03-21-2014, 11:03 PM
#10 (permalink)
carpe musicam
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Les Barricades Mystérieuses
Posts: 7,710
Originally Posted by Junkyard Donner
Neo- is great. At first I thought you were a bit of a troll or that you were trying really hard to be all alternative. Or, perhaps, that you enjoyed playing the devil's advocate (poorly). But since plug.dj I've learned that you're actually a very sweet, very knowledgable person who is sincere almost to a fault.
Originally Posted by bulbasaur
aww. it's 100% just a joke post with no hidden agenda or sly digs. i think politoeds are adorable, so there's that. blissy is also adorable.
i'm not familiar with the inner circle here either, nor the cliques. i don't really care about that stuff. i've seen some users complain about other users and so on, but i try not to pay too much attention to any of that. forum politics aren't for me.
you've been nice to me since the first time i hung out in the mb plug room, so i think you're wonderful. i don't post a lot, but i like to read through the forums and vanity search my username from time to time. i think i've seen all the compliments you've given me, which are all heartwarming and whatnot. thanks for those. i think your music taste is cool too 
Thank you both for the kind words.
Originally Posted by mord
Actually, I like you a lot, Nea. That's why I treat you like ****. It's the MB way.
"it counts in our hearts" ?ºº?
“I have nothing to offer anybody, except my own confusion.” Jack Kerouac.
“If one listens to the wrong kind of music, he will become the wrong kind of person.” Aristotle.
"If you tried to give Rock and Roll another name, you might call it 'Chuck Berry'." John Lennon
"I look for ambiguity when I'm writing because life is ambiguous." Keith Richards