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#1 (permalink) |
Dat's Der Bunny!
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Ireland
Posts: 1,088
Well, I think perhaps I may take the time to make one of these:
in order of people I have responded to recently: Vanilla: Absolutely bat**** insane, but personally I feel that's the best way for a person to be! Has consistently shown the ability to both be a good, sincere and fair (from what I've seen) moderator, and also maintain the "This is my opinion and I'm gonna say it, if you don't like it then sod off" approach that she's always had. Straight Talking, good fun, and always good for a mad chat about anything. Certainly one of the more entertaining posters on the forum! CanwllCorfe: Forever the gentleman, but not in a way that he allows people to walk all over him, which is often the danger in being constantly kind. Willing to accept the views of others while not capitulating on his own, which is an admirable quality. His posts are always well though out, or at least seem that way, and I've never seen him fail to bring something to a discussing he has entered into. He's a little bit of a know-it-all, but gives his information in such a way that it is impossible to take offence, as it is never done in order to put someone else down. Neapolitan: I'm not sure about this guy. Most of the posts that I've seen him make on the forum have either been to correct someone's grammar in a rather condescending manner, or most recently, to consistently make statements with the assumption of correctness without any real justification. Which is fine from a musical opinion perspective, but not from a maths approach :P However, I realise that my opinion is probably tainted by the fact that I have never been on the same side of an argument with this guy, and I understand that he gets along very well with many people on the forum. Perhaps it is a case of an arrogant shell, with a good friend on the inside, once you are perceived to be worthy! I know it is all too easy to act that way, especially online (I know I've done it myself in the past) and I refuse to hold it against someone I don't know that well. Freebase Dali/Janszoon: Seriously, the only way I can tell you two apart is by your avatars, but I would imagine that's because I really don't post as much as I should! However, both of you have a number of the same characteristics: good mediators, good posters, solid contributors to any thread I've looked in, but also with a slightly sharp sense of humour, happy to poke fun at people in circumstances where it won't aggravate the situation, and often the first people to calm a thread down once it starts going too far. djchameleon: A slightly confusing kettle of fish. I've had multiple conversations with him which have been great, both where we have agreed and disagreed on a number of subjects. He generally seems thoughtful of the opinions of others and takes that into account when he is posting. However, I have noticed that he is often very quick to show his "knowledge of women", often in a way that's almost like a competition, and is part of a group of posters that are in some ways threatening to turn this forum, or at least the Lounge area, into some sort of Sex Pageant. While he's not the main offender, he's just the first person in this list that I've come to. Sorry Dj :P As others have noted, he has a tendency sometimes to make posts that in some ways seem out of character, in others like a bitchy side which comes through every now and then - barbed remarks that are later passed off as jokes, but one does wonder at their sincerity, or necessity. Tore: I think the vast majority of people who have ever come in contact with Tore have the same opinion of him: Kind, Helpful, Calm, Thoughtful; it feels like there's this bubble of mature discussion that follows him around the forums: wherever he goes people seem to calm down and post properly! An exceptional mediator and organiser, it's always a pleasure to talk to him on a whole range of subjects. s_k: Another mixed barrel, though I understand that that may be out of his control. I apologise if I get a little psychoanalytical in this, but it is my nature to try and figure people out, and you have been an interesting subject :P You are an exceptionally kind person; you will always go out of your way to accomodate people; to get to know them, to make friends with them, and to learn as much as you can about them. However, I do agree with a number of other posters who have stated that it sometimes gets a little... creepy. There are times when it seems like you are too eager for attention and approval (especially from girls), and then others where you seem to dump your "everyone can be who they like" approach and are really disparaging about either a person's opinions or a group of people. However, I get the impression that this is not an intentional slight, but something that he is compelled to say. Urban Hatemonger: Honestly, I knew this guy better back in the day, but I have noticed a lack of his grumpy self on the boards, which is a shame. I've always enjoyed his posts: disparaging to a great extent, but in such a way that it's obvious that he's not really being malicious, and he's really just a cuddly teddy bear underneath his cold hard exterior. Probably best known now for stating that this forum has gone to the dogs, I will always remember him for his unparallelled hatred of Bono. Il Duce: I get the feeling that Il Duce has an incredibly mundane work life, or one that he finds quite constricting and ... normal. It would certainly explain why the vast majority of his posts on this forum seem to be flippant, carefree or often, just totally insane. Sometimes, it's amusing, helping to defuse a situation, other times, it's frustrating, as it can derail an interesting topic. If there is any one thing I would ask him to change, it would be the obsessive sexual posting that threatens to smother many conversations every time there is a female member involved. However, He is an active contributor, and I realise that he is restricting this flippant posting mostly to the Lounge section, and he does contribute quite a lot to threads in the music areas of the forum. That's all I can think of for now. If I've not mentioned anyone, it's not a personal slgith, more that I don't like to make judgements of people unless I've had a fair bit of contact with them, or at least enough to be able to tell who they are. I also think I mentioned some people already in this thread, but I can't remember who i did, so... something :P
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#2 (permalink) | |
Quiet Man in the Corner
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Pocono Mountains
Posts: 2,480
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