Originally Posted by Neapolitan
I don't know what to think of the post yet. At first I thought it was funny everyone was the same. But then again...I don't know if that is a good thing. I hope you don't think everyone is horribly alike or all alike i.e. horrible. I like to think I stand outside the inner-circle, which I think is evident because I hardly get mentioned by the clique in this thread.  A couple people have and I never get around for a thank you or just acknowledge what they said, sorry about that
You're are one of my favorite people I've met on MB/plugdj. I consider you to have really good taste in music, & whenever I get the chance I try to mention that.
aww. it's 100% just a joke post with no hidden agenda or sly digs. i think politoeds are adorable, so there's that. blissy is also adorable.
i'm not too familiar with a lot of the users here, so all i mainly have are first impressions. everyone seems pretty nice (to me at least), so i have no complaints or negative feelings or any reason to disparage anyone. also no, i don't think you're all the same, unless you all want to be the same, then i guess i like your school uniforms.
i'm not familiar with the inner circle here either, nor the cliques. i don't really care about that stuff. i've seen some users complain about other users and so on, but i try not to pay too much attention to any of that. forum politics aren't for me.
you've been nice to me since the first time i hung out in the mb plug room, so i think you're wonderful. i don't post a lot, but i like to read through the forums and vanity search my username from time to time. i think i've seen all the compliments you've given me, which are all heartwarming and whatnot. thanks for those. i think your music taste is cool too