Originally Posted by s_k
Hm, I dunno guys.
There's a lot of negativism against me, lately.
Even the people who seemed to like me in the beginning, start to turn their backs on me.
I'm not sure what goes wrong, but people have a very wrong idea about me.
I'm afraid it's time to go. I'm very sorry, but I didn't feel like coming back so much the last couple of days and reading the stuff Freebase Dali says (I thought he thought I was quite allright), well to be honest it hurts like hell to be so misunderstood.
I think you're alright, although I must say what you said about women in music in this thread,
http://www.musicbanter.com/general-m...s-singers.html, bothered me a little. Perhaps it was because I didn't fully understand where you were coming from, or perhaps it's because I'm a woman. I don't know. I just think it's kind of crazy and even a little bit sexist to entirely disregard women who make music or play instruments, or whatever. You are, however, allowed to have an opinion. I'll just leave it at that.
I'm sorry you don't feel welcome here any more. I hope you don't go away forever.