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PoorOldPo 04-24-2013 06:59 AM

I love boc.

sidewinder 04-29-2013 01:07 PM

Hey it's officially official. Hell has frozen over. Tomorrow's Harvest comes out in June, nearly 8 years after their last album.

Dayvan Cowboy 04-29-2013 06:04 PM

I nearly had a seizure when I saw this. First MBV, now BOC? it's coming out around my birthday. better go beg for the pre order!

Though I do have an issue with the fact that everybody's going to have insane expectations. these guys have been effectively dead to the music world for like, a decade, and now out of nowheres they're releasing codes and a preorder. It's nice to see a band that formed my musical taste come back to life, though.

Sequoioideae 04-29-2013 07:26 PM

I get off work to see this, a shame it comes at a less savory point in my life, but I'll take what I can get. I just hope this album won't be associated with negative memories in the future. Also, to celebrate, I'll post my favorite song at the moment.

RVCA 04-29-2013 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy (Post 1313289)
I nearly had a seizure when I saw this. First MBV, now BOC? it's coming out around my birthday. better go beg for the pre order!

Though I do have an issue with the fact that everybody's going to have insane expectations. these guys have been effectively dead to the music world for like, a decade, and now out of nowheres they're releasing codes and a preorder. It's nice to see a band that formed my musical taste come back to life, though.

My expectations are this: I ****ing love everything they've ever done, including Trans-Canada Highway and Campfire Headphase. It's not that my expectations are high, it's just that I think it may be impossible for them to make something I dislike, and I think a lot of people feel the same way. I also fully expect them to continue in the direction of Campfire Headphase (songs that are more cohesive and melody-based), which the purists and elitists will surely lament, and I do not.


Originally Posted by Always (Post 1313307)
I get off work to see this, a shame it comes at a less savory point in my life, but I'll take what I can get. I just hope this album won't be associated with negative memories in the future. Also, to celebrate, I'll post my favorite song at the moment.

Yeah, that's a good one. My current favorite is

misspoptart 05-01-2013 05:48 AM

This song changed my life, and my high school crush always listened to this group. I'm curious about the new album, indeed...:)

In fact, in 2005 or so when I hung out with a group of older boys (I was 14), my musical horizons exploded. Suddenly, Boom Bip, Squarepusher, and DJ Shadow entered my vocabulary...

PoorOldPo 05-01-2013 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Always (Post 1313307)
I get off work to see this, a shame it comes at a less savory point in my life, but I'll take what I can get. I just hope this album won't be associated with negative memories in the future. Also, to celebrate, I'll post my favorite song at the moment.

This song has always reminded me of my childhood.

Sequoioideae 05-23-2013 01:53 PM

New song is out, really enjoying it so far.

Dayvan Cowboy 05-23-2013 03:45 PM

you beat me to it alex! I'm so happy they rose from the dead. this song alone was worth the seven year wait!
It's very brian eno, and it has amazing layering. They're really good at contrast when it comes to sound. they always have crispy crackly drums over floaty synth lines.

Zer0 05-23-2013 04:11 PM

Their new song is amazing and if it's any indication of what's to come on this new album then it's going to be well worth the wait. Goddamn those synths sound good. I can't quite put my finger on the mood of the track, it feels tense and relaxing at the same time. The video sums it up nicely, it's like I'm lying on grass relaxing while staring up at clouds moving quickly overhead as if time has sped up.

duga 05-23-2013 04:20 PM'm not disappointed about that song at all. It's definitely Boards of Canada-esque but they definitely have changed their sound a bit from The Campfire Headphase. It's got just a hint of the nostalgic vibe they like to put in their music and definitely sound more foreboding (which goes with the cover and album title, I'd say). I just hope they haven't completely abandoned the use of live instruments just because a lot of the fans got pissed about it...personally I think it added to their music brilliantly. Either way, I think I'll be pretty happy, though.

Dayvan Cowboy 05-23-2013 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 1323372)'m not disappointed about that song at all. It's definitely Boards of Canada-esque but they definitely have changed their sound a bit from The Campfire Headphase. It's got just a hint of the nostalgic vibe they like to put in their music and definitely sound more foreboding (which goes with the cover and album title, I'd say). I just hope they haven't completely abandoned the use of live instruments just because a lot of the fans got pissed about it...personally I think it added to their music brilliantly. Either way, I think I'll be pretty happy, though.

Their usage of guitars is brilliant! i can't believe people didn't like it!

duga 05-23-2013 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy (Post 1323373)
Their usage of guitars is brilliant! i can't believe people didn't like it!

I didn't understand the backlash at all. I think it was the next logical step to their sound and it added to the feeling that they've been trying to evoke since the mid-90's. I'm almost thinking that's why they may have moved on from that happy nostalgic vibe and moved to more serious sounds...The Campfire Headphase was a masterpiece of the moods they were trying to get across.

Sequoioideae 05-23-2013 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 1323377)
I didn't understand the backlash at all. I think it was the next logical step to their sound and it added to the feeling that they've been trying to evoke since the mid-90's. I'm almost thinking that's why they may have moved on from that happy nostalgic vibe and moved to more serious sounds...The Campfire Headphase was a masterpiece of the moods they were trying to get across.

They've used guitars in their music before anyone even really started to pick up on them. If I recall correctly, they didn't exactly start out with synths, drum machines, and samplers when they started making music together.

Dark Horse 05-23-2013 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Always (Post 1323328)

New song is out, really enjoying it so far.

Oh man, this is amazing! I'm loving the uneasiness the song creates.

debaserr 05-24-2013 09:49 PM

I really like the new song and I'm glad it's not just pure ambience.

Sequoioideae 05-24-2013 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by eric generic (Post 1323954)
I really like the new song and I'm glad it's not just pure ambience.

Keep in mind this is a single, and the rest of the album might be tributes to John Cage and silence.

RVCA 05-25-2013 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Always (Post 1323965)
Keep in mind this is a single, and the rest of the album might be tributes to John Cage and silence.

9.4/10 best new music

Justthefacts 05-25-2013 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 1324057)
9.4/10 best new music

That's what pitchfork gave their new album?

Dark Horse 05-26-2013 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Slow Groove (Post 1324221)
That's what pitchfork gave their new album?

Regardless of how good it is, it's either going to get that or a 6.8

Justthefacts 05-27-2013 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dark Horse (Post 1324351)
Regardless of how good it is, it's either going to get that or a 6.8

Why a 6.8? That's such a direct score

Zer0 05-28-2013 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 1324057)
9.4/10 best new music


Originally Posted by Dark Horse (Post 1324351)
Regardless of how good it is, it's either going to get that or a 6.8

I don't care what this album gets from Pitchfork or any media source as they're usually full of shit anyway. The best judge of the album is yourself and when the time comes all that should matter to you is your own perspective on it.

Still can't fucking wait though. No sign of a proper leak yet, not that I'm impatient or anything ;)

sidewinder 05-28-2013 04:12 PM

Still hoping it gets an early digital release.

Zer0 05-28-2013 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by sidewinder (Post 1325634)
Still hoping it gets an early digital release.

I've noticed a lot of albums propping up on Spotify early before the official release. Wonder if they will do the same?

Sequoioideae 05-28-2013 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Zer0 (Post 1325637)
I've noticed a lot of albums propping up on Spotify early before the official release. Wonder if they will do the same?

"Reach For The Dead" became available to people who pre-ordered the new album before it appeared on spotify.

Dark Horse 05-29-2013 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Slow Groove (Post 1325227)
Why a 6.8? That's such a direct score

Because there's a chance that they might try to act all contrarian about it, like they did with discovery and other albums. By pitchfork standards, 6.8 is pretty bad.

Zer0 05-29-2013 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Always (Post 1325741)
"Reach For The Dead" became available to people who pre-ordered the new album before it appeared on spotify.

I got that track alright when I pre-ordered the CD. I'm going to keep a close eye on Spotify to see if anything props up closer to the release date.

RVCA 05-29-2013 06:31 PM

I pre-ordered the vinyl. Gonna blast that **** on release day thanks to Amazon's release-day delivery

sidewinder 06-03-2013 11:06 AM

In case you didn't know, BoC is live streaming the new album today at Check the FB event for times:

Sequoioideae 06-03-2013 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by sidewinder (Post 1327763)
In case you didn't know, BoC is live streaming the new album today at Check the FB event for times:

Damn, I missed the live event because of work. Being an adult sucks.

So, I'm guessing people recorded the stream, and the album has leaked now?

Justthefacts 06-04-2013 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Zer0 (Post 1325632)
I don't care what this album gets from Pitchfork or any media source as they're usually full of shit anyway. The best judge of the album is yourself and when the time comes all that should matter to you is your own perspective on it.

Still can't fucking wait though. No sign of a proper leak yet, not that I'm impatient or anything ;)

They're not really that full of shit. Critics tend to have an understanding of what bad music and good music is. If you had to choose between one album that's panned by media sources or one that's adorned, you'd pick latter.

sidewinder 06-04-2013 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Sequoioideae (Post 1327950)
Damn, I missed the live event because of work. Being an adult sucks.

So, I'm guessing people recorded the stream, and the album has leaked now?

Well, a recording of the stream is leaked. It comes out in Japan tomorrow so I suppose some real rips will surface then. I'm surprised Warp hasn't released the digital downloads yet, in light of the innevitable stream recordings.

I also missed the stream event. It was on at 1pm my time, I had a meeting from 12-1pm that ran a few minutes late, and then some distractions from other colleagues. I was not going to start listening to this album anywhere but at the beginning. I'm also not going to bother with a stream recording, so I guess I'm waiting.

Warp does tend to release digital files a bit ahead of the scheduled release, so really it could be any day. I doubt I'll have to wait till next Monday/Tuesday.

Sequoioideae 06-05-2013 04:34 PM

So, I broke down and got a digital copy of soulseek (320kbs) which isn't bad at all, and it sounds pretty great. But seriously, I'm really digging the new album, it feels a lot darker than previous endeavors, a lot punchier. It feels less organic, more in focus, less crackles, more attention to production. The songs are also a lot shorter, only one going a little over 6 minutes, which I don't particularly like. I like how expansive their longer tracks are, and it feels almost like someone pulling away a large slice of cake and leaving you with half with this release. I feel that the "cake" itself is a bit more rich and detailed than previous cakes, so it's more of a quality over quantity thing I guess. As for the songs themselves, I really like "Reach For The Dead", "Cold Earth", "Palace Posy" and "Semena Mertvykh".

Anyone else have the chance to give it a listen yet?

Zer0 06-05-2013 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Slow Groove (Post 1328228)
They're not really that full of shit. Critics tend to have an understanding of what bad music and good music is. If you had to choose between one album that's panned by media sources or one that's adorned, you'd pick latter.

Granted there are some great journalists out there. But the amount of times in the past that I've let myself be influenced by a glowing review of an album only to be completely let down. Also the amount of times I've seen an album I really enjoy get an indifferent response by a critic who can't tell his ass from his mouth. In short, I've learned long ago not to let myself become too influenced by the media and to have my own understanding of what bad music and good music is.

I haven't listened to the new album yet. I'm waiting for my CD to arrive in the post but I'll probably give it a listen on Spotify before that.

sidewinder 06-08-2013 09:56 PM

Digital files are available on Bleep now. Just downloaded mine, but probably won't be able to listen till tomorrow.

Dayvan Cowboy 06-12-2013 10:57 AM

Oh my goodness I'm not disappointed at all with this album. Its good stuff

Sequoioideae 06-13-2013 06:11 PM

So, I just listened to the whole album again on my turntable, full blast, headphones, no EQ meddling, and damn, "Semena Mertvykh" is making my head tingle and rattle. Has anyone got their vinyl copy yet besides me?

debaserr 06-13-2013 10:18 PM

I love hearing Boards of Canada albums once.

Dayvan Cowboy 06-14-2013 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Sequoioideae (Post 1332020)
So, I just listened to the whole album again on my turntable, full blast, headphones, no EQ meddling, and damn, "Semena Mertvykh" is making my head tingle and rattle. Has anyone got their vinyl copy yet besides me?

got it the morning the record store opened! there were five other people waiting, too, which was scary because the record store only had five copies. luckily nobody else came and nobody took two copies.

P.S. palace posy is the ****

Zer0 06-14-2013 03:16 PM

My CD arrived yesterday. The album sounded really good on first listen and sounds even better the more you listen to it. With all the endless hype and speculation over the past few years this album had a lot to live up to. It doesn't disappoint and was well worth the wait. Definitely an album for the headphones and one to turn up nice and LOUD.

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