Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier
He's only autistic because he told me so on a previous post some time back. Up until then he'd made a name for himself as an annoying narrow-minded ass, who used to just post mostly in the lounge to get up people's noses, especially on topics he knew would get a reaction. Now he's revealed that he's autistic (we've only his word for that) and that now means everybody should go easy on him when he starts up on one of his rants. I don't discriminate and believe everybody should be treated the same way. I don't see why FPK should be treated any different when he's actually fully aware on what he's doing.
If I was to make offensive, narrow-minded or constantly annoying opinions on the forum, I'd expect to be challenged on them, I don't see why FPK should be exempt from this.
I don't know if he is or he isn't tbh, was just pointing out that it comes across on the internet and that accusing him of playing the autistic card is a bit on top. I've not seen him mention it and it seems others haven't either. He does mention those artists regularly but like someone else said I hardly see him post.