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Old 06-10-2009, 05:57 PM   #91 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Veridical Fiction View Post

Poor Boo Boo. Someone's got the neighborhood-watch onto him.

It's true about RezZ,
Where is he? I got along with him fine. Never really got into any depth with him, but he seems easy going.
Aw, no it wasn't like that! No one gave me a wanted flyer or anything like that. Damn, I have to tell the whole story now.

So as I mentioned earlier, I spoke to Wayfarer on MSN and just happened to tell him I was hittin' up the arcade and he told me to beware of boo boo because he's into girls that likes arcade games. See? Not as bad as it seems.

You, sir, need to get your mind out of the gutter. :P Besides, I would totally play MKIII with boo boo.

Last edited by 333; 06-10-2009 at 05:58 PM. Reason: Added quote.
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Old 06-10-2009, 06:20 PM   #92 (permalink)
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I do keep to myself as some of you may have noticed, i don't really talk to anyone out of the site, but a few opinions..

Jackhammer My favourite by a long shot, no one puts the effort he does into introducing music to the site and being welcoming to everyone. He's introduced me to an enormous amount of stuff and i only wish i could do the same for him but his knowledge far surpasses mine! He's not pretentious like many with a collection like his either, just a dude who loves his music, i can definitely relate. Not one bad thing to say.

Janzsoon The main criticism people have for him is that he has no teeth and i don't think that's true at all, he just doesn't come across unpolite. Great taste and i'm guessing i'll probably grow up to be like him, a chilled out thoroughly nice person.

Molecules The eccentric of the site and all the better for it, no-one comes across like him. Loves his weird stuff and always has something interesting to say. Comes from the best county in the land too! Why the fuck isn't he here more?

Boo Boo He gets some stick but the thing his he's a guy with many passions and if he comes across as heated sometimes then that's to be expected. A good guy and owes me some Smash Bros games! Keep the fetishes to yourself though :p

Comus The hating indie thing is old to be honest, there's no need to keep going on about it because it makes him come across more close minded than he actually his. He's a nice person and a great writer but shouldn't need to make a point of these things.

Urban Massive props to him because his Urban 100 was a huge influence on me. If he comes across as grumpy or whatever then look at his join date, the guy knows about his music. Funniest fucker here by a mile too.

Right Track Was incredibly welcoming to me when i joined which i'm very greatful for and his contributions to the Mod lounge can't be denied at all, he's very much the glue. Very thoughtful which makes me yern for him to make more music posts.

Tore He's been absolutely terrific as a mod and always has been as a member. Clinical yes, but looking behind the scenes no-one could deny that's a bad thing.

Seltzer POST MORE!!!! A bloody good chap as i'm sure anyone would agree. I can't relate as to him as much as he thinks i can though, he's smarter

Bulldog Severely underated. Brilliant taste, brilliant threads, brilliant dedication, nice guy. Future mod, i'll put money on it.

Ethan I don't think i've had any run ins with him, maybe because i don't hang around the political threads. A nice guy, which annoys me because he isn't always that way to others, particularly noobs.

Big 3 Still think he's cryptic, sorry! Good guy though, just a bit more venomous. Once you latch on to his tone you're fine.

Lucifer Sam He has a pretentious tone to him but can't fault his taste and i have a nagging feeling we'd be mates in real life, there's a nice guy behind the veil.

Alfred Considering his age this guy is the king. Good taste and friendly to all. Give it a few years and he'll be the main man here, he has my utmost respect.

Dreadnaught Great mod, good taste and a fine sense of humour. If i knew her in real life i'm sure i'd have a crush on her, very chilled out girl.

Sweet Nothing This guy gets better more and more since i've first interacted with him, both post wise and with music taste. He'll be an awesome member one day.

FaSho Same as above

Gunnels Deserves a shout out because that Savannah-Paint think made me spit my coke out!

Wolfanimaaaaalsss The feelings mutual

Nonsubmissivewife I should probably talk to her more because she's bloody lovely and seems incredibly open minded with her taste which is always a good thing. Could probably drink me under the table too!

Cardboard Adolescent No idea what this guy is like in real life and yeah he does have the pretentious touch to him, but look on his Last FM and tell me that ain't class.

JJJ The wise dude at the back who should be around more. Anyone who gives me credit for the Hall of Fame, it was his idea, and it's not his only one.

Maybe some more to come...

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Old 06-10-2009, 08:24 PM   #93 (permalink)
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Jackhammer I love him to death. He is very caring very nice and very intelligent. He usually always has something good to contribute, and was probably the only person ever who I thought within like ten days of him being on the forum "wow, that guy really needs to be a mod." I sound like i'm some sorta groupie right now, which irks me slightly but he totally deserves all the praise I have just given him.

333- I also love this girl. She is my favorite girl on this forum due to her non competitive welcoming manner. I truly love reading what she has to say, and I think that she has a great musical taste (possibly cause it's similar to mine) and I hope that I see her at a concert sometime in the future)

Boo Boo- he seems to know a lot about Smash which I respect, but has a general lack of self-confidence about which he doesn't need, because I find him quite funny at times. He also manages to contribute both to the musical forums and the social forums which is a balance some people struggle with a lot

p.s. I thought you were a girl the first time I noticed you, no idea why, I apologize

I used to talk to him a lot outside the forum, but then he sorta became uninvolved, and I became very absorbed by life outside of the internets and became less active in this forum. I liked him a lot though, more insightful than credit is given to him me thinks

Right track-
One of the guys who seems to me to have been a mod since forever. He seems to have his **** very well together when it comes to the members of this forum, possibly because if I remember correctly he has children and people on this forum can act like 6 year olds at time. He knows his ****, which I respect and is very knowledgable, which I respect. Just a gold solid addition overall.

Murder-Junkie- His honesty about who he is, his guininess, and wittiness made him one of the first memebers I ever really noticed. I consider him part of a core to musicbanter, even though he rarely posts anymore, and I hope he will start posting more soon.

I really don't know much about him at all, I really enjoyed his King Crimson review thread, and he seems really smart which is a huge plus for me.

Sweet Nothing- Contributes more to this forum than most. I try to make sure I read everything he has to say. Also has some good thread ideas.

Most underrated girl on this forum. I think she is one of the most intelligent witty girls on this site, always has something intelligent to say. But since she doesn't post many pics on in the lounge often I feel like she is sadly overshadowed by the more attention whoring of the girls.

***I have removed what I orginally typed about her, because I thought about it and it is just unnecessarily mean*** I will sum it up what I said by saying I do not like you nor your typing style, and think you contribute nothing to this forum and if you obviously are starved for attention, because that is all you seem to try and get out of this forum.

I don't think he likes me very much, but I still like him nontheless. I find him very intelligent and his movie taste of a much superior variety. If he rates a movie high on the last movie watched thread, I usually find myself watching it within that week. Plus he can be really funny at times.

JJJ- Another one of the most musically knowledgeable people on her, always make sure to read his threads.

Urban- You crack me up sometimes, plus uou know your ****, which I have already said is a quaility that I consider most favorable. I think you can loose your patience quicker than the other mods though

p.s. Even though I don't like a bit of the fall, I really like This Nation's Saving Grace, and have it in my car as we speak.

Thebig3killedmyraindog- You are pretty much never nice to me, and most of what you say is unneccesilarily harsh or accusatory. However, what you contribute to this forum greatly out weighs any snide remarks towards me.

I remember you from when you hated drugs in like 9th grade, and it makes me giggle to think how you have turned out. You're still the pretentious ******* you were in high school, so congrats on that. I do enjoy reading what new philosophical bull**** you are shooting out now. Your ****iness however always made me not want to be around you at all and not really like you at all in high school either.

People have run ins with him all the time, I just think he keeps things interesting. He reminds me of a WoW addict trying to quit WoW with all his attempts to quit this forum.

New Old girl. I like her a lot. Funny, confident, not obnoxious. Good ideas for threads and friendly. I hope she stays.

Alfred- I just want to give him a giant hug, but cannot because that would be statutory rape.

CoryAllen2- I never really read a single post by him through and through. Probably the biggest attention whore on this forum ever.

FaSho- Your avatar with that speghetti guy weirded the **** out of me and I hated it, and avoided threads where I saw you in it for that reason. You seem like a really underrated guy though, I look forward to reading more of your stuff.

Janzoon- Great guy, very considerate, silent killer. I wish I knew you better, I agree that you have a lot more balls than everyone says you do. You just don't pull them out and show them to all the other kids on the playground like other people here do at times.

More later, I have to learn Italian.
"it is only through a limitless accumulation of the imperfect that a certain type of perfection can be attained"

Last edited by Kevorkian Logic; 06-10-2009 at 08:30 PM.
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Old 06-10-2009, 08:45 PM   #94 (permalink)
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I just want to give him a giant hug, but cannot because that would be statutory rape.
Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Alfred - I had him down as a typical annoying teen when he first joined but I don't think I have ever been so wrong about someone. If I owned a hat i'd take it off to him.
This is actually really surprising to hear, Urban. I never really knew whether you liked me or not, but it's good to finally hear that your opinion is more on the positive side.

WWWP: She's really happy is probably really awesome in real life. I should talk to her more, a really nice person from my experience. Always been good to me.

Surell: He brings the lolz.

khfreek: Don't know if I did one for him already, but I do know that he's really fun to talk about music with, same with gunnels.

Sonace: An often overlooked member. I think he should start a review corner. If he already has then I'm terribly sorry, I missed it.

Wayfarer: I don't always know what to expect from him, and I had him pegged as a more badass type of member when I first joined. He seems to be quite intelligent though, and I really like him. I seem to remember him telling a group of people to stfu one time and I think I rofl'd. Idk.

Bulldog: Bulldog is another very friendly member. I've had some lengthy conversations on MSN with him, and despite our age differences, we seem to be able to chit chat pretty well. It never seems to come off as awkward that I'm 14 and he's in his early twenties, we can happily discuss music, and even other things. Always willing to upload an album for me, thanks Bulldog.

lucifer_sam Ahh, lucifer_sam. I don't know what to think of him really. For one he needs to stop trying to sound like a Brit because he is very clearly American. He has a good taste in music, but too big of an elitist. Despite the fact that he probably thinks I'm a "twat" as he would say and I think he's very rude, I do like him. He's entertaining to say the least.
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Old 06-10-2009, 08:50 PM   #95 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by alfred View Post
lucifer_sam For one he needs to stop trying to sound like a brit because he is very clearly american.
NO! End the British hegemony on twat.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 06-10-2009, 08:58 PM   #96 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Piss Me Off View Post
Big 3 Still think he's cryptic, sorry! Good guy though, just a bit more venomous. Once you latch on to his tone you're fine.
Yeah ya pussies learn my tone!

Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic View Post
Thebig3killedmyraindog- You are pretty much never nice to me, and most of what you say is unneccesilarily harsh or accusatory. However, what you contribute to this forum greatly out weighs any snide remarks towards me.
Oh...really? Sorry man. Drop me a line, say hello. I'm less fierce than I'm made out to me.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Use it in an essay. It's a liberal arts school sounding word. I guarantee an A+.
#1 phrase to jump up a letter-grade on a lib. arts paper: Aristotelian mirror.*

*Must be used correctly.
I've moved to a new address
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Old 06-11-2009, 04:13 AM   #97 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic View Post
Adidass- [/B] I don't think he likes me very much, but I still like him nontheless. I find him very intelligent and his movie taste of a much superior variety. If he rates a movie high on the last movie watched thread, I usually find myself watching it within that week. Plus he can be really funny at times.
Thanks, that's one of the best compliments I've received...(:
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:09 AM   #98 (permalink)
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Hats off to whoever mentioned me I'll do my own list when I've got the energy to.
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Old 06-11-2009, 10:29 AM   #99 (permalink)
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This may sound a little kiss ass but I dont really have any issues with anyone, buzz off the fact we have a fellow Manc and a Red, as a Mod.

Love the musical tastes of Comus, Tore and Moles, and think the Mods are sound.

All the established journals are a good read, and some of the newer ones which keep pushing mine to the bottom of the page are seriously raising the bar.

So there are my guts, all in all, not a bad forum really
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Old 06-11-2009, 11:14 AM   #100 (permalink)
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Sarah and Luke- your comments were highly appreciated. Thankyou.

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