Jesus Christ how dare any of you on here have anything but a positive jolly opinion!! I mean if your going to spill your guts you should be sure an refrain form what you actually think and blow smoke up someones ass just to humor them. That way they can continue to got through life accepting the fact that they are perfect in every way.. and far superior and above any type of criticism . Making their life more of fairy tale rather than a realiity only to find that one day they will wake up after its to late and realize just how ****ed up they really are.
Whether we admit it or not we all in some way or another have issues and downfalls. If something hits home though just take it with a grain of salt whether its the truth or not. At the end of the day you know the truth about yourself and shouldnt be offended for someone else pointing it out. If they were wrong then who cares anyway
Originally Posted by Skaligojurah
Fuck you, bloozin! Your stupid thread too!
<DoctorSoft>: You know life is good when you take Viagra to jack off lol
Originally Posted by Il Duce
- Hendrix didn't even play the blues that well -
Amongst Mb's Most Hated (Smiley Face)