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View Poll Results: Do you like electronica with vocals or not?
Aidan_Grant92, Animus4Music, Aux-In, Bill, breakscape, calcol28, cccc07, cinnichozel, Circe, constantino_chr, cruzcontrol, cutizil, DefinitelyaQO, DJ Marx, donteatsoap77, DrakeOwens, ehinesleyrusty, Elnino, Explendidos, FaSho, InfamousKing013, Inna Selez, Jackless, Jade_Monkey07, jaliyworld, JezzaTheTurnip, Justthefacts, Kedvesem, Kronotrope, llogann, lorenzosa3, Malibu, Markn, MasterCrash, matiasendoor, max_nin, midnight rain, misspoptart, Mon4ster, Newkie, Piat Fanda, ProxyNOM, PsycoBunny, reisenudongein, SamGalaxy, scleaves, scofildo, shamir9900, Skrillriod2000, takesessions, thaihue1988, William_the_Bloody, wolv, yeseyadol, YonathanZ, Zhanteimi, _Music4Life_
57 |
36.31% |
No Vocals
905SteelCity, Amphoteric, Brainvoyager, CanwllCorfe, Carpe Mortem, Chaos Formed, Charlesmagne, Chula Vista, crazed, Crudivore, csf101, Dude111, electronic space, EPOCH6, FrigginParadox, Gollyard, GrapeApe, IAmJustAWeirdo, JasonSomethi Ng, jparade, juan_mccoy, Kaesiya, Kartoffelbrei, Khrompot, ladyislingering, Long Haired Sucka, Machine, MasterBaggins, Menro, Mister Jip, mtvboys, neveni75, Nikole2718, Pandovski, Pet_Sounds, PneumaticBasher, rich0517, Richard Feltcher, Roemilca, Sequoioideae, Shiko, sidewinder, SonicAnalysis, taylorzach, TechnoKitten, Trillian, Tristan_Geoff, wiggums, zinia7
49 |
31.21% |
No preference
Angel3010, badweatha, baldrick_sheep, Blank., C Cylinder, CelestialDancer, ChristianCaicedo, Chrysalis, ChuckleBerry Finn, Cmontmeny, daveholden, DeadChannel, derek, DesertFox, djchameleon, Djduff738, djgaryk, DoesntReallyMatter, feed, FETCHER., Franco Pepe Kalle, James, Janszoon, JennyOndioline, joeybarten, JustinHayward, Khronss, kibbeh, lcsanjuan, Lu-Cuss, Mantis, MaorBezalel, Moncters, Mr. Sir, musicsbiggestfan, NovasoniC, Oriphiel, Overcast, Plainview, PopDroid, RoemerMW, RubberBox, Scarlett O'Hara, Sound4me, sprockett, The Bullet, The Official Melodies, wickedlk, Zenith12, Zer0, ZRFTS
51 |
32.48% |