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TrampInaTux 02-01-2006 06:15 AM

The videogame thread
Like the title says-a thread to discuss videogames. Knock yourself out (not literally)

[MERIT] 02-01-2006 09:39 AM

i like the wwe:smackdown! series for ps2.

Spike*Spiegel 02-01-2006 12:05 PM

any in the legend of zelda series, final fantasy x, the silent hill series and the resident evil series 02-02-2006 06:27 AM

Command and Conquer on the PC is amazin.

I like the grand theft auto series on both the PC and playstation.

Also pro evolution soccer and gran turismo

TrampInaTux 02-02-2006 01:32 PM

Pro Evo is good, I just got a 360 aswell. You should get one-it is brilliant. I used to like the Smackdown games but then they just got boring.

Shooting Star 02-02-2006 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by
Command and Conquer on the PC is amazin.

I like the grand theft auto series on both the PC and playstation.

True dat dogg. I have Red Alert 2 on my computer right now and enjoy a game when I'm bored. And GTA are just great.

TrampInaTux 02-02-2006 01:55 PM

GTA are good when you're bored. Easy to pick up and play. I don't ever try and do missions, only when I'm REALLY bored. I just usually get home then just have a quick game before hitting the sack.

riseagainstrocks 02-02-2006 03:28 PM

my game: HALO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am (not to brag) quite good at it.

I'm also really into the Dynasty Warriors, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Gemna Onimusha games

EDGE 02-02-2006 03:48 PM

video games suck when you lose everytime .. with .. every game.

TrampInaTux 02-03-2006 12:01 PM

Yeah Halo kicks ass and I DO suck at it. EDGE you're not alone at sucking at games-even though I do like them it don't mean I'm any good at them:)

Shooting Star 02-03-2006 12:41 PM

I'm fairly good at videogames... I've been playing since I was little and my mom bought me a NEs (****ing s) with the original Mario. I've had years of practice and my fingers are so much more dexterous than any other part of my body.

TrampInaTux 02-03-2006 12:45 PM

I'm alright I was just downplaying my greatness. It depends on games. I'm good at some, then terrible at others. There are only a few that I am average at. With me it's all or nothing. I've been playing Dead or Alive and I'm pretty good at that, and I'm good at Project Gotham Racing 3.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 02-03-2006 01:38 PM

my games are a total waste of time. my friends little brother is in 6th grade and about 60 pounds overweight. why?? because he plays video games non stop. utterly pointless....and a waste of time. he's got a perfectly nice guitar that he never plays. instead...he spends hours playing doom 3.


anyways...when im not feeling so annoyed....i do enjoy ( no nerd) counter strike. i only play it at my friends house though, seeing as i dont really have my own internet at home. but...its always fun. sometimes ill play a little madden with my friends..but i usually quit after about 5 minutes because i get so bored.

TrampInaTux 02-03-2006 01:44 PM

I got an Xbox randomly for Christmas, I just didn't know what to have so I asked for that. I got Xbox Live for it aswell which was a bonus. Now I'm not a dork, but i swear to you xbox Live is really fun. It sounds like a really dorky thing to enjoy, which it probably is, but I really enjoy it. I haven't played it now for like 2 months, but when my subscription runs out I'll probably get it upgraded. I never thought I'd enjoy it that much, just thought I'd try it out. But now I have tried it out you can see what all the fuss is over. A few of my friends have it aswell which always helps. It's only there for when I'm bored-and as soon as I'm mega bored I'll just have a quick go. Which helps over those sleepy Sundays with nothing better to do.

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-03-2006 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe
my games are a total waste of time. my friends little brother is in 6th grade and about 60 pounds overweight. why?? because he plays video games non stop. utterly pointless....and a waste of time. he's got a perfectly nice guitar that he never plays. instead...he spends hours playing doom 3.

As soon as he notices girls & that playing a guitar impresses them the 60 pounds will come off & the guitar will start getting used.And the games will go in the bin

Or at least I did ....eventually

TrampInaTux 02-03-2006 01:46 PM

Oh yeah and PTS, it wasn't videogames that made that kid overweight-it was EATING. And doing no exercise. Sure, videogames probably helped towards that, but you could say the same about computers. Computers make more people fat than videogames.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 02-03-2006 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
As soon as he notices girls & that playing a guitar impresses them the 60 pounds will come off & the guitar will start getting used.And the games will go in the bin

Or at least I did ....eventually

i hope so for the sake of his health. hes a good kid...but..ya know..

and yes hobo, i realize that. but if you saw how much he just sits around, plays video games and vegitates, you would understand what im talking about.

Shooting Star 02-03-2006 01:55 PM

If someone complains about being fat, tell them to stop eating. I know a metabolism and excercise and healthy bull**** all works, but if you want to not be fat - don't eat.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 02-03-2006 02:18 PM

thats beside the point. the point i was making was that video games hugely contribute to obesity in america. not eating has nothing to do with that.

Shooting Star 02-03-2006 02:33 PM

Not eating = no obesity.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 02-03-2006 05:25 PM

not eating = getting sick

eating just enough + getting excersize + not spending hours a day sitting around = no obesity.

TrampInaTux 02-04-2006 03:36 AM

The kid obviously doesn't care about getting fat and if he wants to play videogames all the time then he'll play videogames all the time. He's working himself into an early grave, but the kid enjoys it so he's going to do it. Some kids spend all their time playing sport, and live, breath, eat and sleep sport. It just happens to be that sport is good exercise and videogames are not. You can tell the kid to stop playing games and he'll say no-the same way that if you tell a kid to stop doing sport he'll say no. t's just unlucky that his favourite hobby is sitting on his ass all day playing videogames. Everyone has different hobbies. He obviously likes games and would put them over his health any day. So if he wants to do that, then he will do it and you can't change what he likes and what he doesn't like.

.angie. 02-07-2006 07:53 AM

ZELDA! Bitch..

'Cause it is the shit. Yep.

QueenNothing 02-06-2007 10:04 AM


DontRunMeOver 02-06-2007 10:06 AM

^That game is silly. Just play the guitar instead!

QueenNothing 02-08-2007 09:29 AM

Yes, but its addictive!

just for kicks 02-09-2007 12:34 AM

Zelda kick ass! but also kingdom hearts on ps2 is so awesome

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