![]() |
Definitely wig it out with something reminiscent of Little Mermaid hair.
If you were going to have a baby boy, what would you name him? |
William, because Willaim Wilson has a rather nice ring to it.
have a fridge that screams every time you open it, or Have a mirror that criticizes you ? |
I'd take the guys. Slutty as I may sound. I tend to get along with them better anyways.
If you were a fruit, which kind would you be and why? |
A banana... you could guess why.
Screaming "My Leprechaun is on fire" while running around nude on some street corner in the city or...being raped by a big black guy named tiny every day for two weeks. |
I think I'd run around nude but it's a tough choice tiny sounds like a sweet guy. In order to save the country, let every American pee in your ear, or live in outer space for a whole year with the only form of entertainment as Frogger? |
What a horrible question...
My mom of course. Jet Li or Bruce Lee?? |
Bruce Lee >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jet Li
Have an insanely bad lisp, or an insanely bad stutter? |
Lisps rule. Have a large dog's jaws permanently attached to your left buttcheek or have 15 everlasting warheads in your mouth for the rest of your life?
none of those.. movies: horror or love stories? |
Both. Mostly horror.
Are you allergic to anything unusual? |
I'm allergic to play-doh, lol.
Who was your favourite Transformer? |
Optimus Prime...duh.
If you were an africanized honey bee, and could only sting one person before you died, who would it be and why? |
ummm one of the Jonas Brothers
Have the monster from Cloverfield trying to kill you, or Javier Bardem from No Country for Old Men? |
Cloverfield Monster. I don't think you'd feel it much.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Why? |
Chicken, evolution
HAVE CAPS LOCK STUCK FOREVER, or havenospacebar? |
Incest or homo-sex? (if you're ***, feel free to substitute "hetero" in there) |
Homo. For sure.
If you were going to be stuck on a deserted island, which 5 albums, books, movies, people and foods would you take along? |
If you had to, would you rather be deaf or blind? |
Umm... myself?
If you have to choose a movie title for your life story, what would that be? |
neither I don't like gum.
If you could be a virtuoso at any instrument except guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, what would it be? |
if you could speak any language besides english fluently, what would it be? |
Have you ever been caught masterbating |
Several times. Damn old house with no locks.
Ever engage in phone-sex? |
Nope :-/
favorite bounty hunter? |
boba mutha ****ing fett
Sit next to an unshowered hobo, or a Mormon missionary on a cross country flight? |
I'm pretty sure I already have experienced both. Not quite cross country, but it felt like it. But I'd take the missionary, just because I have a tendency to gag at bad smells.
Who would you turn gay (or straight) for on MB? |
Noone http://e.deviantart.com/emoticons/b/bucktooth.gif
Who would you most like to see banned from the forums? |
any advertisers
menthol or regular? |
Regular. Camel filters to be precise.
Hiphopopotamus or Rhymenoceros? |
hungry hungry hippo
hippopotamus one of twins or one of quintuplets (5)? |
one of twins
Watch Doug all day, or watch Rocko's Modern Life all day? |
never heard of them
(i dont really watch tv) rancher or farmer? |
Farmer !
02 or Vodafone? |
digital cable phone
sweet or salty? |
i thought you had misspelled the words -- my bad the flight of the conchords is badass! |
RML all the way! |
Heaven or Hell? |
Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be.
Grieving Paul Newman's death or naw? :( |
Just found out :(
Who is the last person on earth you would want to be stuck on a destered island with? |
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