield when I saw them hassling a homeless man sleeping on a park bench.
23. I got away
24. I can't swim
25. I was born in Eureka, CA

I also talk and reply to myself as if it were a different person, so tht's interesting

Dreamer With A Microphone 07-19-2013 07:13 AM

Um, well okay here goes:

1. I have never seen snow
2. Though I live in Australia, I haven't seen a kangaroo since I was a kid
3. I'm stuck in this Criminology degree at uni because I watched too much Criminal Minds and thought it was awesome
4. Related to above-I'm in love with Matthew Gray Gubler (Spencer Reid)
5. "One sky, one destiny." If you understand the reference, I guarantee we'll be great friends
6. I didn't start singing lessons until I was 15. Before then my mother wouldn't let me
7. I don't drive. I have a Learner's but we don't have an Auto car, so I've never driven a car
8. Up until I was 14, I was petrified of rollercoasters, now I love them!
9. I had a bad experience with bumper cars, and it was only until yesterday that I was scared as hell of spinning out and having my friends laugh at me
10. On that note: I will post anything singing-related anywhere on the internet, EXCEPT facebook, for the fear that my friends will watch, point and laugh.
11. Sometimes I just get up and walk around, and have casual conversations with myself, just imagining scenarios and whatnot, and then I sit back down.
12. I am very VERY good at playing tetris, and pokemon, and all the other old games
13. I have an obsession with the Final Fantasy series, with 7 and 12 being my favourites
14. I actually want to go on one of those TV talent shows *shot*
15. It takes me way longer than I'd like to admit to read sheet music
16. When I'm home alone and it's dark, I'm ALWAYS scared some killer is behind me
17. I record my singing with a Singstar microphone
18. I don't read as many books as I'd like to
19. I'm a waitress, and I love making coffee. Hazelnut mochas are my specialty
20. I can only watch Law and Order: Criminal Intent when there are certain characters on there
21. I physically cannot listen to "Payphone" by Maroon 5. It actually hurts my ears
22. I have never seen LOTR, Harry Potter, or Star Wars *shot again*
23. I text my ex-boyfriend more than I text the rest of my friends, because that guy is now my best friend...idk, some people find that odd
24. I'm a Pisces, hence the whole "Dreamer" thing.
25. I'm teaching myself guitar, and it's taken me 2 years to realise I've been holding the pick wrong

I don't know if any of those are really all that random, but they're all facts?

Sansa Stark 07-19-2013 07:27 AM

Re: 4

yoooo good taste, MGG is hot as ****

djchameleon 07-19-2013 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Hermione (Post 1346905)
Re: 4

yoooo good taste, MGG is hot as ****


What do women see in him?

Sansa Stark 07-19-2013 07:59 AM

He's just adorable idk lmao

Exo 07-20-2013 10:21 AM

Alright, I'm going to do this.
  1. I can't remember who I ate dinner with last week but I can remember what academy awards Alec Guinness has been nominated for in his career. My memory retention is weird.
  2. I'm a huge football nerd. I generally know everything about every team but I know more about the 49ers than I know about music and film. They're my true passion.
  3. I can't pee in public when I'm not drunk. When I'm drunk its on but when sober I'm very pee shy.
  4. I generally like any kind of food besides tomatoes, mushrooms, and guacamole.
  5. I have an unusual metabolism where I can eat pretty much anything I want and not get fat. This includes pretty much all fast food establishments.
  6. I love all cartoons. My favorites are Adventure Time, Spongebob, Family Guy, Futurama, The Simpsons, Bobs Burgers, Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry, and Ren and Stimpy.
  7. I'm a human map of northern New Jersey because Ive worked in so many areas for my job.
  8. I have ten cousins that live 15 minutes away from me and I haven't seen them in eight years. Nothing happened that was bad, my family just likes our privacy.
  9. I like going to flea markets and garage sales and finding old electronics. I have no idea why. I don't even use them.
  10. When I brush my teeth I hold my nutsack with my left hand. I've been doing this since I can remember. I don't understand why.
  11. I hate hard alchohol. I'll do a shot if it's absolutely necessary but I always stick to beer.
  12. I never eat anybody elses food even if they offer me a bite.
  13. I've never been west of Pennsylvania.
  14. I still live with my parents because living in New Jersey is horrible when you're not wealthy.
  15. I don't and have never had a facebook.
  16. I don't have a smartphone either.
  17. I love going to movies alone but prefer company.
  18. I hate hot weather but there is no other place I'd rather be than a beach.
  19. I'm very tall and have huge feet. 6'2 and I wear a size 13.
  20. It took me five years to get my associates degree in college because I hate being told what to do and what topic to learn. I like teaching myself.
  21. If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be a cheeseburger.
  22. I love to golf. I was on my high schools golf team.
  23. I used to be a huge pothead. Now I only smoke on occasion.
  24. I've seen the movie Jaws over 200 times.
  25. I generally love this message board. I've met a couple people on here that have mad my life better considering it's been a bag of sh*t for the past six months. I'm very grateful for this fact.

Kulture 07-20-2013 11:09 AM

1. I learned to type on the keyboard without looking in the dark, as well as being fast at typing.
2. I like to read biography's from time to time.
3. I don't smoke.
4. I don't drink much alcohol, hardly any if I'm being honest.
5. I write lyrics and create anything else that involves music.
6. I hate racism.
7. I've almost died more than twice.
8. I love comics such as DC and Marvel and tend to draw them from time to time.
9. Even though I live in the UK 90% of my music I listen to is American.
10. Every time I wear shades I get a boost of confidence.
11. I'm disabled.
12. My dad went to the same school as the actor Christian Bale.
13. Jazz calms me down in situations.
14. I've had more than 9 operations since birth, but not since 2007.
15. Writing lyrics (mainly Hip Hop lyrics) improved my English writing and English overall.
16. At the age of 13 I grew a passion for learning different languages and had written 13 pages of a variety of different words in French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. But the pages mainly consisted of French and Portuguese.
14. I watch a lot of documentaries based on musicians.
15. I've never been abroad.
16. I recently started to attempt meditation.
17. Whenever I'm bored I tend to look into conspiracy's and politics.
18. I love long drives going anywhere.
19. I'm currently trying to get into the entertainment business as a musician/artist or an actor/comedian.
20. I have bad habits that are slowly becoming controllable.
21. I can unfocus my eyes to the point everything is blurred, I also over think things to much than the average person does.
22. I'm quarter Irish.
23. I'm 5"11, live in Birmingham UK and I'm 18 years old.
24. For a short period I took up martial arts and trained in Aikido and Boxing.
25. I did IT for 2 years and am now going to take up Media at college, I also failed Maths Functional Skills Level 2, 5 times in a row and still haven't passed it.

Honey and Salt 07-20-2013 11:36 AM

1. No matter how hard I try, I can never fully appreciate rap music (trust me, I try reeeaaallly hard).
2. Every man I've ever dated has been a musician. I can't even read music.
3.I have terrible road rage. The absolute worst. If someone cuts me off or won't let me merge, I hunt them down like a mad woman and spit vulgarity that even makes me nervous to hear.
4. I cannot say that I particularly "like" any of my friends fully. I may love them, but that's a different matter.
5. I can honestly say that jealously is something I rarely fall victim to. I think it's a pointless emotion.
6. I used to do copious amounts of drugs when I was a young teenager. Now that I'm older, I think drugs are absolutely disgusting.
7. I have terribly anxiety about not being a perfectionist at work or in school. It's really, really annoying.
8. I am battling an illness that I will never get rid of.
9. I only have contact with two members of my entire family. The rest are either dead, in prison, or unfavorable people. It can get lonely, sometimes.
10. I love good, dry wine.
11. I lead a vegetarian diet, and I buy vegan products (clothing, make up products, cleaning products.) The most devastating thing I face daily, is that I can never save animals from the world of production, no matter how hard I try. Many of you may not sympathize with this, but please imagine yourself having a passion. Which we all have. Most of you can pursue that passion. My passion is to save animals. I can never, fully, obtain that.
12. I only want one child. I don't want to focus on anything else except that child and my husband of course. I generally get disgusted by people who have a slough of children. I can't imagine how they keep track of them, genuinely LISTEN to them....remember their favorite colors.....
13. I generally dislike people. If I don't dislike a person, I tend to love them completely. It's all or nothing.
14. I'm a fan of Moby. There. It's said.
15. My biggest dream (please insert laugh) is to swim with a whale in the wild. I heard it's a life changing experience.
16. I love to write. Poetry, prose, conscious stream, plays, or even just dialogue. It's probably my strongest forte.
17. I have been in far too many relationships. I've only actually enjoyed one of them.
18. I have 8 tattoos- seven small circles to represent the 7 deadly sins, an excerpt from T.S Eliot's "Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", a kodama from Princess Mononoke, an ouroboros, "1925" to represent the birth year of my Grandmother, lyrics from Radiohead's "Videotape", and an eagle feather on my chest to represent my Native American background and a hummingbird on my butt cheek!
19. I never, EVER have good dreams. I generally have terrible, eerie, sad dreams.
20. I love films. All about films. If you ever want to discuss them, message me. I'll dissect the **** out of them with you.
21. I've never seen the ocean.
22. I'm an atheist, but LOVE discussing religion. I think it's fascinating.
23. I always put ice in my wine.
24. Drinking out of a carton is disgusting, but farting in public isn't.
25. I think I was supposed to be an animal. Someone or something goofed up when they put me in a human body.

Honey and Salt 07-20-2013 11:45 AM


26. I always pretend like I'm not listening to my boyfriend when he tells a story or explains something. It's probably really frustrating to him, but I just think it's cute when he get so into something, so I want to hear it more.

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