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someone witty and well read,.....a jack of all trades,....someone who has alot of empathy, but isnt a wussy,.....not afraid to be goofy, but can be serious at the appropriate times,....
physically: taller than me, well porportant ,.....other than that, it just depends on the vibe i get same question |
A girl that has similair music taste as me. Who can play an instrument. A sense of humour, artistic,caring, witty, and smart.
Someone i can love forever. if only i were so lucky, well a boy can dream |
seductive, good sense of humour, attractive, intelligent, good conversation skills, good taste in music, open minded, not taller than me, nice ass, etc.
What personality traits turn you OFF of someone you might find physically attractive? |
loud, obnoxious, c.o.c.k.y...
Every guy I've dated recently has turned into this person. How long would you wait for food in a restraunt before just walking out? |
depends on whats goin on in the restraunt,...
i was a waitress all through high school and some of college so i'm really leaniant twards the food service industry,..... if its not busy and i ordered something uncomplicated, or am at a chain type joint 45 mins or so,..... more for a mom and pop type place that is busy,.... less for fine dineing how much do you tip? |
usually more than 20% depends on service. like today i ate at the good ol waffle shop and the lil guy was new and having a hard time my ticket was only 6 but i left him that, 6.
what's the nicest thing you have ever done for a stranger? |
I helped someone up after I pushed them over
What is your favorite punk band? |
Lol, Im not even gonna go there
What the best Bob Dylan song? |
Hmm, Cross The Green Mountain I think is my favorite.
What is your favorite color? |
Mm, I wouldn've never though of that song
Green. What is your favorite article of clothing? |
My Doobie Brothers shirt that I stole from my mom.
It's comfy where's the weirdest place you've ever woken up? |
in the front yard of the house three doors down from this party i was at, with a chicken on my head
whats the craziest thing you've ever done for money |
I drank a concotion of mayonaise, relish, ketchup, mustard and coke for 50 bucks....surprisingly I held it all down
what song describes your day so far? |
crybaby- janis jopplin,.....
how do i make this baby stop crying? |
dip your finger in some alcohol of your choice and rub it against the baby's gums that should work
what did you have for breakfast? |
i dont eat breakfast,.....
and i cant give this baby booze,.....but she did stop crying,.... what are you having for lunch? |
that's a bad practice to not eat breakfast.....anyways I probably won't eat a proper lunch.....maybe some chips and a soda til I get home for dinner
hehe don't mind me with the stop the baby from crying method it's an old school method used by my grandmother do you have anything planned for your next available free time? |
wait a second,....if i dont want to eat breakfast i dont have too,....and i'm perfectly healthy,.....and i only eat once a day
next free time, i'm gonna buy a new swimsuit whats the last book you read |
Bagombo Snuff Box by Kurt Vonnegut
have you ever stolen anything? |
have you ever been arrested? |
four times. i fought the law and the law won and is still winning.
what are you most afraid of? |
I thought I was scared of heights until I realised it wasn't the height that scared me , it was the ground.
What name would you like yourself to be called if you were born the opposite sex? |
do you like the sexual frustration? (the band or the other) |
the other- no. are you a cheater? |
Nope. Cheaters should die
Whats the best animal ever? |
cheetah's are rad.
If you could bring back someone from the dead who would it be? |
Hitler!! Then I'd kill him again... XD
What is your favorite brand of guitar? |
how was your day? |
i had a half day and spent it buying shoes whats your favorite movie? |
Donnie Darko
how old are you? |
What's your favorite music video? |
same question |
ur cock
same question and if you don't give a satisfactory answer I'll permaban you. |
Patrick Wolf........no wait.........yeah
*Is scared of getting banned* lets go for a nice question Whos better, Spiderman, or Batman? |
I would have The Cure redo the entire score of The Nightmare Before Christmas, that would just be brill.
How do they get the fig in the fig rolls?? (Be creative!!) |
they mash the figs in a large tub with their feets, put mashed figs into a squirt gun, and insert into the bread. not very creative, sorry.
what was the worst thing anybody has ever said to you? |
I'm not sure
whats your favorite flavor of frozen yogurt? |
hate em all
what is the mose annoying type of music to you? |
Death Metal
What are you doing for spring break? ( just started here) |
bud brownies or shrooms? |
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