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Old 10-24-2013, 12:12 AM   #2851 (permalink)
The Aerosol in your Soul
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Originally Posted by Blarobbarg View Post
Here's some honesty for ya'll.

I haven't hardly visited Music Banter at all since I've been back in Nicaragua... I could probably count my visits on one hand. So, since the beginning of August, I've practically been MB-free.

I can honestly say that I feel like my life is better for it. It's not that I don't like you guys, I do. It's not like I haven't cared for this community, I have... it's just that I feel like MB has always been my escape from reality, and now I've embraced reality and all of its ups and downs. I've accepted myself, my life, and the people around me (even if they bug me sometimes). I don't feel like I need this community any more. At all.

I will probably still pop in every once in awhile, if only to check out new tunes (just because I'm not around don't mean I'm not still listening to good music!), but if I just disappear altogether, don't be too worried. It just means I've moved on to my next adventure, and don't want to waste my time escaping reality any more.

I'm done escaping.

Be well, MB. I'll see ya 'round.
Aw naw. Damn, you're one of my favourite members here. I was hoping you'd come back and be more active. G'luck on your journey, and keep up the wonderful music taste!
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Old 10-24-2013, 03:21 AM   #2852 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
You can also be out and about and oblivious to the real world because you spend all your time staring at your phone.
that's the thing. You can create a happy medium between the two so you aren't always staring at your phone. There are slow points in life when you are out in the real world where you are doing absolutely nothing and that's when tech comes into play.

Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
I assumed, that to even the least perceptive people I've ever come across, the concept would naturally and obviously extend to any form of reliance on online "virtual" pursuits versus the world happening around them and their participation in it. Specifically, in the sense that the problem is one specific website versus a general reliance.

The fact that I need to even spell that out for the sake of having included the word "computer screen" leads me to believe you either know what I meant and are trolling, or don't know what I meant and somehow have ended up with less ability than the least perceptive people I've ever come across.

No offense or anything.
I might just be hanging out with geniuses and am a genius myself. Feel free to calculate those odds.
You just love talking down to people don't you. Or maybe it's just me that you do it with. Anyways. Mr. Genius. I latched more onto your phrasing of sitting down much more than "computer screen". Use the English language properly and just say what you mean the first time then you don't have to go around explaining yourself because you meant something different than what you actually said. You meant for it to have a greater meaning but you didn't elude to that anywhere in your post. Maybe that's how your genuis brain interprets your own statements.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 10-24-2013, 07:31 AM   #2853 (permalink)
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Mankykaaant: Use old outdated signature that no one cares about and wishes to even see.
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*nba > nfl crew*
*Shave one of my legs to pretend its a girl in my bed crew*
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Old 10-24-2013, 09:04 AM   #2854 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Paul Smeenus: Cool guy. Gets a little (a lot) hot under the collar at the drop of a hate over little things, but still a cool guy.

Sansa Stark: Probably the person on here who my opinion of changes the most. On the one hand she can go off the reservation and just be abusive to the point where I find her intolerable, but on the other the other 99% of the time she's one of my favorite people to just shoot the shit with.

HHBH: I still don't know why I love the guy. He's an ass, and doesn't really seem to like anybody on here, just appreciates their entertainment value, but he's a character whose presence I would miss if he ever left.

DJChameleon: To be honest I'm never sure how much of his sex stories are BS, but in general he's a pleasant guy whose musical taste takes an unfair beating. Maybe it's just because I like a lot of "crappy" pop too.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 10-24-2013, 09:39 AM   #2855 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle View Post
I'm still a noob? I've been here for two years.
yes u r deal w/ it
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Old 10-24-2013, 09:58 AM   #2856 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Rezdaddy Longlegs View Post
Sorry but please stop posting bert videos...they offend me.
Google Image Result for http://cdn.uproxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/mashup-sesamestreet-bert-and-ernie-Bert-et-un-de-ses-freres-HillaryWhite.jpg
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Old 10-24-2013, 11:52 AM   #2857 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mankycaaant View Post
Vanilla: I was bored so watched some old MB Cafe videos the other day. Has the cutest accent/smile I've seen.

Hermoine: my good pal. Top person. One member I'd totally like to meet one day.

DJ: He's alright despite having a pretty bad music taste. Willi.a.m top artist on Last FM?!? C'mon dude.

216: Pussy.

HHBH: Top guy, funny and intelligent when necessary. Don't back up his music taste by any accounts though.

Paul Smeenus: Wise old man. Quite like him despite that we have little in common.

Fred Hale Sr: Same as above. My dude though, need to see a picture of him.

Ki: Likes some bad music, bro.

Fluffy Kittens: I bet you're actually white. Still a top guy though. Respect his football knowledge.
Ya are what ya eat bro

Mr Charlie. I like this new dude
Neo. One of mbs finest. Plug is usually only fun when big neo is around
Manky. Dickhead
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Old 10-24-2013, 07:52 PM   #2858 (permalink)
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I thought maybe I'd do a little list, just for fun.

Sansa Stark - I like her a lot, her knowledge in books and human rights is pretty astounding. She should try not to worry too much about assholes though.

HHBH - His posts are probably some of the most interesting, and he listens to a lot of dark, crusty stuff. He seems like the suspenders type.

WWWP - I knew her since I joined, she's pretty awesome, sent me a book once. I kind of irritate her these days a bit, but I'm glad she puts up with my shit as much as she does.

DocSoft - Canadian godfather kid, he goes to crazy ass parties, and has some of the craziest stories to tell. He's the kind of kid you have awesome memories with.

DJChameloen - Probably one of the more understanding members, has 5 cats, and has questionable taste in music to some.

Rezz - Shares my love for Fender guitars, we used to always talk about gear before he became an exclusive .gif poster.

Maanky - Needs to use condoms, seriously man.

Batlord - Probably posts too much for his own good, kind of the smart ass type, makes me think about myself in terms of the fact that I'm nothing but a basement dweller these days.

216 - Just likes fucking with people, I don't understand why people get so bent out of shape about him. His entire point of being here is to get under your skin, why take it personally?

Paul Smeemus - Dislikes me firmly, but I don't blame him. He likes to collect records and play bass.

Burning Down - She's okay, first one to realize who I was, but was nice enough not to tell anyone.

Neapolitan - We have a fondness for offset guitars, he and I share a lot in common taste wise. Overall, pretty nice dude.

Freebase - Used to have fun times with this dude, especially while he was drunk singing ABBA in tinychat.

Vanilla - Has nice assets, and that's all I'm going to say.

PoorOldPo - Who I wish I was when I was his age, really amazing artist, and he's also playing music in a group now too.

MondoBungle - Does more drugs and dooms more doom than any other 17 year old kid on the planet.

that's all for now.
Funnel From Another Lover

God Is My Solar System

Originally Posted by Sansa Stark View Post
"check yr fucking posable limbs privilege you ****s"
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Old 10-25-2013, 08:19 AM   #2859 (permalink)
county fair energy
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Alex! You never irritate me!
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis View Post
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)

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Old 10-25-2013, 11:11 AM   #2860 (permalink)
David Hasselhoff
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Originally Posted by Sequoioideae View Post
Paul Smeemus - Dislikes me firmly, but I don't blame him. He likes to collect records and play bass.

No, you're cool with me, Alex. It took me a while to "get" you but it's all good now.
Originally Posted by grindy View Post
Basically you're David Hasselhoff.
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