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active 12-05-2004 02:57 PM

Did I hit a sore spot? I mean writing all that for little old me????!!!! You do post a lot and I was commenting on it...It obviously got to you otherwise you wouldn't have made yet another lengthy post on the site...

Raine 12-05-2004 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by active
Did I hit a sore spot? I mean writing all that for little old me????!!!! You do post a lot and I was commenting on it...It obviously got to you otherwise you wouldn't have made yet another lengthy post on the site...

I officially hate guys now.
All the cute ones who aren't *** and are half way decent human beings be damned.
This just isn't worth it.

Peace out.

active 12-05-2004 03:02 PM's not guys sweetie, it's me! :)

Raine 12-05-2004 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by active's not guys sweetie, it's me! :)

Are you on pms or something?
Worse, is this an attempt at flirting?

If I haven't said it before I'll say it again:
Guys. The reason girls screw other girls.

active 12-05-2004 03:07 PM

Flirting?! Ha, far from it...Erm, I came here to wind people up then I guess, did you even read my first thread!!!???!!! It's still on the first page f the emo forum so...And yes you have said "Guys. The reason girls screw other girls." and frankly I don't care who you screw jesus christ be a bloddy lesbian, I mean you like to stereotype I guess since you think all guys are the same?!!!!!!!!!!1

Raine 12-05-2004 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by active
Flirting?! Ha, far from it...Erm, I came here to wind people up then I guess, did you even read my first thread!!!???!!! It's still on the first page f the emo forum so...And yes you have said "Guys. The reason girls screw other girls." and frankly I don't care who you screw jesus christ be a bloddy lesbian, I mean you like to stereotype I guess since you think all guys are the same?!!!!!!!!!!1

Whoa. Hold on a minute. (I do not believe this is happening. Tengo mala suerte)

I do not stereotype. And I kinda sensed you weren't flirting although if you said yes I might be in a better mood right now. Because if you said yes that would make you the third guys within the past few dasy to hit on me. And if you're a girl (wich I know you aren't) you'd be the first this week.

And I am currently too emotionally unstable to date. And have been these past few months. It's the damned hormones though.

And I know all guys aren't the same.
Having said that I'll say this:
You'd think that since I am a girl I'd know what agirl wants. But to no avail.
And you'd think that because guys only had one hormone hat they'd all be one mood all the time. No such luck. In fact all guys are just as wierd and different as girls.
And the reason i say that phrase about guys the reason. . blah blah is because I think it is funny. it's one of the few jokes I can tell with a straight face actually.

I'm really not the funniest person in the world except when I'm angry and then no one knows because I've eiteh rkilled somebody or no one was paying attention.

And in an attempt to appease my wrongs here I'll give you a pretty funny joke:
what do you call a lesbian dinosaur?
a lick-a-lot-o-puss.

(And I am sorry for the misundertanding. I feel so verde right now it's unbelievable. And to make up for it I guess I can stop all this ranting since that seems to be your major malfunction in regards to me. And you are the most ambiguous person I've met in the past 8 days.)

active 12-05-2004 03:31 PM

Ok, cool...I'm gonna say something and I don't mean it in a nasty way, but are you quite insecure...sorry, but you seem it

Raine 12-05-2004 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by active
Ok, cool...I'm gonna say something and I don't mean it in a nasty way, but are you quite insecure...sorry, but you seem it

I say this through clenched teeth.

I am not insecure!!! I am sugar deprived and insane. And if you must know my mind has been in the gutter since we started to talk about dreams and such in psychology and since i discovered the fact that this guy, who I swear is shorter than me, can make my body feel these strange things even after I swore off all guys (sex too) until I was 27. And I think it is unfair that you and some other nameless individuals are depriving me of my nutter butters and my common sense. And I think that you are as ambiguous as they come. And the last time I checked, I hated guys this much so I dumped a tub of water ice on this guy for being an ass. And if it makes you feel better I don't have anything against guys (except when they're naked) I just have developed a fond hate for 4 guys in particular. One of them is not you. At least I don't think so.

And if it makes your ego bigger I added you to my buddy list. Although don't get too excited. I did it out of boredom and sadness because of what i did yesterday. And because I just checked the freezer and there is abosuletly no more ice cream in there. And I am about to eat the first thing that walks in that door unless it's cow meat or human flesh.
I too must contain myself and show some dignity even in my current state of insanity.

And it is because of people like you. As in ambiguous/ jerks/comedians/arrogant air heads (not that you neet all of those criteria) that I am the way I am today. Although today I'm just not me so it's not totally your fault.

And the next time I feel this crazy I will just go jump off the side of the planet and I hope I land on Pluto so I can colonize the place and be rid of ambiguous guys like yourself.
And I have developed a liking for the word ambiguous in case you haven't noticed.

And I am officially ceecee-dizzled out. I have officially lost contact with all the things that made me cool. And for that I am blaming you.
But don't worry. tomorrow will be better.

active 12-05-2004 03:55 PM

I'm sorry???????

Raine 12-05-2004 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by active
I'm sorry???????

Don't be. By tomorrow hopefully I will have had my nutter butter, played some hackey sack and maybe some frisbee, beat the crap outta James, hope this guy forgot what james said to this guy who I think I like, and maybe I'll have all my homework done, maybe I'll go to all my classes.
And the list goes on.

But seriously, despite all the ramblings I've done here today and the ramblings you've had to listen to, I genuinely like uuo because you're kinda funny.

And I might like you more once I got my nutter butter.

And what are you sorry for anyways? It's not like you're to blame for the fact that the last time I had a nutter butter was three days ago. It's not like you're the reason school exists.
Think of it this way. Tomorrow I will have massacred/slaughtered maybe even castrated 4 more guys. And one of them is one of my best friends.
You should feel lucky. Not sorry

Adios mi amigo nuevo
Just kididng. I just wanted to say that.

jesus 12-05-2004 04:52 PM

Adios mi amigo nuevo!=
Goodbye my new friend!

I rule.

Raine 12-05-2004 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by jesus
Adios mi amigo nuevo!=
Goodbye my new friend!

I rule.

I know what it means. I speak spanish. I just wanted to say that.
Today really isn't my day to live.

spearmint 12-05-2004 05:04 PM

me either...I think that guy, active hates me...I don't even know who the guy is, and I just saw a picture of a guy I was in love with for like 6 years...brings it all back...But I'm not going to go on about my day

jesus 12-05-2004 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Raine
I I speak spanish.

I don't.
Thats why I rule.

Raine 12-05-2004 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by jesus
I don't.
Thats why I rule.

no hablas espanol?
De donde eres?
hablas espanol bonito bueno para alguein que no sabe espanol

Me gusto espanol.
Es bella.
Ingles. dificil.

Well you should take spanish classes. It's a really nice language to know. And a lot easier than english

punk-4-life 05-06-2005 09:08 AM

Youth of today
Anti flag
New york dolls

The vandals
The casualties
Home grown
With broken wings
Sex pistols

irishpunkfan 05-09-2005 03:02 AM

Dead Kennedys
Agnostic Front
Dropkick Murphys

punk-4-life 05-09-2005 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Raine
no hablas espanol?
De donde eres?
hablas espanol bonito bueno para alguein que no sabe espanol

Me gusto espanol.
Es bella.
Ingles. dificil.

Well you should take spanish classes. It's a really nice language to know. And a lot easier than english

me pinche eat queso puta

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 05-09-2005 12:24 PM

N-no warning
A-anti flag
A-authority zero

lilbloodredridinghood 05-09-2005 12:31 PM

HEY I WANNA KILL SOME PEOPLE TOO, RAINE. We can team up and be the hot chicks that run around killing everyone. how does that sound? I have some people I'd like to cross off of my ****list.

lilbloodredridinghood 05-09-2005 12:38 PM

Led Zeppelin
Yngwie Malmsteen
Nine Inch Nails

All_Nite_Dinah 05-09-2005 02:49 PM

Death First
Asinine Solution
Verbal Abuse

.angie. 05-09-2005 04:13 PM

A- avenged sevenfold
N- nine inch nails
G- green day
I- interpol
E- evanesance

one in the same 05-09-2005 07:33 PM

D- Dead Kennedys
E- Electric Sex Circus
N- Nerf Herder
N- None More Black
I- Iggy and the Stooges
S- Swing Kids

Ensemble 05-09-2005 08:30 PM

A-uf der Maur

I should just shoot myself right now!

.angie. 05-09-2005 08:35 PM

D- dead poetic (i love them)
R- ricky martin.. lol
I- interpol
A- avenged sevenfold (love them too)
N- northstar

Ensemble 05-09-2005 08:41 PM

^Interpol is the only one I've heard of.

Ensemble 05-09-2005 08:42 PM

Oh, and Ricky too.

lilbloodredridinghood 05-09-2005 08:44 PM

Don't shoot yourself. I'm almost positive no one wants to clean up the mess you leave.

.angie. 05-09-2005 08:48 PM

its ok, ensemble.. its seems you are behind closed doors so you wouldnt know.;).. god im lame.

SlayeReyalS 05-09-2005 09:06 PM

Arch Enemy
Inside Recess
Enemy Within
Left In Ashes

damnit, i dont have an S in my name.

.angie. 05-09-2005 09:09 PM

lol. change your name to 'dansiel'

SlayeReyalS 05-09-2005 09:11 PM

no thanks

.angie. 05-09-2005 09:13 PM

yeah.. i wouldnt want to either.. dansiel reminds me of a g@y man for some reason, i dont know why.

SlayeReyalS 05-09-2005 09:54 PM

Dansiel reminds me of David Frost for some reason.

(david dont be offended by that because of the above post)

David Frost 05-09-2005 10:19 PM

david frost is not my real name, which is something ive said about 1000 times before. its the name of the best cd in the world by a band that very few of you kids have heard of.

SlayeReyalS 05-10-2005 09:23 AM

lol it would help if you posted the name up, unless you like to keep it anonymous because you're so cool and HxC

MobilizeTerror 05-11-2005 08:14 PM

Operation IVY
Dead Kennedys
Yesterdays Rising


Yea, I did my last name too. My name is short.

69jdawg69 05-13-2005 09:35 PM

J Jimi Hendrix
U Underoath
S Sublime
T Taking Back Sunday
I Iron Maiden
N Nofx

Hardcore_Guy 05-13-2005 10:39 PM

My Son My Executioner
Amon Amarth
Three Inches of Blood

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