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Old 06-11-2009, 11:16 AM   #101 (permalink)
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Seeing as this thread has needed to be cleared of spam & pointless arguments 5 TIMES now i'm moving it to the Editor's picks section where you'll have to wait for post approval.

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 06-11-2009, 01:45 PM   #102 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic View Post
Wayfarer- [/B] I used to talk to him a lot outside the forum, but then he sorta became uninvolved, and I became very absorbed by life outside of the internets and became less active in this forum. I liked him a lot though, more insightful than credit is given to him me thinks

I'd almost forgotten to talk to you about that. I miss talking to you d00d. Do you still use MSN? If so I'll have to add you to my list on the new e-mail I made. I tried to send you a PM about it awhile back but it said your inbox was full.
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Old 06-11-2009, 02:29 PM   #103 (permalink)
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Here's some more. Starting with the ladies.

Savanah: One of the most friendly members. I must agree with the others that I've never seen her discuss music, but that's probably because I haven't looked in the right places. Some call her an attention whore. But so what if she is? As rare as it is for attractive, intelligent girls to visit music forums like this, it gives us pathetic music geeks a sense of hope. She deserves whatever attention she gets.

I just wish I knew more about her.

333: She's beautiful, loves video games, Tool and Porcupine Tree. What more can a nerd ask for?

Kevorkian Logic: At first I thought we wouldn't get along, I don't make a very good first impression with the indie kids. But she's a very smart and interesting girl from what I've seen, and we've been getting along well so far.

Swim: Basically Ethan with a vagina. Oh wait...........

Expletive Deleted: I usually can't tell her and Swim apart, to be honest.

Patton: I hate Def Leppard and she has a bit of a temper problem, but she's a character and I hope she sticks around.

Nonsubmissivehousewife: I didn't think she would last but somehow she has, one of the more underrated members of the forum.

Dreadnaught: I don't know a damn thing about her, sad to say.

Wolf: Ditto.

EDGE: Ditto again, come on gals, I want to learn more about you.

And a few more.

Gunnels: Swell guy, cool sense of humor, likes to back me up a lot it seems, and gotta love that PBF avatar and LastFM background. And it's always good to have another Mars Volta fan around.

Matious: Is still under the poorly misguided perception that PS3 > Wii. And he's a Sonic hater.

Proggyman: He's ok, but goddamn if that's not the most inappropriate username in Music Banter history, you're not even a prog fan, that's false advertising. And he still seems to hold a few grudges against me, even though I haven't talked to him in well over a year.

Sodacake: I know him from DDD, I wish he would post here more often, he usually comes off as very unfriendly and hot tempered on this forum but he's a pretty cool guy when you get to know him on AIM.

Mirrorball: He called me a plagiarist and said I had a vagina. Grrr.

Fasho: His taste is the exact opposite of mine, but we've never had any trouble.

Alfred: I don't like that screamo stuff he's into, but a really nice guy and more openminded than I originally thought.

Surrel: I don't know anything about him except that he sometimes makes me laugh.

Bulldog: All I know is, he might give RT and Urban a run for the money for the title of most British poster ever.

Pobody's_Nerfect: For some reason I just envision him as somewhat of a laid back hippie.

Terrible Lizard: His avatar gives me the creeps.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it


Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 06-11-2009, 03:07 PM   #104 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Proggyman: He's ok, but goddamn if that's not the most inappropriate username in Music Banter history, you're not even a prog fan, that's false advertising. And he still seems to hold a few grudges against me, even though I haven't talked to him in well over a year.
Why do you think I have a grudge against you?
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Old 06-11-2009, 05:00 PM   #105 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
She's a babe
I tried to Urbanize her when she first arrived, had no effect whatsoever & was like water off a ducks back. Always willing to listen to new things , always very complimentary to others , My respect for her grows on a daily basis.
Thanks Urbs! That really means alot.

Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
You know that one poster who is quiet, unassuming, posts well, to the point and is worth reading? That's NSW for you. She also has a wicked sense of humour and is cute too. I converted her to Fat Freddy's drop too!
I think you give me too much credit....but thanks hun.

Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
Me likes. I get the feeling she'd be very easy to get along with, maybe because she hasn't gotten cross with me for teasing her. Always a good sign...(: No idea what she listens to.
I'm adding you on last.fm...there's no excuse for not knowing what I listen to. And I'd never get cross with you sir...I like ya too much and besides, we've gotta be able to laugh at ourselves right?

Originally Posted by 333 View Post
Another female that welcomed me with open arms (and a whip) to the site. I don't know whether I should be jealous or appreciative of her vast knowledge of music.
<3 I only know a little of the music you like but so far it seems to kick bootah. Thanks for the shout out.

Originally Posted by Piss Me Off View Post
I should probably talk to her more because she's bloody lovely and seems incredibly open minded with her taste which is always a good thing. Could probably drink me under the table too!
LOL...not sure where you got the idea that I'm a marathon drinker, though I do love my booze. Maybe I need to stop posting so much in the "So what are we drinking tonight?" thread eh?
I think a last.fm add is in order here! Thanks for the kind words too.

Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
I didn't think she would last but somehow she has, one of the more underrated members of the forum.
Honestly...I didn't think I would last either! But here I am...I should probably get to posting more though. I always enjoy reading your posts and when you post new pics in the gallery. Thanks booboo!
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Old 06-11-2009, 05:33 PM   #106 (permalink)
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I haven't been here too long, so my list of members is pretty short. Sorry if you arent on here and I talk to you, its probably just cause I don't know what to put.

Jackhammer: He is such a sweetheart and I have much to learn from him, especially in the reggae field.

Urban Hatemonger: He is so likeable, and I can't help but respect and look up to him. But when I try to picture him all I can see is a big red smiley face. haha

crash override: He is my friend and we have alot in common. He is so fun to joke around with and he always has something funny to add.

Comus: He has a wonderful vocabulary

Savannah: I havent talked with her but I hear like classic country. Good for her

I'll add more

Elephant Sack - It seems we are similar in alot of ways, not just in music but also in humor. And I could probably carry on a conversation with him all day. It just seems like I've known him forever.

JayJamJah - Wise, and cool as a cucumber. I got plumb giddy when I saw he had posted in my journal. I always have to say his username out loud for some reason.

333 - In my opinion the coolest chick on musicbanter. I actually didn't even realized she was a girl for a while, just because of her spunky style of typing, I guess. AND She likes alot of the same music I do, which doesn't hurt.

WWWP - Also awesome, though I don't even think I've talked to her at all. She can pull out a really funny one every now and then that makes me laugh.

TheCellarTapes - I am in awe at his journal. So well organized and insightful. No offence, but I think he and Comus would make a great couple, or at least great parteners in reviewing albums and such.

Alfred - Yes this has been said a hundred times but I can't believe his age! Not only are his musical tastes mature, but he just a really mature kid in gerneral.

Sonace - I coulda swore he was bumpin 30 years old and shocked to find out how young he was, and also I like is avatar. We need to talk Jimi some time, man.

Boo Boo - The king of lists. I find him to be kinda geeky, but he makes geeky seem pretty cool. I always like reading his posts.

Here's my more seasoned opinions and impressions of everyone than the ones I did a while back

Gavin B.
This guy really interests me. Says hardly anything about himself like age/location so he leaves a strong impression of mystery. Very intelligent, and very argumentative. He says some things that really piss me off, but then he'll turn around and leave a really nice comment about something. Gavin B., you intrigue me.

Urban Hatemonger
What can I say, I adore this guy-- and his jelly baby money box folk duo. I think the reason I like him is because we are so different in every way imaginable. He has introduced me to some great music that I would have never dreamed I would ever like. And the day he told me he liked Johnny Paycheck was a day I will always remember. He's the first member I like hearing from when I come back from a hiatus from the forum.

I have a special connection wih this guy because we have a lot in common, I can easily joke with him, and he is about the only other person on this forum who is knowledgable in the classic country area.

One of my favorite people on the forum. She is so effortlessly cool, and I am extremely jealous at her skills on guitar and her pretty singing voice. We both hate "Two and a Half Men" and Nicolaus Cage so that makes her double cool in my book o' cool.

I look up to Jackhammer so much, and to be honest, I have a slight crush on him. Partly because he's good looking, and partly because of his wild taste in music that is way over my head. Is there one person on this forum that doesn't like Jackhammer? No. There isn't.

He is so open-minded about music, and has really surprised me with the interest he has in classic country albums thread. I was really happy to see that he became a mod, he is just mod material. Genuine, always polite to everyone, and actually cares to read what people are posting.

Well, hasn't she made an quite an impression for the time she's been here Anyway, she hasn't given me any reason not to like her. She is nice and cute and trendy. More power to you, kayleigh. Oh, and youare just a tab bit older than me

savannah I have to change my opinion about savannah. The more I've gotten to know her, the more I believe that I am going to be watching 20/20 Mystery one night and see that she drunkenly flirted with the wrong guy and ended up in a abandoned mine somewhere. Not that I don't like her, its just that I know her type. Kansas runs rampant with savannahs.

I might add more later
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Old 06-11-2009, 10:47 PM   #107 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Surrel: I don't know anything about him except that he sometimes makes me laugh.

good to know I'm doing something right!
Originally Posted by WhateverDude View Post
Laser beams, psychedelic hats, and for some reason kittens. Surrel reminds me of kittens.
^if you wanna know perfection that's it, you dumb shits
Spoiler for guess what:
|i am a heron i ahev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
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Old 06-13-2009, 02:09 PM   #108 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FaSho View Post
dac:A great guy who got me into Sigur Ros...and radiohead.
It's not so much that I got you in to Radiohead as it was me forcing it upon you until you liked it.

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Old 09-08-2009, 11:33 AM   #109 (permalink)
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i think bulldogs a great guy. he was the first person i ever started to be friendly with, my mentor & half got me into david bowie & the likes of elvis costello. bulldogs my favourite member

good guy. really good guy, we havent crossed paths much. he has one of the most diverse tastes in music ive came across. theres no negativity in any of his posts (ones ive read anyways). has got to be MBs best poster. i think i could get on famously with jackhammer.

Urban Hatemonger:
something about urban i like, maybe its the fact we are both "supposed" to be very violent individuals. havent spoken to him much, but from his posts i gather he is a rather intellegent guy. i see him as a funny guy also. hes the kind of person i would be friends with .

everyone thinks hes fierce, (i got that impression from this thread). i dont think he is, we havent had a disagreement though. or spoken much. so i guess its unfair to judge him.

i loveee her hair. the colour esp. now ive got that across, she seems very very smart, and has a good sense of humour. most of the time through sarcasm. not to say her sarcasm is a bad thing, it never contains any malice, yet again we havent spoken though.

where to start? from the moment i got here he has been arguementative with me. ive tryed to reason with him many times. but that sharp tongue of his lets you get nowhere. i knowthe boy doesnt like me. i think because we have different tastes in music he see's this as an excuse to be wide. it isnt. lighten up rick.

i see FaSho as a pleasant boy. i think hes very agile. i teach a kid how to swim who is the spitting image of him. i imagine him as popular within the ladies. am i correct?

shares the same name as a friend. i dont know much about him, i assume hes very cool, as hes quite popular around the forum.

i have no idea what hes like, he is conveyed to me as a great guy.

i think mojo is very cool, out tastes in music are possibly opposites. he strikes me as a genuinely nice person.

anyone with the name kayleigh deserves great respect! i like reading her posts she has a very unique sense of humour, i liked her first post on lady gaga. it made me laugh. but yeah i get on well with this girl!

hes a cheeky little guy. cheeky in a good way, cheeky as in he gets away with it. if it was anyone else saying the smart remarks im sure they wouldnt get away with it. i like him, even though hes a short arse! (:

his taste in music is impeccable. perfect. i like him, i feel like i look up to him in a musical sense, almost every artist he posts i will youtube. hes a cool guy.

lives in the lounge, im confused to which sex AwwSugar is ): cant quite work it out, no pics, no nothing O:.

i find her very cool also, shes from australia, where she stays is absolutlely gorgeous, im a tad jelous of her, although she has to live with creepy crawlies ): shes very pretty & cool as!

confused as to which sex you aswell, the name gives it away SOMETIMES. never ceases to throw me off when i read your posts though. let the cat out the bag n put me out my misery please (: !

Flower Child:
i think im older but i think Flower Child is a very sweet girl, shes very popular within well everyone! i imagine her as being very popular in real life also, & as pretty.

hes funny, thats all i know.

i liked him from the start somehow, n now hes a mod, well in pete!

Boo Boo:
he likes his debates, i like him, we dont speak or cross paths often. hes pretty cool though, cept when the feminism debate got out of control. but hes still cool

every picture she posted a wee while back she looks different. very pretty. also very friendly. thats about all i know so far.

last but not least, FD, he goes up in my pecking order for this thread, i think its genious.
i think he can be offensive without meaning any offense. i enjoy reading some of his posts i come across. nice enough chap!

ive figured out, MB members are cool as fuck! i need to make an effort to speak to yous all more often ): .

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 09-08-2009, 12:54 PM   #110 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by kayleigh. View Post

lives in the lounge, im confused to which sex AwwSugar is ): cant quite work it out, no pics, no nothing O:.
o.O I don't live in the lounge. >.< I'm flattered that I made enough of an impression, though.
Originally Posted by Sansa Stark View Post
I'm down with Jesus, in that case.

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