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Dumbpat 12-28-2011 04:00 PM

Skrillex:Yay, or Nay?
I'm do not have biased opinions on Skrillex, I just want to see what people's perspectives are. So, what do you think of him?

Chikablam 12-28-2011 06:07 PM

Personally I think Skrillex has gone downhill. At the risk of sounding like a hipster douche, his old stuff is much better. His latest EP, bangarang, is nothing special, but then if you go back to his stuff like Reptile's Theme and Slats Slats Slats, they're so much better.

But I'd say Skrillex is a yay.

CanwllCorfe 12-28-2011 06:08 PM

I liked him at first. I keep tabs on EDM, so when Dubstep came along, it was neat. It wasn't like anything else I'd listened to. Once it started becoming more and more popular and started to be played everywhere and by everyone, I began to get sick of it. Skrillex was one of the guys who was really at the forefront of it all. I stopped listening to his music, since I heard him everywhere, and slowly stopped listening to Dubstep in its entirety. Well, the brostep stuff anyway. What I enjoy listening to was the topic for my latest blog post.

Unrelenting 12-31-2011 02:32 PM

He's fun to listen to. Though, I wouldn't play his stuff (or any brostep for that matter) all the time or anything

Farfisa 12-31-2011 10:42 PM

I mean, wouldn't you hate him as well?

Freebase Dali 12-31-2011 10:58 PM

Mrd00d 01-01-2012 08:14 PM

The first thing I ran into when I checked out Skrillex... the first song I checked out... had DJ Shadow's Organ Donor played almost in its entirety followed by 45-60 seconds of very random dubstep whompstep brostep. I mean, he didn't even remix the song, or 'sample' it. He played DJ Shadow's song, slapped a drop on the end of it, and gave it a name and put it out. That was flabbergasting enough. Then I find that all of his songs are pretty lame. I couldn't find one track I would like to hear on multiple listens. Big no vote here. And yea, I'm a dubstep fan, but I'll stick to Benga, Skream, Distance, and the like instead..

Unicr0n 01-02-2012 05:47 AM

The music, if I ignore the IRRITATINGLY large amount of it I hear on a day to day basis, and just listen to it objectively, is alright. 'My Name Is Skrillex' is a pretty solid track, as is 'Kill Everybody' or whatever the hell it's called. It's good background music. The man himself irritates the piss out of me. Mostly it's those obnoxious ****ing glasses.

I mean really, who needs glasses that goddamn big?

KMS 01-02-2012 03:07 PM


Unrelenting 01-03-2012 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Chikablam (Post 1137915)
Personally I think Skrillex has gone downhill. At the risk of sounding like a hipster douche, his old stuff is much better. His latest EP, bangarang, is nothing special, but then if you go back to his stuff like Reptile's Theme and Slats Slats Slats, they're so much better.

But I'd say Skrillex is a yay.

I dunno, Right In is a pretty sweet song. So's Bangarang

Atrocious 01-04-2012 09:02 PM

I'm down with some of his stuff. Dude looks like a chick...comes off as a b*tch too. Some of his tracks are cool though-remixes on his **** are better. Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites is a lame track on it's own but there's several good remixes. Same with Kill Everybody or ****ing Die. Can't say I'd BUY any of it.

14232949 01-05-2012 05:41 PM

definition of a f.aggot

His music ****ing sucks, and his fans are the worlds largest collection of douchebags.

His post-hardcore band he was in prior to his heel turn was pretty decent to be fair, but his 'Skrillex' material is ear-splitting.

Frownland 01-05-2012 05:53 PM

He is okay, sometimes yay, sometimes nay.

Atrocious 01-05-2012 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by mankycaaant (Post 1140229)
definition of a f.aggot

His music ****ing sucks, and his fans are the worlds largest collection of douchebags.

His post-hardcore band he was in prior to his heel turn was pretty decent to be fair, but his 'Skrillex' material is ear-splitting.

Minor correction Kanye West's fans are the the worlds largest collection of douchebags.

14232949 01-05-2012 06:57 PM

You were saying?

Farfisa 01-05-2012 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by mankycaaant (Post 1140290)

I hope they kill themselves. Rampant fanboyism is what kills music.

GuitarBizarre 01-06-2012 04:33 AM

Skrillex is great, stop trying to be cool.

I mean, you guys do realise how many of you are just saying effectively "Its everywhere[read:popular] now it sucks"?

Skrillex makes some really good stuff. Everyone can point out other dubstep artists that are good, (Fonik, Cyberoptics, Calderon, Curious Kontrol, etc), but to me they're either on the same level or slightly below. Curious Kontrol for example is pretty good, but also nothing incredible. Cyberoptics is incredible, and Fonik is probably my favourite artist right now, but none of them are really better than skrillex, they just emphasise things differently. Skrillex emphasises the drop. Fonik does too, but he also emphasises the samples. etc

LoathsomePete 01-06-2012 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by mankycaaant (Post 1140290)

He misspelled Slayer.

Janszoon 01-06-2012 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1140470)
He misspelled Slayer.

I thought the same thing when I saw that. :laughing:

Unrelenting 01-06-2012 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1140470)
He misspelled Slayer.,r:1,s:0

starrynight 01-06-2012 01:09 PM

First EP was ok and I could enjoy some of it a lot, second wasn't good at all. Haven't heard the 3rd yet. So I wouldn't say Skrillex is particularly special, but not entirely without worth either. Definitely not worth all the apparent hype though.

Mrd00d 01-06-2012 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre (Post 1140418)
Skrillex is great, stop trying to be cool.

I mean, you guys do realise how many of you are just saying effectively "Its everywhere[read:popular] now it sucks"?

Skrillex makes some really good stuff. Everyone can point out other dubstep artists that are good, (Fonik, Cyberoptics, Calderon, Curious Kontrol, etc), but to me they're either on the same level or slightly below. Curious Kontrol for example is pretty good, but also nothing incredible. Cyberoptics is incredible, and Fonik is probably my favourite artist right now, but none of them are really better than skrillex, they just emphasise things differently. Skrillex emphasises the drop. Fonik does too, but he also emphasises the samples. etc

Benga, Skream, Distance, Excision are far above Skrillex. Skrillex is sitting one half step below Borgore. And Borgore put himself on a low bar on purpose. What's Skrillex's excuse? He's like the clown of dubstep. Money grab.

GuitarBizarre 01-06-2012 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1140554)
Benga, Skream, Distance, Excision are far above Skrillex. Skrillex is sitting one half step below Borgore. And Borgore put himself on a low bar on purpose. What's Skrillex's excuse? He's like the clown of dubstep. Money grab.

Really? Because I've never heard any Benga that made me go "WOW"

Admittedly, haven't looked at much, but the point stands. Send me some benga that'll make me **** my pants.

Unrelenting 01-07-2012 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1140554)
Benga, Skream, Distance, Excision are far above Skrillex. Skrillex is sitting one half step below Borgore. And Borgore put himself on a low bar on purpose. What's Skrillex's excuse? He's like the clown of dubstep. Money grab.

below borgore? Really? I find boregore's stuff to be just terrible..

The Bullet 01-07-2012 10:11 AM

New EP isn't that great and I feel like his other stuff is much more original ("Right On Time" is an execption), but aside from that, he's awesome. I really don't think he would get half the hate if he didn't call himself dubstep. The hate comes from people who expect him to sound like Skream, who's also a genius, but Skream is Skream and Skrillex is Skrillex. "My Name Is Skrillex" and "With You, Friends" are a couple of my favorite songs that are actually on his EP's (I really recommend that anyone who hasn't heard his non-brosteppy stuff listens to the later, it's quite an accomplishment of composition as opposed to his usual stuff which is quite an accomplishment of production, soundscaping and replicating the sounds of breaking headphones.) For the songs that are released individually, I have to agree that his older stuff is better.

GB is right that most of you guys are saying "now that he's popular, he isn't good." You guys better get use to him, because I have the feeling he's nowhere near done rising yet, for the better or worse. If he continues to head downhill like he did with this EP, than I can easily see it being for the worse. All that being said, I can't stand the music he made with From First To Last (or almost any screamo for that matter) so he's had his ups and downs in my eyes and I can easily see him rebounding.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-07-2012 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by mankycaaant (Post 1140290)

Someone please tell me this is some internet meme where you can write whatever you like on the guys arm.

Mrd00d 01-07-2012 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Unrelenting (Post 1140792)
below borgore? Really? I find boregore's stuff to be just terrible..

I find Borgore's stuff to be terrible too. Borgore finds his stuff terrible I think. And then there's Skrillex, one step below Borgore. That's what I'm saying. :D

@GB I haven't even been keeping up with dubstep, and to plug some of my favorites of Benga's tunes at this point probably wouldn't give you a WOW reaction... but I'd like to throw up this example anyway. This is the chillin' jam.

Maybe your not looking for chillin. Maybe you want in your face dubstep... My favorite dubstep is the more mellow, like Distance. I get a kick out of crazy drops but I don't listen to that stuff regularly...

Might as well throw this one out.. This is the first dubstep tune that blew me away a few years ago

PoorOldPo 01-07-2012 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Farfisa (Post 1140346)
I hope they kill themselves. Rampant fanboyism is what kills music.

Oh come on. Fanboyism is a massive problem. But wishing death on people is just silly and childish. Your not going to make people realise they are wrong by wishing death upon them aggressively stating that you are right.

Unrelenting 01-07-2012 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1140839)
I find Borgore's stuff to be terrible too. Borgore finds his stuff terrible I think. And then there's Skrillex, one step below Borgore. That's what I'm saying. :D

@GB I haven't even been keeping up with dubstep, and to plug some of my favorites of Benga's tunes at this point probably wouldn't give you a WOW reaction... but I'd like to throw up this example anyway. This is the chillin' jam.

Maybe your not looking for chillin. Maybe you want in your face dubstep... My favorite dubstep is the more mellow, like Distance. I get a kick out of crazy drops but I don't listen to that stuff regularly...

Might as well throw this one out.. This is the first dubstep tune that blew me away a few years ago

i realize that's what you're saying. To my ears Boregore sounds so much worse than any dubstep artist I've heard. Like there's nothing redeeming about it. Skrillex is at least decent in my books

GuitarBizarre 01-07-2012 05:17 PM

MrD00d - See, I don't actually think that benga track is that great.

Because it doesn't do this.

Scatta - Skrillex (Ft. Bare Noize & Foreign Beggars) (HD) - YouTube

or this.

Mrd00d 01-07-2012 10:44 PM

That Scatta link is broken but Foreign Beggars are dope and that Fonik track is pretty good. Dubstep is getting more intricate and that's cool. Those Benga tracks are both years old now. May as well be ages old at the rate music comes out and evolves. I guess we lay down our arms at this point and say to each their own b/c I'd rather listen to a Distance or Benga track but I gotta admit I do have a bone to pick with Skrillex which I mentioned earlier (ripping a DJ Shadow track straight and then throwing a drop on the end and not even mentioning DJ Shadow even though he played the track in just about its entirety...Oh it's called Amplifier btw)

and that's why I'm $hitting on him.

At least on the youtube video a top comment says that its DJ Shadow but otherwise you wouldn't know. And someone else asks how is it Skrillex and Diplo, where does Diplo come in when its "obviously DJ Shadow and Skrillex". But I have to wonder how grabbing a pre-existing track, not altering it at all, and then slapping a drop after its over (that doesn't really relate), and putting it out as your own bodes with you?

GuitarBizarre 01-08-2012 05:11 AM

The thing is I actually don't like foreign beggars. I think they ruin that song by being there.

AmazingPurpleCat 01-10-2012 01:53 AM


Atrocious 01-24-2012 09:23 AM

Skrillex, YAY!

dzi 01-24-2012 11:36 AM

Nay. Btw he'll be supporting The Prodigy (if they don't change their mind haha) this summer on Exit fest in Serbia, so when they announced that on facebook that Skillrex kid got humiliated a bunch of times (i mean dozens).

DjBenda 01-30-2012 02:33 PM

i like skrillex alot 1 of the best dubstep creators ever ...

Mrd00d 01-30-2012 06:48 PM

That's a stretch. In fact, I think that's hilarious.

muzikaljurnee 02-03-2012 12:58 AM

Skrillex is a disgrace.. The fact he was represented at the grammies proves how screwed some areas of the music business are.....

Farfisa 02-03-2012 02:15 AM

Dude, the music industry has been like that since it's fucking inception. Get used to it already.

Goofle 02-03-2012 04:51 AM

I bet one day they put money-making ahead of actual talent... Imagine...

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