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Old 03-12-2013, 06:26 AM   #2151 (permalink)
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Franco, do you even know what a troll is? Just because my username is Trollheart does not mean I am a troll. Also Fetcher and Lisnaholic are valued members of this forum and about the furthest thing from trolls you could get. I'm not saying you're one, but compared to us you're far closer. In case you're unclear on the subject, here's a Wiki article to help you:
Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The irony of this post you made is that I counted and yes, you mentioned FRANCO AND PEPE KALLE SIX times in the one post! That's six times in five paragraphs (some of which are only a line), averaging more than once per paragraph. Be a nerd and break it down into lines: you used a total of 29 lines. Let's call it thirty as I'm crap at maths. That's six times out of thirty sentences you mention them, or once every five sentences. This doesn't seem excessive to you?

I've read most of your posts and I have never seen you speak of any other artist, despite what your blog may say. I'm really not interested in reading your blog, but if you're going to share space and time here on the forum with others who may not like or have any interest in FRANCO AND PEPE KALLE then PLEASE stop mentioning them every chance you get, particularly when it's off-topic. Honestly, I could see you (not saying you did but I could imagine you) going into the "Howard RIP" thread and posting "what a pity he never got to experience the music of FRANCO AND PEPE KALLE" and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks such a thing would not be beyond you.

You may not be obsessed, but to most people here that's exactly how you come across, myopic (only able to see one thing) and with serious OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) which makes you think you have to mention these artistes every time you speak.

Look at Frownland: he took his name from a Captain Beefheart record but he doesn't spend him time talking about the artiste all the time. Everyone is interested in the music of everyone else, to a point, but when you consistently and constantly talk about them in every other post it gets really wearing. You need to dial it back; try something else. Try talking about another artiste, without referring to FRANCO AND PEPE KALLE. And yes, I'm doing that on purpose, to give you an idea of how annoying it can be.

But whatever you think, do NOT call us trolls. We are far from such a thing, and it really is a case of people in glass houses....
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Old 03-12-2013, 08:33 AM   #2152 (permalink)
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I'm kind of thinking quite possibly, FPK (not to be confused with Franco, or Pepe Kalle) is a minion for Franco, and his underlord Pepe Kalle, and if you listen to his music he steals your soul.

Nice try Franco, nice try.
See location...
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Old 03-12-2013, 09:01 AM   #2153 (permalink)
Mwana Nzala
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Franco, do you even know what a troll is? Just because my username is Trollheart does not mean I am a troll. Also Fetcher and Lisnaholic are valued members of this forum and about the furthest thing from trolls you could get. I'm not saying you're one, but compared to us you're far closer. In case you're unclear on the subject, here's a Wiki article to help you:
Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The irony of this post you made is that I counted and yes, you mentioned FRANCO AND PEPE KALLE SIX times in the one post! That's six times in five paragraphs (some of which are only a line), averaging more than once per paragraph. Be a nerd and break it down into lines: you used a total of 29 lines. Let's call it thirty as I'm crap at maths. That's six times out of thirty sentences you mention them, or once every five sentences. This doesn't seem excessive to you?

I've read most of your posts and I have never seen you speak of any other artist, despite what your blog may say. I'm really not interested in reading your blog, but if you're going to share space and time here on the forum with others who may not like or have any interest in FRANCO AND PEPE KALLE then PLEASE stop mentioning them every chance you get, particularly when it's off-topic. Honestly, I could see you (not saying you did but I could imagine you) going into the "Howard RIP" thread and posting "what a pity he never got to experience the music of FRANCO AND PEPE KALLE" and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks such a thing would not be beyond you.

You may not be obsessed, but to most people here that's exactly how you come across, myopic (only able to see one thing) and with serious OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) which makes you think you have to mention these artistes every time you speak.

Look at Frownland: he took his name from a Captain Beefheart record but he doesn't spend him time talking about the artiste all the time. Everyone is interested in the music of everyone else, to a point, but when you consistently and constantly talk about them in every other post it gets really wearing. You need to dial it back; try something else. Try talking about another artiste, without referring to FRANCO AND PEPE KALLE. And yes, I'm doing that on purpose, to give you an idea of how annoying it can be.

But whatever you think, do NOT call us trolls. We are far from such a thing, and it really is a case of people in glass houses....
That black quote is total trollish and rubbish and most importantly, great stupidity at best. You crossed the line. Howard is gone (GOD rests his soul), and I never said or would never say anything like thtat.

This is actually I SAID, just case you don't know
He also was a man who digged foreign music too. He was a likable man. He died too soon. RIP, Howard

Did it mention Franco and Pepe Kalle. NOPE. You crossed the line again.

I made a troll comment yes but you, Lisalonic and Fetcher, could have just ignored at all. That is what most others did. If you knew my comment was troll then why the hell respond to it. That is all I am saying. You made some good criticisms but then added some really dumb things and now you crossed the line with Howard the Duck. That is pure stupidity and you know better. Look if it is because you hate HHBH, then that is your choice but don't take on me.

Fetcher, you like SKillet. No problem. You don't have to like everything I like.

Fetcher and Trollheart, I have never said you guys are TROLLS. I said you sound like Trolls. Trollheart, you further put the foot on your mouth by mentioning Howard the Duck acting like I am so ignorant. I make troll comments. I know that. That happens. Sometimes I am nice and sometimes I can be troll. At Fetcher got the memo somewhat about what I said.

Look I get it but you are making my case. You, Lisalonic, and Fetcher resent the fact that I like Franco and Pepe Kalle. Heck even Big 3 even defended and I bet she does not like me one bit. If Big 3 has to defend me of all people, you know are making my case. You guys are mad that I am consistent on one thing and you wish I would forget liking the two guys that my username comes FROM. Trollheart, yourself said that you would not check my blog. I mean come on, be consistent. You said that I only mention Franco and Pepe Kalle and yet I give one place where at least I hear other artists and you said **** that. I mean you are making my case more clearer.
The problem with Franco Pepe Kalle is that he is a unpredictable character. There is surprising info about this man. You think he only likes Franco and Pepe Kalle but when you find out that he hears other artists, you are shock.

Girls are the sexy thing that God created.

Important to notice FPK.
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Old 03-12-2013, 10:14 AM   #2154 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
That black quote is total trollish and rubbish and most importantly, great stupidity at best. You crossed the line. Howard is gone (GOD rests his soul), and I never said or would never say anything like thtat.

This is actually I SAID, just case you don't know
He also was a man who digged foreign music too. He was a likable man. He died too soon. RIP, Howard

Did it mention Franco and Pepe Kalle. NOPE. You crossed the line again.

I made a troll comment yes but you, Lisalonic and Fetcher, could have just ignored at all. That is what most others did. If you knew my comment was troll then why the hell respond to it. That is all I am saying. You made some good criticisms but then added some really dumb things and now you crossed the line with Howard the Duck. That is pure stupidity and you know better. Look if it is because you hate HHBH, then that is your choice but don't take on me.

Fetcher, you like SKillet. No problem. You don't have to like everything I like.

Fetcher and Trollheart, I have never said you guys are TROLLS. I said you sound like Trolls. Trollheart, you further put the foot on your mouth by mentioning Howard the Duck acting like I am so ignorant. I make troll comments. I know that. That happens. Sometimes I am nice and sometimes I can be troll. At Fetcher got the memo somewhat about what I said.

Look I get it but you are making my case. You, Lisalonic, and Fetcher resent the fact that I like Franco and Pepe Kalle. Heck even Big 3 even defended and I bet she does not like me one bit. If Big 3 has to defend me of all people, you know are making my case. You guys are mad that I am consistent on one thing and you wish I would forget liking the two guys that my username comes FROM. Trollheart, yourself said that you would not check my blog. I mean come on, be consistent. You said that I only mention Franco and Pepe Kalle and yet I give one place where at least I hear other artists and you said **** that. I mean you are making my case more clearer.
Well I just LOVE reading your posts Franco! Your OK with me, providing some of the best entertainment here. Go on! Tell them all exactly how you feel. Dont let up!
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Old 03-12-2013, 10:45 AM   #2155 (permalink)
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FPK is still my favourite. Read every one of his posts that I see.

Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
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2. What was the strangest/best/worst party you ever went to?
Prolly a party I had with some people I know
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Old 03-12-2013, 10:50 AM   #2156 (permalink)
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^ why can't all your posts be that coherent?
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Old 03-12-2013, 11:26 AM   #2157 (permalink)
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You know what Franco? Forget it. I'm just going to ignore you from now on. You completely neglected to point out that I said I could see you making that comment, though I accept you didn't. The point is that you take every opportunity --- EVERY opportunity --- to mention these two guys and I'm one of the people here who are sick of hearing their names.

You STILL don't know what a troll is. How can Kay, Lis and I sound like trolls? Are we taking threads off-topic, flaming people, making pointless posts or engaging in deliberate, unprovoked and pointless fighting with anyone? Have we not made posts (Christ almighty man, I run THREE journals! Would a troll do that?) that are considered, informative, mostly friendly and always thought out?

Look, you think what you want to think but if anyone is a troll here it's you, and your refusal to accept that and your baseless accusation against me and two others who do not deserve the tag has just lost you any possible forebearance or sympathy or patience you might have had. I have no idea why you're bringing HHBH into it: what has that to do with anything? It was he who accused me of things and I responded to him. Are you two so up each other that you have to defend each the other from the slightest negative comment?

I'll say no more about or to you. You're just not worth wasting my time on any more. I've tried to treat this with a sense of humour but now you're just getting up my nose, trying to make out I'm saying or inferring things I'm not. So leave it at that. Go listen to some Franco, or maybe some Pepe Kalle. I really couldn't care less.
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Old 03-12-2013, 12:40 PM   #2158 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
Hip Hop Bunny Hop
You know what is up. You also rule. I am real and you are real. We need more of us and less of fake folks.
Try using your head for once I doubt HHBH would even give you the time of day. You have read his posts right? So there's really no need to keep licking his butt on the forum.

Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
kiekiekiekiekie, Fetcher, Trollheart, and Lisaoholinc, you sound like trolls. I am sorry but you sound like trolls. So you are the same guys that accuse of being so inconsistent on everything but when I am consist on one thing, you get so mad. Trollheart, and Fetcher, I never asked you to like Franco and Pepe Kalle at all. I never have and I have no intention to do so. Heck none of my family members like much of those two anyway. Yet, they are fine because I never ASK THEM TO LIKE THEM ANYWAY. Understand. I am not restricted to those two. I just found out that I like Franco and Pepe Kalle more than anyone else. I have come to that reality. I am a musical freak in general but I found out that those two are most favorites. That is why I call myself Franco Pepe Kalle.
You sound like a nervous chicken, with a cock shoved where the sun don't shine.

Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
That black quote is total trollish and rubbish and most importantly, great stupidity at best.
What I've quoted in black, is what you're best at.

Did it mention Franco and Pepe Kalle. NOPE. You crossed the line again.
I have no idea who this artist is and I hope I never find out.

Trollheart, you further put the foot on your mouth by mentioning Howard the Duck acting like I am so ignorant.
Son, the expression is "put your foot in your mouth" so at least make some attempt to get these expressions right if you're going to use them.

Heck even Big 3 even defended and I bet she does not like me one bit. If Big 3 has to defend me of all people, you know are making my case.
As far as I know she is a he and has a penis.

You guys are mad that I am consistent on one thing and you wish I would forget liking the two guys that my username comes FROM. Trollheart, yourself said that you would not check my blog. I mean come on, be consistent. You said that I only mention Franco and Pepe Kalle and yet I give one place where at least I hear other artists and you said **** that. I mean you are making my case more clearer.
I've been on this forum since 2009 and I have to say, that you're the biggest berk I've ever seen on here.
Originally Posted by eraser.time206 View Post
If you can't deal with the fact that there are 6+ billion people in the world and none of them think exactly the same that's not my problem. Just deal with it yourself or make actual conversation. This isn't a court and I'm not some poet or prophet that needs everything I say to be analytically critiqued.
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Old 03-12-2013, 01:00 PM   #2159 (permalink)
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If there was a time for having a go at FPK, it was long ago. I've always liked the lad, he's not trolling anyone. I think his enthusiasm and humour are valuable assets to the forum.

I agree with Big3 that more people need to start talking about music, it is a music forum after all. That comment is aimed at everyone above with the exemption of Trollheart who is obviously a great poster and the engine that keeps the forum running.
Ki, Neo, Fetcher and everyone else above. Franco's Franco. He always will be, taking shots at him was the in-thing maybe 9 months ago, not so much now.
Just focus on your own posting before scrutinising others.

Also, I'd like to say sorry for not posting so much myself in recent times, I'm currently pretty tied up with working two jobs and with various other thing.
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Old 03-12-2013, 01:35 PM   #2160 (permalink)
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Cheers to Vanilla and Urban for their recommendations, I was really bored this week and listened to "Push the Button" and think it's a great album.

Franco mate, I personally believe everyone's entitled to talk about whichever artists they like to whatever degree they like. You obviously love talking about Franco and Pepe Kalle, that's cool, I think everyone should be really keen on something. It's great that they mean so much to you, because that's what music is about.
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