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Old 01-05-2010, 02:07 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Gilles Peterson - Eclectic Sessions Vol 2


NeoJazz, Nu Jazz, Electronica, Jazz. Please advise, Gilles Peterson is not strictly an artist and is primarily a DJ. He, also, is not limited to anything including genres. Sh!t, the laws of physics are just a suggestion for him, you really think he'd trip off some genre rule?? Exactly.

Let me first introduce Gilles, to those of you who do not know of him, as the global tastemaker.

Background history

Complete discography, well mostly complete

So this guy, Gilles, he's bad. Like badder than bad, he's the baddest little european guy EVER. He only bangs dime pieces, and that only when he runs out of Megan Foxes (because he cloned her with his badassness) to bone because they got tired of being railed by the biggest baddest dude ever.

Back in 2003 some grocery store clerk told GP that he was "just a dj". Instead of killing the clerk with a simple thought of Armageddon psychically transmitted and so real that the guy would die just like in the Matrix, GP came home to his dj mansion and put together the absolute best combination of music available at the time.

This mix goes by the humble name:

Eclectic Sessions Vol 2

that's right, volume 2. Theres not even a volume 1, he started this shiet with volume 2. There's a reason for that, but we're just not ready for it, we can't handle the truth. (ps, if you found vol 1.... you can't let anyone know or the thought police WILL kill on sight. Just saying.)

Soooo, here is a link to this youtube channel, or whatever, that like has most the songs. Some of this sh|t is so 'sclusive that you can't just "find it" on something like youtube. You might have to buy it or download it, you know whatever floats your boat. GP doesn't really care if you dl his stuff cause he makes his real money djing at the Vatican, and that phucking party is CRACKIN!

Oh and he's done Radio 1 since like the beginning of radio. Before light bulbs and shlt, they used to use his white teeth as a light source, but they can't anymore cause he's a slimey european and you know how their teeth turn yellow... so humans had to invent electricity. Big deal, he helped with that too, guy is badass.

Anyways, time for a link to the album playlist:

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself, sucka.

Bam, just stepped your game up.

Now, for the breakdown of each song for you real reader type people.

Fat Freddys Drop - Hope

OMFG this song is soo friggin DOPAGENESS!!!! Well check it out, maybe not what you expected given my obvious enthusiasm BUT this song honestly kills anything ever created by Duran Duran. Not a big accomplishment but that battle was like 50 to 1, this song beats every one. Sick. Sick as phuck.

Also, a really beautiful message... and it made me cry one time. I was super hungover, just porked a midget stripper and did an 8 ball off her ass, and was halling ass to work at like 120. At that moment, I realized this song is FRIGGING AWESOME OMFG IM GONNA CRY DAMMIT ITS SO GOOD I CANT BREATH!!!!>!>!>!>!.11.!.1.!>!!>>!>. 5 stars.

Nick Holder - No More Dating Dj's

GP just put this song in here to showcase some jealous old broad he used to rail. She prolly couldn't handle his awesomeness, maybe she was a tranny... maybe she was an alien, we don't know. Either way, bits is tripping but she made a funny song that probably applies to any other dj besides GP. So she gets 4 stars.

Only Child - Memories

This track is about stealing shlt and some gangstas life and it's like the dopest flow in the middle of some wild a$$ **** that's not rap... but that's how GP do. 5 stars for the 5 finger discount.

D'nell - This Thing

Yeah, I usually mix in some groovy jazzy soulful track after some hard hitting rap.... NOT cause I'm not GP and only GP can do wild shiet like that! Friggin blows my mind when I hear this song, it's like an orchestra thats just wowin out of some good ses or something. This chicks vocals gimme a boner, I gotta move onto the next track! 5 star boner.

Ayro - Burning Brightly

Did you know GP also stands for God's Penis. 4 stars for reminding me of GP's badassness.

Max Sedgley - Happy

I like songs that make me happy... not named happy HOWEVER this song is an exception probably because the artist is named MAX which is the best male name ever. I plan to name all my 8 children MAX because that sh!t is extreme, the have to spell it MAX, no lower case pussies here. 4 stars cause I realized how much lower case pussy action is going on in the review.

Earl Zinger - S T's Banging

Whenever GP uses the phone, songs like this play in the background. This wasn't even a track, it was a mistake, he was just checking his messages while making the mix and one of his Megan Foxes hit play with her awesome post-railed booty. GP doesn't usually make mistakes, but when he does, they tend to earn 5 stars. This one gets only 4 though because some dimwit spelled sh!t wrong on the album cover and I don't play that game.

NOHA - Balkan Hot Step

5 stars because my system (i'm not GP; I, unfortunately, have rules) only allows for 5 stars. Otherwise, this would get a million stars. This track is so frigging amazing, please obtain the studio version, because the live version in my youtube playlist is great but has some goober yelling jump every 5 seconds. It's like seriously, I was jumping already, if you don't want to jump when you hear this you're a porkface!

Buscemi - Seaside

It's like a party by the ocean, at the beach. Beaches are great, I like boning at the beach. 4 stars cause of sand crotch.

Bruno E - Dada

Bruno E is like some spanish shlt that means rusty trombone. Unfortunately, this song is not nearly as enjoyable as a rusty trombone... 4 stars for disappointing me.

Dave Ellesmere - A New Constellation

I like to sneak around my house and my neighboring houses while listening to this on my blackberry (cause I don't play that ipod crap). Sometimes I take pot shots with my bb gun at the guy across the street cause I think he's blind but who knows, it's hella funny when spins around looking for the assailant. I feel like yelling "I'm a frigging spy, fool, you'll never even know I was there" but that would blow my cover. 5 stars, easy.

Top Rocking - The Real New World

This is like GP's spokechick, kinda like how Jesus was to God. Well, maybe not exactly like that, cause GP prolly rails this chick like every chick he knows but you get the jist. She's got his back and this whole song was written for him to describe the new world that he will rule after 2012 or something. This is a 4 star joint.

Alison Crockett - Like Rain

For the finale, GP pulls out like the most amazing neo soul track. This song straight blows my mind and everytime I play this in my drop top stang 5.0, I get ALL the honeys. Wasn't like the rain?? Nah baby, I got it dripping like water! Yeah! Straight cracking joint, this track is an appropriate ending to such an epic mix.

After finishing this mix, GP ceremoniously sacrificed some poor soul but then realized he doesn't do that ish, and brought her back to life with the backspin of life. That poor soul was the octomom and the coming back to life is what gave her vaginal cavity to ability to house 8 babies.

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Old 01-05-2010, 04:32 AM   #2 (permalink)
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What prescription medication exactly are you forgetting to take?
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Old 01-05-2010, 04:58 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Erm, I listen to Radio 1 quite a bit, and have heard many ads for his show. He talks about playing what he describes as, "Left of center Soul music" if I remember right. Never bothered to check it out unfortunately.

I really had no idea about his light bulb teeth or Megan Fox clones either though. If he'd just mentioned those I might have been more interested now that I think about it.

I'll probably check this out tomorrow. 0_0
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Old 01-05-2010, 11:41 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SATCHMO View Post


What prescription medication exactly are you forgetting to take?
Well I don't require any medicine but you might need a double dose of "sensahumor"

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Old 01-05-2010, 11:49 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dieselboy View Post
Erm, I listen to Radio 1 quite a bit, and have heard many ads for his show. He talks about playing what he describes as, "Left of center Soul music" if I remember right. Never bothered to check it out unfortunately.

I really had no idea about his light bulb teeth or Megan Fox clones either though. If he'd just mentioned those I might have been more interested now that I think about it.

I'll probably check this out tomorrow. 0_0
Yeah, in all seriousness, his Radio 1 show is very very good. He introduced the world to many very talented electronica artists and continues to do it every day. He's also a very good dj live, I saw him at Mezzanine in SF with dwele, friggin amazing. This was early on in Dwele's career too.

Also, for a solid electro/house mix, check out his GP in the house mix:
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Old 01-05-2010, 12:05 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Fast Frankie View Post
Originally Posted by SATCHMO View Post


What prescription medication exactly are you forgetting to take?
Well I don't require any medicine but you might need a double dose of "sensahumor"

I'm guessing Adderall.
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Old 01-05-2010, 12:57 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I'm guessing Adderall.
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Old 01-06-2010, 03:08 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Just listened to Gilles weekly show for the first time. Really enjoyed it a lot. There was a lot of variety on it, with some songs being mostly strings and horns set back to back with hip-hop. If I had to use one word to encompass it all though, I'd say it was definitely smooth. Can see myself listening to this show more in the future. Very cool.
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Old 01-07-2010, 12:05 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Sweet, you should definitely obtain the eclectic session vol 2, if you like his show. That and Gilles Peterson in africa, if you're feeling adventurous.
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Old 01-12-2010, 08:13 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Gotta bump this again, cause I'm currently listening to his show for the second week now, I don't see myself missing this show from now on if I can help it.

Right now they have this song playing which was a long spoken word intro over some soft drumming, and I wasn't paying complete attention, but then I heard the voice finish with the words, "...A Love Supreme." and then trail off. From there, it turned into this upbeat version of the song of John Coltranes with the same name. Coltrane's sax part in that song is played by a trumpet instead for the first part, and then played by the bass for the second part. Some very nice piano as well. Can't wait till they update the track-listing from the show when it's done, so I can see who that was.

I'm really pumped for future Tuesday nights now, with Nihal's Asian Beats show and Gilles show back to back from now on.
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