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Old 12-29-2014, 10:31 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Wow these last pages were great that's a great thing to wake up to in the morning.
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Old 12-29-2014, 10:32 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Machine View Post
Wow these last pages were great that's a great thing to wake up to in the morning.
Just be glad you get to wake up at all. Some people don't have feet.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 12-29-2014, 10:38 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Just be glad you get to wake up at all. Some people don't have feet.
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Old 12-29-2014, 10:51 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Just be glad you get to wake up at all. Some people don't have feet.
This is so insensitive that my other foot just fell off.
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Old 12-29-2014, 10:56 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Josef K View Post
This is so insensitive that my other foot just fell off.
You have feet?


“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well,
on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away
and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.”
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Old 12-29-2014, 11:00 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
You have feet?

Well, not anymore.
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Old 12-29-2014, 11:52 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Gotta preface this with a sort of apology: this response is long and quotes many posts. See, when you're stuck over the unfashionable side of the world where the time is all wrong (yeah Batty I know!) you wake up to see all the discussion that has been going on for hours and hours while you were asleep, and by the time you've read through like THIRTY ****ING PAGES of posts, marking the ones you want to respond to, well, you've got one long-ass post!

Nevertheless, there are things I wish to respond to here, some serious, some in no way so, and as I've only just now got to the last post here is where I go in...

Note: Another apology if I'm opening up or commenting on topics deemed to be closed: you can't tell an Irishman the bar is closing!

Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth View Post
you guys know the whole forum format is pretty much on its last legs. shouldn't be so picky when it comes to users. unless she did something really ****ed i'm wondering what get's you banned for life lol.

just my honest opinion, not like i give a **** if you let sansa post or not cause i found her irritating a lot of the time tbh.
I think the lively, if at times unproductive discussion here disproves that, and I have never heard that forums are on the way out. What do you mean, you have no cassettes for my 8-track?

Originally Posted by Josef K View Post
I'm on a phone so I can't respond to this as thoroughly as I'd like, but very briefly, three responses to your last point. First, I have no idea how much money you have, but it isn't necessarily the case that a Republican government means lower taxes for you. To some extent it's an issue of what's spent where, and if you'd like a tiny bit less spent on the military and a tiny bit more spent on helping those in need, I'd suggest voting for the Democrats. Second, the government has the means to do good far beyond what you do. This isn't to belittle anything you do to help people, but the government has the ability to do things that you simply can't. Third, to this argument about how it isn't real good being done because your heart isn't in it, try telling that to the people (hint: everyone) who are helped by tax revenue. "Well, I would have loved for your kids to have schools that aren't falling apart, for your roads to not be filled with potholes, for you to be able to feed your family, but I thought tax money wouldn't actually make a difference unless my heart was really in it."

Tl;dr: You might have the privilege of saying you don't want to pay taxes because you don't think you do good by paying them, but I'm telling you that none of this is meaningless to the people who are helped.

Of course, all of this assumes that your thoughts on the two parties, which I disagree with, are right, but whatever.
While I don't agree with anyone taking Roxy to task over her politics, this is an incredibly well-written piece from, let's remember, someone who has yet to hit fifteen.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
My solution is thus: contact aliens and sell Briks into slavery in exchange for a star cruiser. Then we all become space pirates.
The solution to the world's problems in two sentences. How does he do it?
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Nobody's jumping your ****. It's all Sansa's fault. Go kill her. Leave my balls uncastrated.

(Yeah, I stole TH's emoticon. No regrets.)
No problems, as long as I get my usual thirty percent royalties...

Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth View Post
whoa just read the last couple pages. i was the one who pmed roxy asking her if she's a republican basically cause i was curious about the sansa ban and i heard it had something to do with that. then that reminded me of the time i said if i was rich i'd say **** the poor and vote republican and roxy scolded me. so yea asked her about it. wasn't really much of an attack tbh i didn't expect this reaction. oh well, you know how women get.
I know it's been said before but: oh dear...
Originally Posted by ladyislingering View Post
I'm really super sensitive to cigarette smoke (plus the shit just grosses me out) but even I think that she could have just gone to a different area of the house OR CLOSED THE FUCKING WINDOW to avoid it.
Try having to hold the cigarette and ashtray for your sister while she smokes, trying not to blow the smoke in your face while you choke. Be thankful you only have to suffer short periods of smoke inhalation: I have to go through that at least five times a day, and I HATE smoking!!!
Originally Posted by MasterBaggins View Post
Even though I have absolutely no idea how any of you people act, I'm going to assume that you're all terrible and deserve no sex for months on end.
Unless you pay me money.

But I'm looking forwards to getting to know the lot of you lunatics. The normal people, I'm not interested in.
I like this guy
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You go *splash* in the water. Which is under bridges.
And if you hit hard enough and explode, you also go splash!
Originally Posted by MasterBaggins View Post
What's your tombstone going to say?

'Here Lies *******
**** you, I had an amazing time'
Here lies Trollheart. Actually, here lies some old homeless guy: he's still out there, having faked his death. Bwa-hah-h ---" (not enough room on the tombstone)...
Originally Posted by Machine View Post
Can someone make a thread about what our tombstones would read if they haven't already because these are great.
Will do
Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
You've got a huge self image issue you need to work out. All I see you doing is putting yourself down. I don't know how Ki can stand it, much less the rest of us having to endure you feeling sorry for yourself. You're better than you think you are. Try to invest in that possibility for once.

I'm really really intending on getting that mix breakdown for you. I'm sorry for being so late, but it's really REALLY a lot of work! Much more than the mix itself. Anyway, I think your music is pretty good and I'm glad to have an opportunity to be involved with it even on strictly an experimental level.

You can improve your face by drawing your eyebrows less close together. Let's say, no eyebrows crossing the nose width barrier? Just a thought. Also the red lipstick is a bit much. Otherwise, I miss talking to you. CAN'T IMAGINE WHY YOU DON'T TALK TO ME ANYMORE. lol... Seriously, don't worry, I mean no harm.
I had a long response prepared for this, but given that a) you'd just give me the same sort of non-response you did before and I don't want to fight with you and b) the issue is sort of closed, let me just say this:
Jess (both of them) are the most beautiful creatures with or without makeup, because underneath (as well as outwardly of course) they are shining examples of what it means to be a human being. Also, they're both incredibly hot.
I dunno man, I like you. Fuck off.

Ah you. You. You're such a darling. Love the effort. You're a boon to this site, but only if you stick to talking about music rather than having opinions about basically anything else. Still, you're grand. Let's have an awkward high-five some day.

I remember this one video I saw of you. After that, I basically think you're crazy.

Saw James recently. Glad he's back. Was always a cool kid.

Um, I don't know what else to put here. Fuck off?
Noted: I will henceforth put forward no opinion on anything but music.
Note: the above statement is a lie.

Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
Trollheart - You reviewed my band. You're pretty cool.

Pet_Sounds - You're going to review my band. You're pretty cool.

Mondo Bungle - Trouble Salad is some good shit dude.

Machine - Machine+'s latest release is pretty sweet man.

Chula Vista - I get the feeling you're a good guitarist but I haven't heard any of your stuff. Also, you seem to be a little click happy on the "new thread" button.

Plankton - Is definitely a G at guitar, I liked your homage to Hagrid especially.

Frownland - You're in one of my favourite bands, you're intelligent, you're funny, you're incredibly attractive, and oh so humble.
Thanks man.

Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
It's funny because you on one hand want to give me advice so that I will then change my appearance and care what you think but on the other hand you will mock me for caring too much what a stranger thinks of me. I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks I should look like, I am strongly against people mocking women's looks. You are trying to not look like the person who said I look like a tranny but sorry it's too late for that.
You don't. Or if you do, the most beautiful and sexy tranny ever. I should hope to meet someone as beautiful...
Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
I'm against people critizing women for looking the way they want to. People might not look good in your eyes but that's not up to you to decide. Many women are insecure as it is with societies expectation of what beauty is let alone people they know critizing them.
Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
I'm old school.

Dudes should go out of their way to respect girls.
You're my kind of guy
Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth View Post

nobody gets offended when ladyis--- says she doesn't find batlord sexually appealing (sorry ladyis-- and batlord i'm honestly not trying to throw you under the bus on purpose it's just a useful example). i don't really get the difference between commenting on someone's looks and commenting on their sex appeal in general. it's the same game you're playing at the end of the day.

i guess it really boils down to... women want to have their cake and eat it too. they want their primary value to be sex appeal while still getting to resent that men overlook their other qualities.

personally if a girl doesn't like my looks i won't feel great about it but at the end of the day as long as i can find other ones that i like who like me back i don't care that much tbh. it's not the most important thing to me. i will genuinely get more of a hurt ego if i sense someone way smarter than me condescending me rather than someone condescending my looks cause intelligence is really more important to me at the end of the day. that's just my criteria. everybody has theirs. it just seems like 90% women have looks as their main criteria while pretending not to.

That's different: LiL and Batty have a banter thing going, they both know where they stand. TMK this is not the case with FD and Vanilla.
Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
I didn't start it first of all and we were having a discussion that needed to be talked about as its the elephant in the room.
What have you got against elephants?
Originally Posted by Piotr_13 View Post
I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm ****ing retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
This, were it in a journal, would be my Post of the Week. Superb.
Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
JWB: I can't tell if you're attempting to troll sometimes or if you're for real and that should make you feel bad.

Freebase Dali: I sometimes think you're a lot like what I would be at your age. **** does it make me depressed.

Vanilla: Not hot but it would be if you talked more about music.

Mondo Bungle: Poseur.

Lord Larehip: tl;dr but probably some racist undertones in that wall of text.

mordwyr: I don't like your alphabetical system. Stop that ****.

The Batlord: Deadpool and Manowar are cooler than you. Holy **** that should make you depressed.

LiL: Quit whining and do your ****ing job.

Trollheart: tl;dr but probably some bad jokes and a band I'm not into.
This guy totally gets me. (Gets me arrested..)
Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon View Post
I was given one for calling someone a d1ck.
Was it Urban?
Originally Posted by Piotr_13 View Post
Hello, I am currently 15 years old and I want to become a walrus. I know there’s a million people out there just like me, but I promise you I’m different. On December 14th, I’m moving to Antartica; home of the greatest walruses. I’ve already cut off my arms, and now slide on my stomach everywhere I go as training. I may not be a walrus yet, but I promise you if you give me a chance and the support I need, I will become the greatest walrus ever. If you have any questions or maybe advice, just inbox me. Thank you all so much ~~
Man, I thought you were an attack helicopter?? Why can't anyone these days just be happy in their skin?
Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls View Post
Vanilla is blind as a bat. Put on some damn glasses! Why not always wear them? Glasses are hawt.
A very sexy bat.

That's it. I'm done. You're probably all in bed by now anyway....
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Old 12-29-2014, 01:14 PM   #8 (permalink)
The Sexual Intellectual
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post

Was it Urban?
Why me?

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 12-29-2014, 11:12 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
You have feet?

Can some of you British folk explain to me what the defining qualities of a person from Yorkshire would be? I ask primarily because I love Stephen Dillane, and I'm told he's from there.

But wtf do I know?


Hahaha, I went googling for funsies. This guy is ****ing Stannis.

I've moved to a new address
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Old 12-30-2014, 05:27 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
Can some of you British folk explain to me what the defining qualities of a person from Yorkshire would be? I ask primarily because I love Stephen Dillane, and I'm told he's from there.

But wtf do I know?


Hahaha, I went googling for funsies. This guy is ****ing Stannis.

Bluff, hard-working, no-nonsense. Mostly farmers (stereotype but often true), take no ****, no time for bull (other than the ones in their fields), straight-talking, down to earth etc etc etc.
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