Originally Posted by ladyislingering
Mordwyr - I call him "moreweird" when I see his username because he comes off as the type of person who probably has one of those freaky synthetic Japanese sex dolls in his bedroom and dresses himself (and the doll) up in lace stockings for sexual gratification. Probably doesn't have 9 children, and more than likely didn't just have another, because let's be honest here, if a couple just had a child, the wife (who just birthed a monstrously large creature) isn't going to chat with her husband first thing after on a fucking music forum of all places.
For someone who actively interacts with their partner on a music forum, of all places, it seems strange that you would feel the need to insult another member for doing so, let alone with the assumption that you can critique another member with such certainty, based solely on posts to an internet forum. Mordwyr is a solid individual, and if you bothered to pay attention, his life seems fairly genuine and accurately represented.