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Old 03-17-2013, 06:27 PM   #2201 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hermione View Post
Yeah so writing one sentence defending someone is attacking everyone, as opposed to your long, drawn out, self righteous paragraphs.

You need to take a stadium of seats, kid.
My god you have a strange concept of self-righteous, don't you? All I did was explain/defend my actions and say I wouldn't take it back as I believed what I said was right.
You on the other hand spat venom at anyone who was getting at FPK and called them names.
So which would you say is an attack?

Your own seat awaits. I'm far from perfect but I know when I'm wrong and prepared to admit it. I rarely if ever resort to just calling people names and telling them to essentially **** themselves.
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Old 03-17-2013, 07:16 PM   #2202 (permalink)
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Something is seriously wrong if Trollheart, one of the best members here gets called out for doing something wrong.
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Old 03-17-2013, 07:32 PM   #2203 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
It's all very well members on here defending him because of his autistic nature and his social difficulties, and in turn cutting him some slack because of this condition. But ever since he's been a member on here, he's been extremely consistent at getting on people's nerves and if he's rational enough to do this, then he's rational enough to know what he's doing. As it's not like he's randomly stating opinions either, he has a clear line on what he's doing and keeps on doing it because he knows he'll get a reaction.

Autistic people have social issues in society, but internet contact on a forum doesn't hold the same social value, as physically being face to face with somebody. For that reason alone, I personally think FPK is fully aware of what he's upto and plays the autisitic card to defend himself.
I think you missed my point. It's not about being irritated by his opinions. I'm talking about making fun of autistic impairments, calling someone with autism dumb, bagging out their repetitiveness and picking on compression skills. It's all in the "spectrum" of autism, and if you can't see the pattern of what a neurological development disorder has formed, then perhaps doing a bit of research is a good idea.

Also the Internet isn't some magical transformation that completely changes one's social skills. Autism is going to affect it either way.

If you find it irritating because you can't handle this that's your problem, don't take out on Franco. Making excuses to make fun of someone with a disability? Ffs.
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Old 03-17-2013, 07:35 PM   #2204 (permalink)
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One of the features of autism/aspergers is obsession with a narrow field of interest. I'm not sure about virtual interaction but in person it is often difficult for aspies to realise that the people they are talking to don't share their obsessions.
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Old 03-17-2013, 07:54 PM   #2205 (permalink)
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Sorry in my post I meant comprehension skills, not compression skills.
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Old 03-17-2013, 08:12 PM   #2206 (permalink)
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Put me down as also not knowing about Autism. I feel bad about my posts, I won't make any more. I apologize
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Old 03-17-2013, 08:49 PM   #2207 (permalink)
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Okay kittens, let's all share a bowl of warm milk.
"Elph is truly an enfant terrible of the forum, bless and curse him" - Marie, Queen of Thots
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Old 03-17-2013, 08:55 PM   #2208 (permalink)
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Warm milk sounds good to me. Will help wash down the popcorn.
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Old 03-17-2013, 10:15 PM   #2209 (permalink)
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Some people just really want a martyr on these boards. I said this before, but if FPK is bothering you that badly, you probably post on the forums too frequently.

I almost never see him. One a month, I'm talking. I haven't seen a post of his this month that I can recall.
I've moved to a new address
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Old 03-18-2013, 05:53 AM   #2210 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Who gives a ****? I skip over 75% of his posts because I find them to be rambling and nonsensical anyways.

Better than taking shots at him every chance I can find like Unknown Soldier does. Bro I think you're an otherwise good poster, but your obsessive hatred of this guy is just weird.
I don't actually even dislike the guy, let alone have any hatred towards him. But what kind of forum do we have where people can get away with making stupid comments on a regular basis? We as forum members have the freedom to either ignore or contest these opinions, it's an individual choice. I just happen to be one of those that contests his opinions whenever I see the need. The mods are there to see that no overly offensive comments are used towards him as well.

Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
Talking about the same two people in every possible situation in every possible post for months on end despite being told many, many times by many, many people that it annoys them to no end?

That's beyond the scope of autism unless FPK is an extreme, EXTREME case and is completely unable to comprehend or respond to DIRECT criticism of his actions.

Alternatively, he knows exactly what he's doing.

Personally, I don't think either of the above are the kind of thing that should give FPK a free pass to shoehorn those two into every conversation ever. SOMETHING needed to be said and now it has.
Well said.

Originally Posted by Rjinn View Post
I think you missed my point. It's not about being irritated by his opinions. I'm talking about making fun of autistic impairments, calling someone with autism dumb, bagging out their repetitiveness and picking on compression skills. It's all in the "spectrum" of autism, and if you can't see the pattern of what a neurological development disorder has formed, then perhaps doing a bit of research is a good idea.

Also the Internet isn't some magical transformation that completely changes one's social skills. Autism is going to affect it either way.

If you find it irritating because you can't handle this that's your problem, don't take out on Franco. Making excuses to make fun of someone with a disability? Ffs.
But nobody has actually made as far as I'm aware any fun of his autistic impairments, so I don't know what your're getting at?

As for whether he's autistic we only have his word for it, but is that still an excuse to act the way he does, especially when he's aware of what he's doing? In fact Ki made a good post about this several posts back.

Over the years I've seen numerous people on this forum suffering from one kind of impairment or another, that's largely due to the person sharing that impairment with other members and of course there are going to be others who haven't shared their impairment but still suffer from it. Any reason why you think FPK should be cut some slack when he crosses the line, but others on here have to behave themselves?

FPK can write anything he wants within the rules of the forum and likewise people can respond to him how they want as well within the rules of the forum. I don't see why he should have any special privileges on here.
Originally Posted by eraser.time206 View Post
If you can't deal with the fact that there are 6+ billion people in the world and none of them think exactly the same that's not my problem. Just deal with it yourself or make actual conversation. This isn't a court and I'm not some poet or prophet that needs everything I say to be analytically critiqued.
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