Originally Posted by ladyislingering
so here's a few.
Pet_Sounds - super neat kid with a great taste in music, so much yet for him to find that will totally blow his mind. When you're so young with such taste, there is nothing more exciting than digging at the archives of real music.
Chula Vista - lately I'm not sure if this guy's just drunk a lot of the time and it turns him into a jerk or if he's just a jerk.
Mordwyr - I call him "moreweird" when I see his username because he comes off as the type of person who probably has one of those freaky synthetic Japanese sex dolls in his bedroom and dresses himself (and the doll) up in lace stockings for sexual gratification. Probably doesn't have 9 children, and more than likely didn't just have another, because let's be honest here, if a couple just had a child, the wife (who just birthed a monstrously large creature) isn't going to chat with her husband first thing after on a fu cking music forum of all places.
Frownland - keeps getting funnier. A really charming person.
Roxy - Supercool, superchill, excellent taste in music and would probably be really cool to chill with.
WhateverDude - Still my favorite. 

Thanks my darling! I'd kick it with you too.
'Tis the season to be like merry, or jolly or whatever. Regardless, I love you fu
ckers! (Even you Wpnfire.

Just don't let that **** go to your head bro.)