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Fyrenza 09-27-2008 02:10 PM

my mother

raw or cooked?

anticipation 09-27-2008 07:14 PM


dream every night but have nightmares 3 times a week or never dream again?

Fyrenza 09-27-2008 07:42 PM

dream w/nightmares

luxury yacht or private jet?

Wifey Boozer 09-27-2008 08:33 PM

Neither, I prefer small little places, dingy apartments, etc. Boats are nice though. I have a sligh fear of flying.

Pills er Booze?

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-27-2008 08:40 PM

when i read your posts i feel like using both

theboozeisback dying in a fire or theboozeisback being crushed in an avalanche?

sleepy jack 09-27-2008 08:41 PM

To be honest I can't decide, can I say both?

theboozeisback getting shot in the face or theboozeisback being thrown in the ocean where rocks tied to her feet?

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-27-2008 08:42 PM

thrown in the ocean with rocks tied to her feet

theboozeisback being ripped apart by bears or theboozeisback being carried off and dropped from a great height by a massive bird?

sleepy jack 09-27-2008 08:43 PM

bears def.

sticking with the animal theme: theboozeisback being thrown to the sharks or theboozeisback being trampled by a herd of elephants?

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-27-2008 08:44 PM

thrown to the sharks

theboozeisback being tied to a skateboard and rolled off a cliff backwards or theboozeisback being dunked into a painful but not lethal tub of electrified water repeatedly?

sleepy jack 09-27-2008 08:46 PM

Jesus why not her being tied to a skateboard and rolled off a cliff backwards INTO a painful but not lethal tub of electrified water? But I guess I'll go with the second choice.

theboozeisback being charged and hit by rhinos or the wheels of a monster truck (w/ spikes on its wheels)?

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-27-2008 08:48 PM

charged by rhinos

theboozieisback being locked in a room full of hornets for a day or theboozeisback falling down a very long chimney?

sleepy jack 09-27-2008 08:49 PM


theboozeisback being dropped in a pit full of a variety of poison snakes or being put in a glass box full of poisonous spiders?

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-27-2008 08:51 PM

umm gonna have to go with the spiders.

theboozeisback being used as a baseball by robots or theboozeisback being lost in mexico for a year?

sleepy jack 09-27-2008 08:52 PM


theboozeisback dying by electrical chair or lethal injection?

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-27-2008 08:53 PM

electrical chair of course

theboozeisback being in a real life version of jurassic park or a real life version of silence of the lambs?

sleepy jack 09-27-2008 08:54 PM

Jurassic Park.

theboozeisback killed by Dahmer or killed by Gien?

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-27-2008 08:55 PM



sleepy jack 09-27-2008 08:56 PM

don't ban captain caveman!

paper or plastic?

Wifey Boozer 09-27-2008 09:03 PM

Plastic, good estrangulation that way. For you two I mean - yas are fuckin, right?

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-27-2008 09:08 PM

you didn't post anything to choose between

sleepy jack 09-27-2008 09:09 PM

Witty AND smart!

Wifey Boozer 09-27-2008 09:11 PM

Making a point or playing by the rules?

For five points. C'mon now.

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-27-2008 09:13 PM

depends how good your "point" is

Wifey Boozer 09-27-2008 09:18 PM

Are you saying you're impotent? You self-depricating humorist you?

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-27-2008 09:21 PM not really

Fyrenza 09-28-2008 02:36 AM

sleepyjack and captaincaveman locked in a room with theboozeisback

or SJ and CC locked in a room with miley cyrus?

Thrice 09-28-2008 02:47 AM


Stub your toe or a paper cut?

WWWP 09-28-2008 02:56 AM

*posting in epic thread.

sweet_nothing 09-28-2008 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by sleepy jack (Post 524818)
Jurassic Park.

theboozeisback killed by Dahmer or killed by Gien?


Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CAVEMAN (Post 524809)
thrown to the sharks

theboozeisback being tied to a skateboard and rolled off a cliff backwards or theboozeisback being dunked into a painful but not lethal tub of electrified water repeatedly?


Originally Posted by sleepy jack (Post 524815)

theboozeisback dying by electrical chair or lethal injection?


Originally Posted by sleepy jack (Post 524805)
To be honest I can't decide, can I say both?

theboozeisback getting shot in the face or theboozeisback being thrown in the ocean where rocks tied to her feet?


this really is the best stuff to ever be in this thread

devilz advocate 09-28-2008 07:34 PM

Do you snore?

simplephysics 09-28-2008 08:04 PM

How am I suppose to know that?

Bone Machine or Alice?

devilz advocate 10-01-2008 07:33 PM

Ask the p[person who slept with you.


Who influenced you to join in this forum?

WWWP 10-01-2008 09:21 PM

The power of google.


simplephysics 10-01-2008 09:22 PM



Fyrenza 10-02-2008 12:25 AM

nah ~ tomorrow

sticks or stones?

Zer0 10-06-2008 08:17 AM

Stones, better for breaking windows.

When was the last time you puked?

WWWP 10-06-2008 01:07 PM

About two months ago.
Friends wedding + open bar = puking.

If you were a tree, what kind would you be?

lucifer_sam 10-06-2008 01:58 PM

Joshua tree.

Sandals or slippers?

Molecules 10-06-2008 02:04 PM


Alien or Predator?

simplephysics 10-06-2008 02:52 PM


A country you would like to conquer?

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