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#11 (permalink) | |
Horribly Creative
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: London, The Big Smoke
Posts: 8,265
Shiiiiiit I wondered what happened to you last week! Hell you don't know Sparks.....this is a band (duo) with more than twenty albums. As for whether you'll like them I don't know, they're kind of too much off the wall for you perhaps.
Power Metal Pounding Decibels- A Hard and Heavy History |
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#12 (permalink) | |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 1,388
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To hint...the Parliaments single I posted a few days back was actually a #9 in The D. Also interesting to see Small Faces' "Tin Soldier" a #17, The Music Machine's "The People in Me" a #22 and a few local Seger including "East Side Story", "Persecution Smith", and even "Noah" gracing the WKNR Top 20 through those years! |
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#13 (permalink) | |
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Seattle
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Furthermore, the fanbase (though small) is filled with genuinely kind, interesting people. Nobody is turned away from the group for any reason; I've never witnessed any weird "you're not a real fan" elitism or bullying within the fandom. Long story short, Sparks fans are the nicest freaks you'll ever know. ![]()
You and I,
We were born to die. |
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#14 (permalink) | |
Born to be mild
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: 404 Not Found
Posts: 26,995
We're into a new month already, amazingly, and the sun is beginning to show its face, even here in rainy old Ireland, so summer will hopefully soon be on its way. Over here that's three days in July with maybe the August bank holiday weekend if we're lucky, but hey, it's something to look forward to.
Something else to look forward to is a bunch of new updates to our members' journals, and as ever we go from A to Z, jumping over any of the letters inbetween that don't refer to members. Some of these entries have a definite sense of summer, while some, well, don't, but they're all worth checking out. We have returns for those long thought vanished off the face of the Earth, journal-wise, and even some new-ish journals, so let's get to it, shall we? Our favourite lord of bats seems to be getting a little confused, as in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...t-schemes.html he's featuring a review of Death's "Human", which is all well and good, but it's in the style of his other journal. Time to clear those flying mice out of your belfry, my friend! Speaking of http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...lks-about.html, this time he's listening to The Jesus Lizard and Velvet Underground. Oh, and Nico too. Though he doesn't seem to like her... Big Ears is continuing his dissertation on Atomic Rooser, as part of his guide to progressive rock, in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...s-journal.html: check it out. Bob is back! No I an NOT joking! After almost a year --- that's right, I said a YEAR --- away, he's back with http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...oise-rock.html and he's looking at a band called The Means. And they sure sound mean. Welcome back bob: don't leave it so long next time, huh? ![]() Ki has shut down his journal. But don't panic: he's opening up a whole new one. In http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...nal-music.html he's already looking at his favourite game soundtracks (me, I haven't played anything since Doom II --- Halo what?) and introducing a section he calls "Song of the day", which he says will be interchangeable with the same section in his lady's journal. Sounds interesting. I like crossover episodes! Stay tuned: this could be good! If you don't want a song stuck in your head avoid Ladyislingering's http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...ic-memory.html, where she's trotting out her favourite earworms, among other songs she likes. I didn't heed the warning, and now all I can hear in my brain is I EAT CANNIBALS, FEED ON ANIMALS! Somebody HELP ME!!! The Dog has become the Lion! At least, that's according to Mankycaant, and he'll explain more in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...er-abroad.html, so hurry along there now: his writeups are always worth reading, and you'll kick yourself if you miss this one! In http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...sicalness.html, the starry one is reviewing one of Queen's less respected albums, the disco-influenced "Hot space". Expect some harsh words, and it deserves them! Screen13 has music from The McCoys, Terry Knight and the Pack (did you know they became Grand Funk Railroad?) and the unGoogleable ? and the Mysterians. Good stuff there Screen, and though the sixties ain't my bag I'm sure you're evoking memories for some around here! Check it all out in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...album-day.html Bitesize has again had to take one for the team, as I've run out of pre-written material for it and need to get working on some more, but there's still plenty to keep you entertained over at http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html where I continue to pay homage to the late great Rory Gallagher, talking about another album that changed my life, while also reviewing albums by China Crisis and Suzi Quatro. If television is more your thing then come to http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...-emporium.html, where I'm beginning my reviews of the Onedin Line and throwing in another movie I love. With a serious review of Thin Lizzy's "Fighting" as well as Nazareth's "Hair of the dog", http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...y-history.html could be just the thing you need to cure that hangover you're suffering from. Or not. Either way, there's some powerful writing and oracle-like wisdom to be had from Unknown Soldier, as he continues to dissect rock music from 1975. And finally, there's an odd conversation going on over at http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...nal-stuff.html -- well, when isn't there? --- but this is really weird. Seems to concern Charlotte Church, the Fall and, er, Dana... Head bemusedly in Urban's direction to see what it's all about. Now, before I get to this week's Showcase, I'd just like to set the record straight, because there are some people who are going to be saying "why wasn't my journal included? I updated this week!" Well yes, but some people are just putting up YouTube vidoes and while this is fine, and they're completely entitled to do that, I prefer to direct visitors towards those journals that are being a little more creative. I'm not getting at those who only put up YouTubes, but really, if you want people to read your journal and you're not just doing it as a sideline, interesting thing but don't care if people visit, then you need to draw visitors and the only way to do that is to have something for them to read, laugh at, be informed by, be entertained by. It's just a friendly piece of advice: put a little more thought and creativity into your journals and I'll certainly encourage people to go there and read what you've written. But for now, any updates that consist purely of YouTubes with a line or two won't be included on the update. Maybe it'll give you the impetus to get those creative juices flowing. Maybe you'll sulk like a child in the corner. Maybe you're already loading a shotgun and buying a ticket to Dublin. You're not, are you? Come on, guys, I'm just doing my job here! Anyway, that's the line I'm taking. Proper updates will be mentioned, one-liners won't. Oh, and as I think you already know, the update has to be by the author. Comments by others, including smilies, YouTubes or graphics don't qualify. With that in mind, it's on to this week's Showcase. And as he's been away for so long it seems only fair we should throw the spotlight on bob. And so we will. ![]() This was the first real entry in his journal, written all the way back in November 2011. You know, again it's not my thing but this guy knows his noise rock! Quote:
So that takes us to the end of this week's update, the first for May. Remember, if you would like to start a journal there's literally nothing stopping you. Make a thread in the section and once it's approved you're officially a member of Journal-Land. But remember to update it as often as you can, cos once you slide off page one you may as well be a record by Leonard Cohen, as Neil once complained in "The Young Ones". The journal section is a place where you literally have to make sure you're always on top! Mind you, you'll be doing well to achieve that, as I am ALWAYS updating! No, I have no life. Still, if you're up for the challenge... Till next week, Toodles!
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018 |
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#15 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 1,388
Thanks! There has been a bump in the road for my other blog due to a LOT of research being done for the next few installments, one focusing on one of my all time favorite bands, Devo. Shout from 1984 has been a cause for some discussion between fans and who's fall from the Pop Scene is seriously in perfect time to the falling down of the original New Pop era, with Shout being part of a long line of albums in Late 1984 that sounded the funeral horns for that era. Out of a love of their music, and knowing more in detail of how one can hear Shout as a big disappointment, the album certainly deserves more than the usual one-line statements from the critics that may have heard the album once without knowing the history - usually a bump in the road is just a bump in the road, but this is a look into a very influential band who's fall from grace has had it's share of people with wise-ass remarks just digging away. It has it's place with both Devo's history and the era of New Pop all together, and I even dig out the album from time to time to hear a couple of tracks that still deserve a play to have fun.
As for The 60's, I hope that people will get a good understanding of the under looked tracks of a decade that has had a lot of fandom, but still not too much understanding. There's a lot of great music that deservedly is highly regarded, no complaints there, but although some know about the lack of commercial acceptance of a lot of the music that is hailed today there's a lot that's still not heard as much. I love to at least introduce a lot of music to people and even bring in some local flavor in the process while also detailing about the radio business that was changing very fast as well. I have mentioned about two of The Pack moving into GFR, with Terry Knight being the manager for their first few years. Actually, I forgot to mention that the Mel in GFR's equation was from ? and the Mysterians, which would have made it a perfectly themed post. |
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#16 (permalink) | |
Horribly Creative
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: London, The Big Smoke
Posts: 8,265
Anybody reading this, might actually think of me as being smart.
Power Metal Pounding Decibels- A Hard and Heavy History |
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#17 (permalink) | |
Zum Henker Defätist!!
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Beating GNR at DDR and keying Axl's new car
Posts: 48,199
Don't worry. I would never do that.
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#18 (permalink) | |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 450
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#19 (permalink) | |
Zum Henker Defätist!!
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Beating GNR at DDR and keying Axl's new car
Posts: 48,199
How does one defiantly check out an album? Do you give your stereo the finger?
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#20 (permalink) | |
Born to be mild
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: 404 Not Found
Posts: 26,995
It's Sunday (maybe) it's whatever o'clock, and time to take our usual trip to Journal Land and see what the busy inhabitants have been getting up to over the last week. Look at them all: you can just see if you look closely enough --- but not too closely! They scare easily --- little faces, pale from lack of sunlight, sitting at little desks strewn with empty crisp packets, bottles of energy drinks or water, stubbed-out cigarettes in the ashtrays of those who smoke and piles of CDs, like dangerously toppling Leaning Towers. This is where it all happens, this is where the magic is made. But be quiet if you want to observe them: some of them will run away like Trollheart or Big Ears, while others like the Batlord will come out angrily with a shotgun or baseball bat in hand, to enquire what the heck you think you're doing, spying on him (though he'll use much more colourful langauge than that!), and still others will just shut their curtains and jealously guard their creations.
But if you're very quiet, and don't disturb them, you can take a look at what these industrious little frustrated authors have been scribbling over the past seven days. Stick close now, and please, no cameras... No, no camcorders either. It's to the Batlord we go first, and don't mind those signs he has up saying KEEP OUT THIS MEANS YOU MOTHERFUCKER! Just be quiet and don't startle him. Very carefully and softly, let us enter http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...t-schemes.html, where it seems we find the Batlord is indeed sitting on his throne, but far from hatching any evil schemes, this time he's sad about the state of metal, and how it's being commercialised. Aw. NO DON'T GO NEAR HI--- Oh-kayyy.. does anyone know that guy's next of kin? I warned you, don't mess with these guys. No, there are no refunds. Insurance? Are you crazy? Let's try his other journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...lks-about.html. Ah, this is more like it! He's listening to the Replacements, the Stones and the Sonics, as well as Judas Priest and Doctor Feelgood. Nice! This one should be safe anyway: http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...an-corner.html, where CanwllCorfe is making up for lost time by writing a lengthy entry about his entire development of music down through his life. It's so good it's been chosen for this week's Showcase! The Crossover has begun! In Ki's journal http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...nal-music.html he's featuring his Songs of the Day as well as those of his better half, Ladyislingering, and also looking at new releases due from Sabbath, Sigur Ros and Daft Punk. Mmmm. And of course that brings us to said journal, where the lady is certainly lingering over many videos of songs that impress her, remind her of times or feelings, or that she just likes. You can catch it all in her http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...ic-memory.html. Powerstars is looking at what must be Paul McCartney's first solo album, which apparently has a lot of demos on it. Sounds interesting though. You can check it out at http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...sicalness.html. That brings us to my humble abode. Step 'cross the threshold, weary traveller, and rest your head. That'll be a tenner please. Coffee? Another fiver. Hey, we're all hurtin' from this financial meltdown y'know: gotta make it where ya can! Anyhoo, in my main journal, through here, http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...d-journal.html you'll find reviews of albums by Jaki Graham, Nine Stones Close (who?) and a 200-word review of Sabbath's "Heaven and Hell", while over there, if you want to sit down in front of the TV, http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...-emporium.html has the third episode of Love/Hate and beginning a new series, the superb House of Cards trilogy. No, NOT the Kevin Spacey one! This is the real deal! I've even had time to update http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...i-reviews.html with a review of one of Tank's early albums. More to come soon! Don't forget to pay your tab on the way out. Thank-you-come-again! Now, whatever you do don't disturb Unknown Soldier: he has a serious amount of work to do and all those facts and figures don't jsut write themselves you know! Deep into 1975 in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...y-history.html he's looking at albums by UFO and Alice Cooper, with more to come in the days ahead no doubt. No, leave him alone! Don't touch that green bubble: that's what's allowing him to communicate with the music of the seventies, and even the slightest touch could .... oh crap! Look, let's just get out of here before he notices ---- RUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!! Quick! In here! We can take refuge in http://www.musicbanter.com/members-j...nal-sound.html --- he'll never think to look here! Oh look: Zero is talking about Ethereal Wave, isn't that interesting? Don't look out the window, US is passing and if he sees us --- phew! Looks like he went past. Man, he looked mean! So let's just take a moment to settle our nerves, and read the Showcase for this week then, shall we? As already mentioned it comes from CanwllCorfe, and it is in fact this week's entry in his journal. ![]() CanwllCorfe has been writing his journal on and off for four years now, though there have been large hiatuses, the most recent being a year-long gap since last March... Nevertheless, as Urban once pointed out, it's quality not quantity we look for here, and you certainly get the former in this journal. Here's this week's stunning contribution. Note 1: I know I said at the beginning that these would be short extracts, but you can't shorten this, and you won't be able to deny the quality of the writing once you read it. Note 2: I also know I said I'd refer to, but not post, the YouTube videos used, but there are so many here it's not gonna happen. Just go to the guy's journal: you won't be disappointed. Quote:
Till next Sunday Toodles!
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018 |
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