04-20-2011, 08:28 PM
#11 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 13,153
Originally Posted by Dirty
Milano - Can be ok to have around, but after seeing him act like an idiot after I commented on how lame the new chat was (when Paloma, uglyorgan, milano, james and others were changing their names ever 3 seconds) he isn't someone I really care for. Somehow me saying the new chat was like a bunch of 13 year olds finding a new toy warranted him telling me for 30 minutes about how pathetic I am, and I'm a fake tough guy, and blah blah. I don't think milano would have freaked out into a psychotic rage if Paloma wasn't around, but she was. I got under her skin as usual and she couldn't help fire away at me while I sat and watched the ranting and raving all hilariously unfold. Then after Dayna stopped, milano pulled the.. "ummmm i don't know what happened there, sorry! let's be friends" card out like I would totally cool with him insulting me for the last 30 minutes without me even insulting back. Of course I could've, but I'd probably get banned immediately, unlike them. So I let milano and Dayna show their true colors. Learning that he was/is a mod at MF was pretty laughable to say the least. I'll reserve my membership at MF for trolling only. Haven't had any problems other than that with milano, but I don't think highly of people who act that way or people who are easily persuaded to jump on the insult bandwagon once it gets rolling. Lost respect for him but don't hate him.
I bet you feel better now.