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Old 08-19-2010, 07:42 AM   #481 (permalink)
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Urban Hatemonger:
I got mad at Urban around a year ago when he closed my thread on Prince, although he was correct and only doing his job as a moderator, I also took one of his recent posts out of text, I think that he was referring to a statement I made concerning Marc Bolan/T.Rex, (Sorry Urban)!
What I always admired about Urban is, he is very direct and goes strait to the point and never pulls any punches, and he will delete your ass real quick!

Right Track:
This is someone that I would like to meet in person, RT is also vey direct, I miss him around as a moderator, it seemed like he posted alot more then.
Oh well, I still bug the hell out of him anyway, moderator or not!

Erica is not only a good friend, but she is always kind and considerate.
I see a natural ability she has to "inspire other people", that's a great attribute to posses.

Mr. Dave:
This guy can give you solid advice and an opinion concerning just about any subject that comes his way, what I admire about Dave is he is usually looking at the exact opposite, as to where I am looking, (wanky as that sounds).
He always see's the other things (concerning whatever the subject) that I always seem to miss or ignore, and thats a positive.

Seems like the kind of person that knows what he's talking about before he say's it, has some great reviews, Ive read most of them already.

I usually dont post on these type of threads, but what the Hell!
Theres just to many people to do them all, besides I like everyone anyway.
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Old 08-20-2010, 01:44 AM   #482 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VocalsBass View Post
Mr. Dave:
This guy can give you solid advice and an opinion concerning just about any subject that comes his way, what I admire about Dave is he is usually looking at the exact opposite, as to where I am looking, (wanky as that sounds).
He always see's the other things (concerning whatever the subject) that I always seem to miss or ignore, and thats a positive.
thanks though i prefer the term 'providing alternate perspectives' hehehe i quite enjoy our discussions as well (even if i do end up razzing you for your sometimes disconnected wiki-esque writing style hehe)

besides, anyone who digs on funk is cool in my book.
i am the universe

Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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Old 08-20-2010, 11:12 AM   #483 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
This isn't the conversation thread.
Now let's please get back on track.

VEGANGELICA: A natural born gobshite spewing forth an endless stream of verbal diarrhoea.
If ever there was a case for bringing back the Scolds Bridal...she is it!
Too nice for her own good. Lovely woman.
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Old 08-20-2010, 11:16 AM   #484 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VocalsBass View Post
Seems like the kind of person that knows what he's talking about before he say's it, has some great reviews, Ive read most of them already.
Well, thank you. I'm glad my reviews are read...this motivates me to keep writing them.
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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Old 08-21-2010, 07:52 PM   #485 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by right-track View Post

VEGANGELICA: A natural born gobshite spewing forth an endless stream of verbal diarrhoea.If ever there was a case for bringing back the Scolds Bridal...she is it! Too nice for her own good. Lovely woman.
Ooo! This is almost poetic, right-track. I see you managed to stop choking on your e-words and cough up something almost good about me. But tsk tsk tsk! Scolds Bridal should be spelled "Scold's Bridle." For SHAME!!

Right-track: I have charged him in the past (and I feel correctly so) with being hypocritical, and he isn't always exactly cuddly on the boards, though he can be very helpful. And yet, and yet...despite these issues that make me have to work to like him sometimes, I do. I like it that he argues and speaks his mind, even if I think he's bloody wrong sometimes for choosing to do what he does.

I suppose the nicest thing I could say about right-track is that, though we don't see eye to eye on everything, I still feel trust in him. Also, next to Urban he's the person on MB I'd most like to wrestle with as a way of resolving arguments. I like to imagine I'd win, too.

Right-track's presence on MB lets me practice being tough and even more outspoken than I might normally be. Since I like feeling strong, I appreciate him badgering me with his creative tirades that never fail to make me laugh. I also like learning about music from him. Amazing, I know. We've actually managed to talk a little about music over the last year!
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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Old 08-28-2010, 05:37 PM   #486 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Paloma View Post
RVCA [/B]- I don't know much about this kid, he's pretty good looking, but he has some ****ty musical tastes (Linkin Park, rly?) I guess I'll wait till he posts more to really pass judgement on him, but he also seems like an okay dude besides that, I like him now.
I'll just start posting self pics in lieu of musical opinions, then

I think I'll wait a bit more to make a substantial post in this thread. I hate passing snap judgements that turn out to be completely (or even partially) incorrect as time passes.
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Old 09-02-2010, 06:26 PM   #487 (permalink)
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Eh, why not?

Keith!: this guy is just epic. A fellow Panda Bro/Anco fan, who I must say should be given an award or something. Also, Alfred told me that you said "Sunn O))) sounds like my refrigerator" and I instantly thought you were one of the best MB posters. I wish I knew him more...

OctaneHugo: I used to think this guy was an idiot but he's actually pretty cool. It just takes a while to get used to him.

+81: I don't know much about this guy, but to me he seems pretty cool. He always has the best discussions in the shoutbox.

CanwllCorfe: How the hell does this guy find all of those great electronic acts? I'm personally jealous of his band-finding skills.

Dr. Seussicide: He is the Emo of MB, famous for liking all things depressing. At first, I thought he was a little cold, but now he's come to one of the people I'm close to on MB. I think he gives out some pretty epic recommendations.

mr. dave: At first, I didn't like this guy because he didn't like me.. Now, I realize that he has the right to be mad at me, because I can be a little annoying sometimes. We share some pretty cool common artists, though.

VEGANGELICA: this person is the sweetest poster on MB, I wish we talked more often, though. she seems to understand everyone and is quite informed

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN: I'm digging the Comic Sans, dude.
The next WendyCal?

rockguitar101: I wish he still posted here; he seems like the most hilarious thing ever. I'm loving the obvious photoshop jobs and the extremely amateur music

I'll do more later.
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Old 09-02-2010, 07:56 PM   #488 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy View Post

Dr. Seussicide: He is the Emo of MB, famous for liking all things depressing. At first, I thought he was a little cold, but now he's come to one of the people I'm close to on MB. I think he gives out some pretty epic recommendations.
Danke shoen And I guess you think my recommendations are epic because you have some pretty great tastes
I'll stay if I ever could, and pick up your pieces babe, because there's never a perfect day.

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Old 09-02-2010, 07:57 PM   #489 (permalink)
eat the masters
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OctaneHugo - probably my least favorite member. he usually explains himself poorly then proceeds to berate whomever he disagrees with.

VEGANGELICA - tl;dr. always thoughtful and cheery. one of my favorite posters.

TheCunningStunt - advocate of awful avatars. tends to get into dumb arguments. seems unfastidious to a fault. annoying. and he hates prog.
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Old 09-02-2010, 08:30 PM   #490 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy View Post
CanwllCorfe: How the hell does this guy find all of those great electronic acts? I'm personally jealous of his band-finding skills.
Hahaa thanks! But trust me it's not easy. Lots of time spent on YouTube and Google to find it all. And it's a never ending quest! I'm stocking up on Modern Classical for the winter. I don't know if it's common to only wanna listen to certain genres in certain seasons.. but I just love club oriented music in the warmer months and all my classical and ambient/jazzy stuff in the colder months. It just works.
Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

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