Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
Everyone: I don't want them to die. But if they did, I would feel like it was unfortunate. Then I would continue doing whatever I do every day.
Janszoon: I feel like you're a stuffed animal. A stuffed bear, to be precise. Stuffed with jokes and unadulterated liberalism.
Vanilla: You have the strangest face I've ever seen on a woman. My mother always told me if I don't have anything good to say, **** all that, be honest. You kinda look like a tranny. I still think you're a great person though. So, you know... I'm not hating or anything...
Sh*t, I haven't been around much. OK.
The goth chick that has recently become popular around here, I think she's pretty attractive. It's all in her face. Whatever your name is, I'm too lazy to actually look and see what your screen name is, you're hot.
Wolverinewolfwieselpigeon: Hopefully I wrote that correctly. I'd like to take this opportunity to let you know that I absolutely hate what you've done with your hair when you buzzed it. I retracted all the potential babies. Not that I'm the judge or anything, but seriously, you look better as a woman.
Batlord: I like you. You're horribly predictable, and that's part of the reason.
Alex: Dude, grow some balls. You're a good person, but you're missing two spherical/oval 3D shaped parts. Assert who you are. Don't give a **** what it might mean to someone else.
Dreadnaught: I'm happy to see more of you.
Big3: You're awesome just because you look good.
Everyone else: I'm not around enough to know.
I will fight you for the ladies' honour sir. Just name the time, place and weapons...

You are drunk most likely, but that does not excuse such infamous besmirching of a lady's honour. Have at you! En garde! Or, as we say over here, ye fu
ckin' wot? Come over 'ere and say that ya cu