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Old 12-31-2011, 09:18 AM   #1111 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mighty Salami View Post
Garret: despite having little to say, every recommendation he makes has been excellent. In fact, possibly the best music I've heard all year was posted by him. He's clearly got a huge knowledge of music and I think he might have some of the best tastes on this site.
Thanks.....I appreciate the kinds words!
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Old 12-31-2011, 09:45 AM   #1112 (permalink)
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Dankrsta - Come back, please.
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Old 12-31-2011, 11:53 AM   #1113 (permalink)
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I'll provide a few thoughts on members that have made an impression on me this year:

Pedestrian - I've stumbled upon a few great albums courtesy of her this year, really nice taste and she's always willing to take a rec too, regardless of how pushy I am. One of the most witty and intelligent posters here.

Farfisa - Cool guy who should believe in himself a lot more. Cheer up chap, judging from our interactions, you've got a lot going for you.

Jackpat - Impressive knowledge when it comes to the more experimental/avante-garde pockets of music. Can come across as a little pretentious on occasions, but for me it's more a demand for quality than anything else, and I like that. I want to see some anger in 2012

Janszoon - Great poster, doesn't suffer fools gladly but if you at least attempt to offer some insight and think about the points you're making, he's the nicest guy around. Slammin' taste in music too.

Bob. - I probably have more in common with Bob. musically than I do with anybody else here. Have enjoyed geeking out with him on numerous occasions, top guy too, and always informative with his views.

Zer0 - Perhaps the most underrated poster on MB. The guy is a musical goldmine, and I love his writing style.

Engine - Clearly very intelligent, I enjoy his posts, which are always well thought out.

Ska - I'm not going to beat around the bush, I used to have a bit of a problem with Ska. I thought his posts were elitist and pretentious. He's actually a very nice guy when given the chance, and I've enjoyed many a good mumu with him. For me, the most improved member.

DocSoft - I've warmed to Doc, never had much time for him before but, since I've increased my activity here, I've got to know him a little better. Cool guy and I love the fact he digs Sortsind.

Jackhammer - Has been one of my favourite members for a good few years now. I don't have a bad word to say against him, handles everything with grace and charm, and he has a knowledge of music that puts me to shame

James - No idea the guy was 16, his demeanour belies his age, I wish I'd have been that mature in my mid-teens.

TomClancy - Has injected a bit of energy into MB, I like his enthusiasm for music and his willingness to try out new things.

Uincr0n - Really hope he sticks around, that's all.

ThePhanastasio - Though I haven't spoken to her much, I always enjoy her posts. She has interesting viewpoints, and communicates in a highly engaging manner.

Urban - Barely speak to him, and I'm quite sure it's been this way since we both joined 7 years ago - I put this down to the fact I'm not female. Be that as it may, I do respect his opinions, and I'm always interested in reading his posts.

Canwllcorfe - The guy likes DSBM, it's inevitable that I'll like him. Generally always interested to see what he's listening to.

If I've forgotten anyone... Fuck it, you'll live.
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Old 12-31-2011, 01:14 PM   #1114 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mighty Salami View Post

blastingas10: Sadly not many people like him here, and this is unmerited in my opinion. I know he can get angry sometimes, but he actually knows quite a lot about music, and I find myself in agreement with him most of the time. Perhaps some of the things he writes about are controversial, but I think he can contribute quite a lot in this forum.

Garret: despite having little to say, every recommendation he makes has been excellent. In fact, possibly the best music I've heard all year was posted by him. He's clearly got a huge knowledge of music and I think he might have some of the best tastes on this site.
Thanks, man. I was more controversial in my earlier days and I think that's why I caused a stir. I certainly didn't hesitate to be controversial. Although I never intended to make people mad, I was just speaking my opinion. I didn't exactly make a good first impression, and wasn't trying to.
I never tried to make friends, I came here to talk about music.

As for Garret, I agree with what you've said. I know some people don't like how he doesn't say much, but I don't have a problem with it. He's never rude to anyone, he never screws around, he doesn't cause any problems; and for that, Garret, I give you this:
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Old 12-31-2011, 10:00 PM   #1115 (permalink)
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Default New Years Eve Spilling Guts Thinking About MB Members

Originally Posted by TomClancy11 View Post
James - Ignores his new best friend in the MD Community
Oh Lord people I forgot Tom too! I think Tom's a great author. He Loves to post music. When he is not writing novels elsewhere.

He pulls out some classics out of that huge discography in his mental collection.

Sorry Tom and everyone else I missed who I either know, or do not know

There are a few around I missed, and, would like to apologize too as well.

There is a Phish head floating around from Kentucky; where men are men, and sheep are nervous.....booooo. Bad joke. If you ever meet hillbillies like us, don't mistake us for rednecks. We are on the bi-polar scale of naughty or nice. I don't know why I got a lump of coal for X-mas. Did you send that too me Phan? I swore I saw Santa Claus.

And, I don't have seven cars in my front yard. I've only got six, and, two of em run!

But, you have to admit that I can seriously rhyme. Prime time rhyme. And, there was a message, however sublime.

The gimp of pimp. I run and shout, and, crap em out. Line for line, on coke or moonshine.

Okay, I'll get my head out of my ass, and, play you some KY bluegrass.

Wishing I had some. (sigh)

You get two, because, I really do, care about you.

They should put me in a zoo!

Seriously, this is a good band that I picked up somewhere. Awesome BG.

A screeching weasel cover. Listen to it. It's awesome.

Peace offering # 1

Hope the name of the game is lame, not fortune or fame, is some fiery flame.

That would really blow chunks. I'm just going to chill with the punks. Like me. And, even blah blah blah with a Jewish Egyptian Ska.

And, hope I don't fail to say hail. To a partly baby sperm whale.

Did I miss two or three? Who can't stomach me? I am not a salami. I am full of bologna.

Why do we pronounce Bologgna as bolonee? Backwoods country f*cks hear en Umurica?

That was just wrong on every level! Dear Lord, I upologize fer that, may I live with the pygmy's in New Guinea! Larry the Cable guy, and, now I are gonna fry.

Ska, have you ever of Bob and the Sagets? Who evolved into The Menzingers.

The one ska band I really like.

44 views. Maybe not

peace and blessings to all.

I should be banned. I hope I'm not sh*t canned.

I don't write in proper paragraph, trying to make people giggle or laugh.

And, all those ranting incoherent, unintelligible posts? Ignore them. I have no business suggesting that I know anything about Truth.

That is no lie.

And, if do not see the humor in my future posts. Just tell me to shut the hell up. I do ride that fine line between 'genius and insanity'. The right side!

I hope you people get these jokes. My quest now is to be the funniest guy here. It's off the wall humor, because, I am off the wall. I am humpty dumpty!

Please mod, approve this. I am on topic. I am not blabbering jibberish. Because there is one person on this forum that really makes me sick.

steveeden888. That guy is a freaking moron. Everyone knows that.

He didn't even make it through pre-school 17 times. That's the Truth.

He couldn't even see the log in his own eye. He had no to business to ever prophesy. And, everyone here, is way more intelligent than that guy.

I think he likes the Gaslight Anthem. He should his gas to light his farts. Let's play him a song, even though he is an a*shole.

Whoever said he was an 11yr old, weirdo internet troll, 75% alien, neo-psychedelia nut case. You forgot dip*hit, and gave him too much credit.

Just see it as humor for you all. Laugh at him. Don't think anything else, other than what he deserves for acting the way he did. He's giving himself the business for your entertainment. Get your money's worth!

If you want to insult each other. Just say 'you're such a steveeden'! That's a righteous judgment for sure. That is a slam and a half. Not salami, and, not spam, so, please do don't disapprove this. This thread is about spilling guts, and, since I cannot stomach him, I'm spilling his guts for everyone.

After this, a New Year's resolution. To shut up, and read, and try to enjoy things that do not look pretty. To suggest that someone would want others to see what I see in Words is not going to be presented ever again.

There is someone here who is better qualified to tell you about enlightenment in a good sense, so I hear. I wish I knew him better. I don't even know his name, but, he knows things I believe in a more positive sense. He or she is righteous. I saw it in his or her Words.

Names. What do I think about MB members names? I think steveeden is a good name for a bad person. They are not really good names. He's a deceiver. He gave sermons on the mount from the Seven Volcanic Summits

Just laugh. It's not funny to me, just let it be for you please. Here's the Anthem for the blastingaslight5000. That's what steve fed the 5000

Prettiest 'punk'? ballad ever I believe. It soothes me. Somewhat. So does comfortably numb. I will hitherto just post humor and songs that demonstrate that these artists are not piping primal mating calls. I promise they are not.

Man I wish I would have paid attention, and looked at my words. I really am sorry. I took hypocrisy to new heights, and it makes me sick. Blast me gaster!(smiley).

If anyone replies, just post a song that suggests that everything is going to be alright. There is a name on this thread who really was not crazy like me.

Syd Barrett. He was not a nut. He was scared. And I am too. If people saw what I really do see in Words and songs, you would understand why I attempted to do what I did. I do not wish people to go through what I have and do. And, I am dead serious.

Finally, why are the people I really like best, are the ones who get the most grief?

Mighty Salami is not a suck up. He likes people. I'm sucking up and down! But, I like people too. He is trying too hard? He's not trying hard enough in my book.

I look on every forum, and it is the same. The ones I see as the most intelligent, and aware people, are always the ones who are accused of being ignorant, and, irritating. Trolls. Like me. I am a troll. An ugly one as well! I deserve the comments. I don't think others do so much. I do, but, I will never do it again. I am a hypocrite. I don't practice what I preach, and, couldn't see it. How easy can we be deceived? Ask steve. He knows that answer.

He could not deceive anyone but himself.

I tried to wake people up, and, I was asleep myself. Wisdom? I found out how wise I was in three seconds. Abandon it. Philosophy. Study of wisdom? And, they call it logic? Huh? I do know logic. I have no common sense.

What is more ironic than irony? Anyone know? Please tell me!

Understand knowledge. Don't do what I did. I sought something I should have left well enough alone. I thought I was humble. I was humbled again. I've been humble severely many times, and, still didn't see the arrogance.

You guys did, and I deserved every insult I received and more.

Others do not deserve it. Or, let's start a overrated/underrated MB member thread! Knowing I top the list of over.

Let these guys who try too hard really speak. And, listen. They aren't blowing smoke like me. And, all you brilliant people just try to connect what you know with why you know it.

It is all about Faith. Whoops. That's off topic. Disregard or not. Back to my spilling my guts, and what I really think about MB members. That is the topic mod. I am on again. Probably out of smileys. (smiley)

Blastingas10 He knows exactly what he is saying. He knows what he has breathed in and out 10 times! He just doesn't remember the other seven.(smiley) He does not deserve to be blasted by gas. He's not such a steveeden in my book.

I will make a genuine list of exactly who are the people who I do know are the most knowledgeable and understand that knowledge. Keep in mind, I am at the bottom. And, I will spill my guts, and not a bit contentious, or meaning to demean anyone. Other than steveeden. Smack him!

No I won't. I lied. See the idiocy. It's that easy to be a moron.

One last song that is poignant of what he does. Listen to a tale of mass deception. Street Dogs! We run in packs, and eat garbage!

peace again. That is what I really think mods. I am spilling my guts. I really do not like that guy, so, you have to approve it! Please? (beg smiley)!

Done. I wouldn't bet on it. I am a really lonely freak folk. sorry. I don't have any friends. Evidently, I don't deserve any. I agree. There is no one more deserving of damnation than that guy. He is Satan himself in my book.

Torment him, or play him a descent song. The devil's music please. Sympathy For the Devil gets old, so, maybe a song that does not suggest hopelessness. No primal mating calls please. Love songs? No More Love Songs. It's been done by several bands. Lucero. They didn't have it, so here is another. Evidently, at the end. Cut/paste please!

I promise to stop spilling my guts now mods. I have to do this. That steveeden doesn't think bad thoughts about anyone here, but, he treated people like crap, and, deserves a brow beating. And, I lied again. I promises I never keep. That's a sin on the mile long list of transgressions of steveeden hypocrisy file.

That is what I really think. And, if it sounds anything less than self-abasing. Don't think it is something cheesy, pretentious, or a pity appeal of any sort.

I am writing what others should have written more clearly, and, I am sure that I am not writing anything that someone hasn't thought about this guy.
He needed woke up, telling everyone else they were asleep. He was the one who couldn't see what he was telling others they couldn't see.

So, no pity. Just forgiveness please? Forgive and you shall be forgiven. I think a mighty might know this. And, the few of who have actually listened to him. Why? Delete his rants. Except this one, and the ones that aren't pretentious, and ignorant, contentious bu*lsh*t.

I wish I start all over with you folks. I hope so. Is it possible to change your name here? I never wanted to exalt myself? My very name, and the fact that I even say that is beyond hypocrisy.

I think I want 'kilroy was here666'! Laugh. I can't. It's not funny. Yes it is!

Just when I am sunk in the depths of despair, the Spirit comes!

My twin brother Steve. A real person who knows things that even I do not know, vice versa. But, we are best friends from childhood. He remembers things that you all talk about, but, he understands them completely.

I will simply say that one day everyone will understand telepathic communication. That is what I really thing about MB members. I'm tuning out!

Everyone. It's going to be okay. I needed to do this. I needs to be said. I have done everything wrong, but, for the right reasons. I am sorry, I should have contended with any of you, or, tried to even convince anyone of something that cannot be done.

Understand the concept of Faith in something invisible, and, maybe you can approach them from the visible realm. It's mighty bright, mighty?

Thanks for reading if you did. And, I will stop. Please approve. It is spot on topic. And, it wouldn't be fair to Tom(smiley)

Mighty, this is what is known as 'destroying your dominion'. And, putting the ruler of hades to shame. This thread was set up for this post, and, you can believe that or not. Mysterious ways in which it works.

Shame on me, I Love you all, I really Truly do, and, so does someone else who will show you why I wrote this post. Shame. Do it yourself if need be, don't learn humility like I have. You will cry, hard. I do not like myself. I never have. I am an necessary evil, and, it is not necessary anymore. I am not anything like you have gathered from my posts.

I am a really nice guy, who just knows too much about Words for his own good. And, I am done prophesying. Except to say that Dec 21, 2012 is the end of the world! Start praying to mighty, he will save you!

Or, I will damn you for eternity! That's what I really think about MB members My last hurrah. Hurray!

I am not really a deceiver so much as I have been a hypocrite. And, I done being that steveeden guy. You do not need him. He needed you. Bye.

This only took me six hours, so, approve it, or I rain down fire and brimstone on musicbanter.com. I am the ruler of hades still. Just a shameful one!

Good time song. Any brit know if the Fratelli's are popular. I like a lot of brit pop.

The passing traveler stops for food and music.
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Old 12-31-2011, 11:04 PM   #1116 (permalink)
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Old 01-01-2012, 08:55 AM   #1117 (permalink)
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Stevedean, you are the definition of a try-hard.
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Old 01-01-2012, 12:10 PM   #1118 (permalink)
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steveeden888 - Master of the wall of text and tl;dr.
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Old 01-01-2012, 01:28 PM   #1119 (permalink)
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I don't think Steve tries at all. He's just Steve, and Steve makes really long posts without even thinking about it.
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Old 01-01-2012, 05:27 PM   #1120 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by blastingas10 View Post
I don't think Steve tries at all. He's just Steve, and Steve makes really long posts without even thinking about it.
Yeah. I agree blaster. Steve is an OK guy, I like him.

Hes damn well "entertaining" if you ask me.

I didn't agree with his assumption that the 80s were "the dark ages". When in fact, the 80s proved to be one of the most prosperous decades musically. I would, like to hear his opinion as to why he thinks 80s music was so dark?
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