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Old 05-06-2011, 06:27 PM   #841 (permalink)
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The difference between now and then seems to be that the tools have more credibility than they used to have.

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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
Probably the same with myself but do you think it's an age thing where you have a slight case of egotism (warranted or not)?
Everybody has an ego Lee. It's just that some ego's are better informed than others.
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Old 05-06-2011, 06:51 PM   #842 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by s_k View Post
@ Burning Down: I don't like the sound of most female voices just like I don't like the sound of most church organs. That's all. It's a musical thing, nothing sexist so if that's all you're bothered about, I suggest you quickly forget this. I love women. I prefer them to men in almost every way and I don't mean that sexist, again.
Maybe I jumped to a conclusion there, and for that I apologize. I think that is the only one of your posts that has bothered me since you joined.
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Old 05-06-2011, 07:01 PM   #843 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Well allright, I might cause some trouble here but I'm going to say it anyhow.
I just got some really very nice PM's from three different persons in no time. I was amazed by that because I am in fact a very pessimistic person and the negative stuff weighs so much heavier on me.
Keep the bold part in mind while you read the rest of my replies below.

The reason I cannot keep a job is because there's always one or another shallow guy like you amongst the team of bosses who cannot accept me for what I am, cannot see my good sides but just the bad sides. Who cannot just say 'Stijn is who Stijn is, we should learn to live with hem'. All they see is 'he's different, he's weird'.

The whole reason I cannot keep a job is because at any job there's at least one person who cannot or does not want to understand me. This ****s up my jobs. I'm not saying I'm an easy one to live with, but I sure as hell can tell you that the reason stuff goes wrong for me usually depends on one person who, for a reason they often don't even understand themselves, rather see me gone.

I might be the one who differs, but it's still ****ing society that's making it impossible for me to have a proper job, not me.
This part of your post has totally destroyed any lingering faith I had in your understanding of the world around you. Do you actually think that society, jobs, and employees are supposed to cater themselves to YOUR personal opinions and perspectives? If so, mystery solved. You can't keep a job (or function properly in society) because of the bold part you posted above. It has nothing to do with society, the job itself, or the people working and living there along side you. The fact that you posted what you just posted and still can't see the absolutely glaring finger you just pointed at yourself is beyond me. If there is one thing I don't understand about you, is how you don't understand that.

So, Freebase. Long story short; You are apparently not able to see through my somewhat strange appearance. Well that's fine. I cannot help that and neither can you. But you haven't got a clue what you're talking about and you probably really should keep your mouth shut as you're only making it hard for me here, even though you could just not read my postings or whatever. It's not like I've ever done anything to annoy you in particular or something.
Not sure what you mean by "strange appearance". I think you're a perfectly normal-looking, and dare I say handsome, guy. I even really enjoy your personality and humor on your videos. Your only hangup is that you seem to think the world should bend to your liking and regard you the way you want to be regarded. I'm having a hard time understanding why you don't see how unrealistic and misguided that is. You say I don't have a clue, but what's funny is the fact that your main grief is absolutely about how others see you, yet you choose to accept only those viewpoints that paint you in a positive light. Does that seem normal to you?

And sure as hell I cannot stand when people think negatively about me.
How do you think my life has been so far? Don't you think I've had quite enough negativity? You bet your ass I've had enough of that.

So ffs if you don't like me ****ing ignore me or just tell me to **** off if you don't like me. But stop analyzing my personality because you don't know **** about what I was like, how I've become and what I've went through so far.
If you can't stand that people think negatively of you, then you're in for a long, pissed off ride through life.
Also, I never said I don't like you. I simply decided to express my personal opinion about your character that I think you've presented. I don't need to know anything about your personal life to do this. I simply see what you put out there, and make decisions about what it means to me. Strangely enough, this is exactly what all of society does when you interact with them. If you can't get used to that fact, then the problem is not with everyone else. It's with you.
I'd really like to think you don't actually believe you're the golden standard for how society aught to think and behave...

@ Pedestrian: There's nothing indicative about me being hurt. How would you feel if you had to fight a handicap for your entire life, and then have people telling you you're taking advantage of it?
And I'm not going to take time off, I'm going to stay or go. The only reason I haven't gone yet is that I got these nice PM's. I really already had written my farewell posting. I think I still will though. Freebase is very very wrong and he already got quite some support. So I don't think this is the place for me.
If you find a forum (or society, for that matter) whose every member agrees with everything you say and sees you as the true person you are and loves it, then please... let us all know. Although I don't think many of us will be crossing our fingers...
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Old 05-06-2011, 07:18 PM   #844 (permalink)
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s_k, i read your intro thread as well as your 'goodbye post' here. I'm just gonna be real with you here and tell you to quit being such an internet pussy. Holy hell, some people here hate me and not only do I not mind, I actually enjoy it. You know that not everyone is gonna like you, just get over it. Say what you wanna say and leave it at that. I told you how many times that all I can possibly know of you is how you come across on MB and that i don't know you in real life. I'm not gonna apologize for questioning whether or not you were lazy for living off government assistance for a 'disability.' You don't seem like someone who couldn't hold some sort of job, and you explained your job situation and that was the end of it. I mean I don't hate you even though you do creep me out. But why even give a shit what I think anyways, im just another internet stranger. This all boils down to me trying to tell you to get some tougher skin and learn to take a few punches here and there. FBD is kinda right, you're a dude who needs to feel liked and you leaving is a example of that. You know that not everyone hates you and now you're gonna say you're leaving so people beg you to stick around. Cmon man quit being so super sensitive over internet posts.

djchameleon, i think FBD's original post about you was pretty accurate. I do like you and we talk a good bit, but the over-the-top alpha male stuff is a little much. Ive never really conidered your posts extra blunt or more witty than anyone elses *shrug*. the whole humor thing doesn't really make sense to me either, hardly any of them look anything like jokes. FBD is probably right that you over compensate how manly you are on here since you aren't in real life. Whatever, i don't have much beef with you but i do agree with what FBD says. Feel free to respond with attitude.

tumor, this is for whenever you're back. I used to think you were funnier. Now I see less funny and more stupidity in your posts and shoutbox messages. Just dropping racial slurs for no reason is just plain stupid to me. you used to think i was annoyed by you and i really never was til recently. bring back the lolz please. cosigned by all of MB.

rezz, we hardly ever directly talk. actually never. and i may have made a post similiar to this before but i dont care. You crack me up a good bit with short interjecting posts. i can't think of an example, but you make me laugh more than most people

paloma - everyone knows i hate her, but somehow there was no doubt in my mind she would be one of those americans who instead of celebrating the death of Bin Laden, spent time faulting other americans for being happy about it. I knew that's how you'd be about it, and I think you're one of those people that absolutely loves going against the majority. Maybe deep down it makes you feel cool to be in the minority, like you're somehow seeing something that the majority isn't... and I dislike those types of people. Of course even if it was the case, you'd never admit it and we already have a mutual dislike so i'll stop typing now.

loselipssinkships - I don't really know much about you. I know you banned yourself and came back and that's about it. Cut out the self-depravating posts, half of the stuff you say in the shoutbox is about how much of an idiot you are. Not sure if you want people to jump in and make you feel good by saying how awesome you are instead, but i dont get why you are so down on yourself

dirty - im out
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Old 05-06-2011, 07:25 PM   #845 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
Nothing personal, but this is kind of the pot calling the kettle "Black", to be frank.
Agreed, she seems to jump on the insult bandwagon, posting what's already been said to fit in. I've seen this in many threads.

I don't think dj or s_k are that bad.
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Old 05-06-2011, 11:27 PM   #846 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
Nothing personal, but this is kind of the pot calling the kettle "Black", to be frank.
In what regards? Can you PM me please this is getting too off topic.

Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
Nothing personal, but this is kind of the pot calling the kettle "Black", to be frank.
Agreed, she seems to jump on the insult bandwagon, posting what's already been said to fit in. I've seen this in many threads.

I don't think dj or s_k are that bad.

I actually like both of them. And last time I checked, repeating the same thoughts about the same people means you share similar opinions with those who first said it.

I don't bother trying to fit in, I just like the drama. That's the honest truth. I totally dove into Bin Ladens dead thread just to get amongst it. I've been here for too long to worry about using this place as my social vendetta.

Oh and DJ I do understand that you try to expand your horizons, the Electronica thread you made is a great reference for those new to the genre. I guess my personal dislike for certain artists puts me off which you seem to really go for. My tastes are more selective now, I really like going for dark and heavy trance and dub step. I'd just like to see your ideas.
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Old 05-07-2011, 02:27 AM   #847 (permalink)
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I'm not going to reply to everything that's been said here. That's not going to end well as there's some things that I cannot respond to in a 'normal' way.

Fact is, I've been living with this autism for almost 27 years now and I've been trying to make the best out of life. This cost me a lot of time, and a lot of energy and I cannot deny that it was definitely worth it as I have become something that most autists really aren't, which is social. The severity of my autism is masked because I just wanted it that way. I want to function as normal as possible. Bottomline; I do the absolute maximum of what I can do, being me.
And there's no way, no way, I can see any good or anything remotely defendable in people telling me there's nothing wrong with me and that I'm a lazy **** trying to abuse the system by getting a disability benefit.

Yes I'll always get criticized for what I say on a forum. Allright. That's cool.
But the things that are said here are practically my life smashed to the ground.
It's not like I never heard it before, but usually it comes from people who are older than 70, have worked hard for their whole life and just don't know any better because they just aren't an my smarter. In this case it comes from young people which I think have a reasonable level of intelligence. I just thought they'd be more thoughtful.

There's one more thing: Should I be punished like this for being open towards you guys? There's a few (regularly posting) people who are in a similar situation I am in. They don't tell it here because they're afraid of the reactions they might get. I now see why. I may have misjudged that.

I got a ****load of PM's which I really think is really very sweet. Most of them saying that they haven't got a clue what Freebase is on about. I wish some people would say that to him so he might realise that in this case he's the one whose logic is quite odd.
And I just wonder... Why, Freebase, did you feel the urge to say such awful things? I also got PM's of people who say you actually like me. Why would you want to say this? It's not like you thought it wouldn't hurt me, is it?

Eitherway, Freebase; You really went too far here and there's no way we're going to repair this anytime soon. For now, let's agree to disagree.

Mods, please add; To me people on the internet aren't strangers, they're people too. And they make the same ****ing mistakes the people in real life do. Only in real life I can avoid a certain person, on a forum it's sort of impossible to avoid a single person.
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Old 05-07-2011, 03:13 AM   #848 (permalink)
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He's not trying to hurt you, s_k, that's a lot of what he's saying. I know a lot of... socially challenged people - I'm studying maths, so we tend to get a fairly high proportion of that end of the spectrum. While we make concessions for the fact that something that comes easily to some of us is a lot more difficult for others, we don't pussyfoot around them - we still tell them when they've done something stupid or unacceptable, because you can't learn if noone tells you. It's not that we don't like them, or anything like that, it's because if we didn't tell them that they were doing something wrong and just said "oh, he has asbergers, it's not his fault" then the guy would be being screwed over by us a lot more than if we told him. We know that he often can't help it, but we'll still say it, on the off chance that he can not do it, but doesn't realise that he's doing it. Does that make sense?

Where I think part of the problems are arising is that from a non-autist perspective, some of the things you have to do, or say, are inexplicable to us. So there are times when you'll say "Hey, I can't help it" and that's cool, I can totally understand (well, I can accept that it's the case, saying I understand is assuming) that. But other times, you'll take a stance on something that doesn't make sense, and you won't say "I can't help it" and then we can only assume it's not anything to do with Autism, it's just a particular view you have. In that case, I don't see why people should hold back any criticism, because to do otherwise would be discriminating against you, because we aren't affording you the same... err, input... as we do everyone else.

So basically, it boils down to this: I, and probably others, like you, in general. You do some weird stuff sometimes, but hey, who doesn't, and you have a better excuse than most of us :P However, I don't know exactly what Autism entails, and I probably never will, because I know I've looked it up before, and it's damn hard to remember all of the consequences. So we either have a choice of treating you like we treat everyone else, or pussyfooting around everything you say or do that we disagree with, and I'm sorry, but I refuse to do the second, as I think that that amounts to greater discrimination than the first.

So if I'm ever having an argument with you about something, or I point something out that you can't help, feel free to tell me you can't help it, and I'll do my best to understand, but bear in mind that just like we need to remember that you don't think the same way as us, you need to remember that we don't necessarily think the same way as you either, and that what might come across as a barbed insult may just be an honest question or piece of advice.
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Old 05-07-2011, 03:15 AM   #849 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy View Post
djchameleon: overall a decent guy, but your taste is atrocious. I also don't like how you're always going on about my pretentious taste in music and whatever and how maybe I should get into pop music. I think you might actually be jealous of my musical taste.
I didn't mean to avoid this earlier, DC. You are worthy of getting a response from me as well.

lol I said that a couple of times in shoutbox just to tease you that you should get into Justin Bieber and other artists that kids your age listen to but it was all in jest. I didn't really think that you should start listening to Pop more just to fit in with your age group. That is completely fine if you think my taste is horrible but see the thing that people aren't noticing. I listen to a crapload of awful artists but I do listen to some decent ones as well. It's like a shotgun shell. It goes out and hits a lot of random targets and some of them are artists that get super flak around here for liking but I'm fine with that. I'm listening to the artist, it's not like I'm forcing you or any other person to listen to the same dreadful crap I listen to. I know it's crap and I still listen to it.

Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
djchameleon, i think FBD's original post about you was pretty accurate. I do like you and we talk a good bit, but the over-the-top alpha male stuff is a little much. Ive never really conidered your posts extra blunt or more witty than anyone elses *shrug*. the whole humor thing doesn't really make sense to me either, hardly any of them look anything like jokes. FBD is probably right that you over compensate how manly you are on here since you aren't in real life. Whatever, i don't have much beef with you but i do agree with what FBD says. Feel free to respond with attitude.
Over the top male stuff? Sure, I'm a bit aggressive at times but that's because I'm changing and forcing myself to become more alpha male. In the past I was more like s_k, just in the fact that I would play the friend zone and wait months sometimes even years for a girl that doesn't give two shits about me. I needed to change this wishy washy beta male part of me and I did.

I don't even like the typical **** that guys like if you want to get specific. I don't like beer, it tastes like piss. I don't like big DD tits. I'm not even worried about breast size on a girl. Sure, I'm an ass guy and I talk about it but I don't see how that makes me the stereotypical over the top male figure. Yes, I like sports so the **** what? Most guys like them too. I mostly only like Hockey and Football. I don't like Baseball like the stereotypical male. I don't get how you can agree with what FBD said and you and I talk more than I talk with him. That's fine though you are entitled to your opinion and so is he.

I ain't bovvered

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
There's one more thing: Should I be punished like this for being open towards you guys? There's a few (regularly posting) people who are in a similar situation I am in. They don't tell it here because they're afraid of the reactions they might get. I now see why. I may have misjudged that.
I've talked to you about this in the past s_k. It's similar to that saying that people fear what they don't understand.

I told you not everyone is ready to hear everything and even if you tell them that doesn't mean they will understand. People are predisposed to judge things and people which they don't understand. I had a feeling that this day would come and you would finally realize what I was telling you earlier. It's nice to be an open book about your condition but even when you talk about it. People will go around harping that you are just using your condition as an excuse because they don't fully understand it. They don't live in your shoes on a day to day basis and they haven't experienced first hand what you have in the past.

Take care s_k and good luck. I hope you get a chance to read this before taking off for good. Life is all about lessons. Take what has happened over the past few days and learn from this. I'm not sure that you need to be completely closed off but just be a little more cautious about what you tell people because they don't NEED to know.

Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
Oh and DJ I do understand that you try to expand your horizons, the Electronica thread you made is a great reference for those new to the genre. I guess my personal dislike for certain artists puts me off which you seem to really go for. My tastes are more selective now, I really like going for dark and heavy trance and dub step. I'd just like to see your ideas.
Yeah, I understand that. I still listen to the dreadful stuff that I used to before coming here but I also added more artists/bands.

There are people that lurk and learn about a lot of artists but they never post or even if they do post they don't post in the genre forum where they discovered a new artist that they like now. I'm in this position the latter.

Also, LastFM isn't that great of an indicator for what I listen to. I have casettes, cds and I watch youtube videos especially of artists that other members post here. Last FM doesn't pick up on those points. The reason you don't know that I listen to classical is because I have some artists that I listen to every Sunday while I'm cleaning up my apartment and LastFM doesn't get a chance to know about it. When LastFM can start scrobbling cds, cassettes and youtube videos then it will be more accurate. I'll even add vinyl in there for those audiophiles out there that listen to vinyl.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 05-07-2011, 03:24 AM   #850 (permalink)
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Hey. Short reply as I really have to go;
That's exacly what I do. I tell everyone about my disability/oddness so they can keep it in mind when they talk to me. So it's pretty awful that people hold it against me.

And I just cannot believe Freebase didn't know this would hurt me.
The things he says are just harsh, harsher, harshest. It's not like he even says 'but you can't help it, so don't bother, this is just what I think'.
He mainly just says: You are only helping people because you want them to like you and you are only autistic because you don't want to work.
There's no way of making that sound nice.

I don't want anyone to spare me because I have aspergers. It would be nice if people would think twice before responding to my postings, but I cannot ask that from them.
That doesn't mean they can just rant on about it without having a clue what they're on about, obviously.

@ Freebase: If you want to reply, please understand that I'm not going to read your posting. The last one was very, very wrong too and It's not going to help our situation here when I read your next one.
We're just going to have to live with eachother now. I would want to ask you to keep your ideas about me to yourself from now on. I cannot make you do this, but I think it's a good idea.
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