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Old 05-07-2011, 03:42 AM   #851 (permalink)
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It's quite clear that some people can't handle this thread. I think perhaps this thread could do with an opt out clause.

Those people that don't want to be included in this thread can be listed in the first post, in return they don't comment on anybody else and refrain from doing any posting in this thread.

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Old 05-07-2011, 09:06 AM   #852 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
It's quite clear that some people can't handle this thread. I think perhaps this thread could do with an opt out clause.

Those people that don't want to be included in this thread can be listed in the first post, in return they don't comment on anybody else and refrain from doing any posting in this thread.
Haha... that might be a good idea.

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Hey. Short reply as I really have to go;
That's exacly what I do. I tell everyone about my disability/oddness so they can keep it in mind when they talk to me. So it's pretty awful that people hold it against me.

And I just cannot believe Freebase didn't know this would hurt me.
The things he says are just harsh, harsher, harshest. It's not like he even says 'but you can't help it, so don't bother, this is just what I think'.
He mainly just says: You are only helping people because you want them to like you and you are only autistic because you don't want to work.
There's no way of making that sound nice.

I don't want anyone to spare me because I have aspergers. It would be nice if people would think twice before responding to my postings, but I cannot ask that from them.
That doesn't mean they can just rant on about it without having a clue what they're on about, obviously.

@ Freebase: If you want to reply, please understand that I'm not going to read your posting. The last one was very, very wrong too and It's not going to help our situation here when I read your next one.
We're just going to have to live with eachother now. I would want to ask you to keep your ideas about me to yourself from now on. I cannot make you do this, but I think it's a good idea.
The bold, you got right. I don't believe in treating a person any differently than anyone else who makes a conscious decision to post on a public forum along with everyone else.

Originally Posted by James View Post
I tried to post in here last night, why wasn't my post approved?
Not sure, but just to let you know, we are filtering posts a lot more heavily than we used to, so posts that aren't considered well thought-out, and/or don't meet the basic expectation of quality that we require from posts in Editor's Pick, won't get approved. (Or may be approved accidentally, then deleted)

Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
I didn't peg you as the type that would push for censorship.
Not sure if you're joking here or not... But Urban is making the statement that if people don't want to be talked about here, then they can request to not be talked about, at the expense of not talking about anyone else, themselves. The whole "can't have your cake and eat it too" thing.

At least, that's what I'm getting from it.
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Old 05-07-2011, 12:25 PM   #853 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
In what regards? Can you PM me please this is getting too off topic.
It's not a good or bad thing, but I don't see you personally as an eclectic listener in the slightest. In the same vein, I never felt the need to grill you for it, because I think that's a tad bit rude(If I LIKE somebody's taste in music then I'll mention it. I if I don't I may phrase it as 'differences in opinion's', but never point the finger and go 'close minded douchebag'!!!). I don't understand how you can rip into DJ for it.

To be honest, as posters, I see you and DJ very much contributing positively in the same way. A lot of discussion, and a lot of keeping discussion, and keeping a strong social atmosphere. Personally, apart from DJ's ludicrous bitch wars with Paloma over the 'love' of another member of these forums(which very much scares me. Love you, DJ, and find you an incredibly nice guy, but I can honestly see taking this forum that emotionally, or personally being harmful to the community. Then again, I'm not judging, that's a mod issue. One of which bares little to no relevance how contributing you are 99% of the time), I don't think he's a bad member in the slightest. Neither are you.

However, by your own confession, you are a selective listener. You can't criticise a guy for listening to particular genres, when you pretty much stick to a very small umbrella yourself. As a mod, especially, that leads to poor image.

Dali's original post, I have no problem with. I don't agree with all of it, but he said what he had to, and it just felt like he was shooting from the hip. Furthermore, getting something off his chest. Your reply just felt like kicking the guy while he was down for something you could equally be criticised for.

I could send you a PM, but seeing as it was a public response to a public post, and in no way personal between us. I think it's fair to not the least DJ Chameleon to point out publicly. This forum is not a clubhouse, we can criticise each other's music opinions fine, but I don't think that should apply to making particular members feel alienated, at all. Which is exactly what I see you trying to do.
Terence Hill, as recently confirmed during an interview to an Italian TV talk-show, was offered the role but rejected it because he considered it "too violent". Dustin Hoffman and John Travolta declined the role for the same reason. When Al Pacino was considered for the role of John Rambo, he turned it down when his request that Rambo be more of a madman was rejected.
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Old 05-07-2011, 03:39 PM   #854 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
It's quite clear that some people can't handle this thread. I think perhaps this thread could do with an opt out clause.
I'm sorry mate, but it's the other way around.
Even in this thread there's things you shouldn't want to say.
I think that when you pick the right subject, you can make everyone react like I do. You just have to hit the right subject.

Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
I tend to agree somewhat with Freebase about the disability making work impossible

both dj and me are paranoid schizophrenics and we both hold jobs, i dunno much about autism, but judging from your posts, I don't think employers wouldn't keep you
They don't. It's that simple. Why wouldn't you believe me when I say they don't?
Read in the introduction topic, I replied to Sara's posting.

As far as Freebase goes; Are you repared to not reply to my postings unless it's absolutely necessary (for moderation reasons or whatever).
I don't see you reviewing your afwul thoughts about me, so I think we're better of just not talking to eachother untill either you change your mind, or I get a job and have to admit you were right.
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Old 05-07-2011, 05:26 PM   #855 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide View Post
And, well, quite frankly, you have horrible tastes. Definitely not up to par with musicbanter standards that I've grown accustomed to, and quite frankly love
What the fuck is this shit? I like you, Dr.Seussicide, but I'll be damned if that isn't one of the worst posts I've ever seen on this forum.

This shit pisses me off, regardless of who it is directed at.
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Old 05-07-2011, 07:23 PM   #856 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by s_k View Post
As far as Freebase goes; Are you repared to not reply to my postings unless it's absolutely necessary (for moderation reasons or whatever).
I don't see you reviewing your afwul thoughts about me, so I think we're better of just not talking to eachother untill either you change your mind, or I get a job and have to admit you were right.
I'm prepared to reply to any post I personally feel I should reply to. The fact that I'm a moderator does not deny me the same opportunity everyone else enjoys on a public forum. Should I use tact? Yes. And I have. But I'm nowhere close to stymieing my own opinions just because there are people who are incapable of understanding them. I'm not doing this for the benefit of creating smiles. I'm following the standard set by the thread, (which I created, btw) and it's nothing more than an expression of perspective. It's not a court of law, and nothing said here is being treated as fact. It's opinion, regardless of your personal validation of it. The sooner you accept that, the better off you'll be. Not only here, but in life in general.

By the way, my original post had nothing to do about you and your job issues. I was speaking to your interactions at this forum, with people at this forum, which I've been present to observe. It wasn't until you arbitrarily steered the conversation toward a "job" direction, that I provided input to it. If you're unsure of how things have unfolded, I suggest you re-read everything. I would suggest doing this with at least a semi-open mind.

As far as me not talking to you unless I'm going to tell you something that boosts your ego, I'm sorry... I don't work that way. I consider you an intelligent, thoughtful person... sure.. and that's exactly why I don't think I need to sugar-coat my opinions of you. I think you're a great guy, but you have some glaring downfalls that I'm not sure I can contribute to your condition, what with you being a logical person and all. I'm willing to accept that I'm wrong, but I think you should be the one to prove me wrong. So far, I haven't seen that. I would really like to, though. And that's not sarcasm.
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Old 05-07-2011, 09:10 PM   #857 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
It's not a good or bad thing, but I don't see you personally as an eclectic listener in the slightest. In the same vein, I never felt the need to grill you for it, because I think that's a tad bit rude(If I LIKE somebody's taste in music then I'll mention it. I if I don't I may phrase it as 'differences in opinion's', but never point the finger and go 'close minded douchebag'!!!). I don't understand how you can rip into DJ for it.
Actually I am, have you ever looked at my journal? That describes some of the tastes I have.

Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
To be honest, as posters, I see you and DJ very much contributing positively in the same way. A lot of discussion, and a lot of keeping discussion, and keeping a strong social atmosphere. Personally, apart from DJ's ludicrous bitch wars with Paloma over the 'love' of another member of these forums(which very much scares me. Love you, DJ, and find you an incredibly nice guy, but I can honestly see taking this forum that emotionally, or personally being harmful to the community. Then again, I'm not judging, that's a mod issue. One of which bares little to no relevance how contributing you are 99% of the time), I don't think he's a bad member in the slightest. Neither are you.

However, by your own confession, you are a selective listener. You can't criticise a guy for listening to particular genres, when you pretty much stick to a very small umbrella yourself. As a mod, especially, that leads to poor image.
I'm not a selective listener, I just like drama. You don't understand the relationship I have with DJ I don't actually intend to offend him or pick on him and he knows that.

I listen to most genres actually, just selective groups out of them. I am a very open person to recommendations and actively seek them out from other members. So my mod image is perfectly fine. Not that there are particular standards you have to have being a mod in that regard.

Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
Dali's original post, I have no problem with. I don't agree with all of it, but he said what he had to, and it just felt like he was shooting from the hip. Furthermore, getting something off his chest. Your reply just felt like kicking the guy while he was down for something you could equally be criticised for.
Not really, it had been on my mind too, I think you just assumed I was jumping on him.

Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
I could send you a PM, but seeing as it was a public response to a public post, and in no way personal between us. I think it's fair to not the least DJ Chameleon to point out publicly. This forum is not a clubhouse, we can criticise each other's music opinions fine, but I don't think that should apply to making particular members feel alienated, at all. Which is exactly what I see you trying to do.
Fine but I'm trying to get the thread back on track because I spent enough time cleaning it up.

I was more or less querying him, not attacking him.
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Old 05-07-2011, 09:21 PM   #858 (permalink)
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Funny, if there was one person I would have thought had a kind of Aspergers, it would've been Freebase. Extremely intelligent and eloquent, but with a sort of cold...deadness behind it. :\
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Old 05-07-2011, 09:54 PM   #859 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
Funny, if there was one person I would have thought had a kind of Aspergers, it would've been Freebase. Extremely intelligent and eloquent, but with a sort of cold...deadness behind it. :\
I think that would be described as psychopathic tendencies.

I picture Freebase sometimes like Christian Bale in American Psycho. Very clean and neat type person with an apartment that has a cold empty feeling to it like no one really lives there. No warmth to it.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 05-07-2011, 10:17 PM   #860 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by s_k View Post
As far as Freebase goes; Are you repared to not reply to my postings unless it's absolutely necessary (for moderation reasons or whatever).
I don't see you reviewing your afwul thoughts about me, so I think we're better of just not talking to eachother untill either you change your mind, or I get a job and have to admit you were right.
This seems really unfair, why should Freebase be denied his enjoyment of a public forum just because you're austistic?
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