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Old 03-31-2011, 09:55 AM   #681 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
I have a theory. s_k is infact a serial killer in real life. The only way it is possible for someone to be SO nice, is if they are lying about it. You and Vegangelica should talk more, if you don't already.
Haha, I'm pretty sure I've only killed wasps in my life. And spiders because I don't dare picking them up. Your theory seems false, sir. There has been one person in my life I would have killed if I had ran into him at some point. But I didn't. I kept my distance because I didn't want to. So there ya go, I don't even want to kill the people I detest greatly.

And what's that you say about Vegangelica?
You're saying I'm a serial killer and, afterwards, you say I should talk to her more. Are you trying to make me do something here?
No, seriously. I do like Vegangelica a lot. And I somehow don't see much of her posings, she probably posts a lot in other forums or so?
Altough I wouldn't mind talking to her more, I wonder what makes you think I should?
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Old 03-31-2011, 11:02 AM   #682 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
I really wanted to see dankrsta modded, and was happy to learn that others felt the same way. Like Burning Down, she either seems quite a private person or I just haven't paid enough attention to the information she has shared here. I look forward to getting to know dankrsta better with time too. Seems to have a very diverse taste in music, and I always made a connection between her and bob when it came to music taste. How similar they actually are I don't actually know, but they always seemed to be digging each others music.
Seems to be a very genuine person, and was certainly a fair, friendly addition to the mod team.
Thanks mojo
Well, it's both. I'm a rather private person and you haven't paid attention when I shared some info here and there, around the forum. Maybe I should do the whole "25 facts about you" thing.
And yes, me and bob. have a very similar taste in music and in films too, I must say.
I think I'm gonna do my own list here, one of these days.
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Old 04-02-2011, 03:54 AM   #683 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Hahaha, rainbow filled bubble eh?
I ****ing hate this world, life and the way people work.
Believe me, I'm not the cheery happy person you may think I am.
And as nice as I may seem here, as harsh and direct I can be when it's needed in real life.
People usually like me for my directness here, I say stuff 'as is'. Which is not very common where I live. They just haven't triggered my angry side yet.

Eitherway, doesn't change the fact that I like Vegangelica and I'm sure we'd get along. Why shouldn't we .
I think we'd get along well, too, s_k, because you *are* direct and often seem unperturbed by people's views, not needing their approval. I don't get feisty and riled up too often, so chances are I wouldn't trigger your angry side. Plus I can glower and be pessimistic, too, so we could be uncheery together...

...when we aren't being obscenely pleasant to each other, that is!

I admit I have always thought of you as being very cheery on MB, and I think that quality in you is sweet. But I know from knowing myself that cheeriness doesn't mean a person is a shallow veneer of happiness without discontent or serious frustrations and disappointments. One can be both cheery and wrestle with troubling issues. This doesn't mean the cheeriness is a facade...just that a person can have more feelings than simply cheeriness.

I like that you seem very welcoming, such as when you offered us MBers that lovely tour of your cool garage-home. You seem to enjoy connecting with people, and I relate to that. I didn't realize you hate the world, life, and the way people behave, s_k. What do you hate most about them?

Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
she seems pretty intelligent, her photos are kinda geeky, her views unique

i like that in a woman

Being thought of as having unique views and looking kinda geeky is very flattering, Il Duce.

Not meaning to flatter *you*, but it is actually true that I've enjoyed reading your posts quite a bit and will go to them when I notice a new post by you. One thing I like about your posts is that you actually communicate back and forth with people on the boards, even in the music section. So I think you read and listen to what other people are listening to and then you respond, rather than only sharing the music you're interested in. You seem to be affected in a positive way by people and genuinely enjoy interacting with them.

Plus, you seem very open about yourself. Your opinions about your home country and life there are always interesting to read, too. *And* you have a sense of humor.

Originally Posted by Wayfarer View Post
Don't listen to them, Mr. Duchovny. I'll take incoherent rambling over coherent rambling ten times out of seven!
Ha ha! That made me chuckle.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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Old 04-02-2011, 10:26 AM   #684 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
I combed the entire "Member Pic Gallery" and "Member Bad Picture Gallery" looking at the pics of the women here. Yes, I'm THAT desperate.
Oh good. Even someone who is desperately desperate thinks I'm geeky. :/

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
And what's that you say about Vegangelica?
You're saying I'm a serial killer and, afterwards, you say I should talk to her more. Are you trying to make me do something here?
Ha ha! I missed this the first time around, you serial killer you. Oh, excuse me a moment...I have to answer the door...wait...someone's breaking in! What the?! s_k?? S_K!!!! NO NO NO N....bleggggggggggghhhhhsssssssssssssssss...

Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Haha, I guess I can be pretty good company. But I indeed don't mind not being cheery together. It doesn't always have to be happy happy joy joy when you're together with someone. Being down can be very interesting.

I do have the quality of not bothering people who have nothing to do with it when I'm down. I can feel very bad and at the same time not have a hard time being friendly to everyone. It's not fake, I really can keep these things apart. Right now I am worried sick about a friend of mine.

It's pretty tough explaining this in English. But on the whole people are so closed, so calculating, so taken with themselves. People abuse power, people abuse other people, people don't take in account people who don't fit the world so well. I mean, you probably have read somewhere that I have an autistic disorder. Believe me, it's easier to have no legs or down syndrome or something like that.

There's no space for deviants.
I myself (and I hope you don't mind me for saying that) wouldn't have kids for two reasons. One being that autism is very inheritable and I usually attract autistic people so I'll probably have an autistic girlfriend. So that's a 80% chance of having an autistic child.

The other reason being that, even when my child wouldn't be autistic, I don't see the benefit of putting a child on this earth. It's not all that much fun, I don't want to see anyone be unhappy, let alone my own child. And chances are that he or she won't be happy because of autism, so there ya go.
I usually get a lot of criticism for saying that. Doesn't make me change my mind though .
Agreed that it doesn't have to always be joy joy happy happy. I'd get exhausted if I had to keep everything in all the time.

I hope your friend is okay and your worrying is for nothing. I'd be worried, too.

I have read posts in which you've talked about having an autistic disorder, an invisible challenge, and I can see how it would be frustrating to have people's expectations of you not match what you feel capable of doing. I've been interested in learning more about how you experience the world, since how people's minds work in different ways isn't something we can each experience first-mind (as opposed to first-hand), and I'm curious about what I can't experience.

I understand your reasons for not wanting a child, s_k. I wrestled with whether or not I felt it was fair to have one...fair to the child, that is. I hoped that the positives of living would outweigh the negatives for my child...and seeing him, I think that is true so far. But intentionally bringing a new being, a new self, into existence *was*, I felt, a huge responsibility. If he suffers, it is due to ME having chosen to give birth to him. I think it is odd that anyone would criticize you for not wanting to have a child.

Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post

I both fear and respect Love-Song's presence. I already know that when I go into a thread with the most recent post by this member, it will be a love song, followed by italicized lyrics.

I don't know anything else about him/her. He/she is quite the enigma, but is apparently in love with love. And love songs.

Don't quite understand his/her motivation fully, particularly since they seem to post these songs consistently without ever actually interacting with other forum members...and are a fairly longstanding member.

I also didn't realize until quite recently that she was at MB. I think she'd already had 100 posts before I happened upon one of them and she and I posted songs relating to each other's posts. So she has interacted with other forum members.

I feel she is someone who has been lucky in love: she was able to find someone who loved her and whom she loved so wholly that life is now wonderfully changed for them and full of...well, love.

I think Love-song isn't so much in love with love as in love with people in her life, and she wishes everyone could have those feelings she glows with. I can understand her wanting to glow and share those feelings. Love can be a very over-powering experience when it is strong. I'm glad she experiences that. She seems very thankful, un-cynical and un-jaded, which is refreshing. I wish all people could have a love that reorients their lives and fills them with joy, meaning, and appreciation, which is what I think has happened for Love-Song. (I *think* she is a she based on some comments she has made!)
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"

Last edited by VEGANGELICA; 04-02-2011 at 10:31 AM.
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Old 04-02-2011, 11:10 AM   #685 (permalink)
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VEGANGELICA, I think you are a very intelligent Woman, and all around pretty cool to talk to.
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Old 04-02-2011, 11:20 AM   #686 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
Ha ha! I missed this the first time around, you serial killer you. Oh, excuse me a moment...I have to answer the door...wait...someone's breaking in! What the?! s_k?? S_K!!!! NO NO NO N....bleggggggggggghhhhhsssssssssssssssss...

Hahaha, not even as a joke I would let that happen

Agreed that it doesn't have to always be joy joy happy happy. I'd get exhausted if I had to keep everything in all the time.
I hope your friend is okay and your worrying is for nothing. I'd be worried, too.
She has this strange way of letting everything behind whenever she runs into trouble. This happened before and I always had to drag her back to who she was before. So it could be one of these moments again. I don't know. If I don't hear from her for over a week I'll call her.

I have read posts in which you've talked about having an autistic disorder, an invisible challenge, and I can see how it would be frustrating to have people's expectations of you not match what you feel capable of doing. I've been interested in learning more about how you experience the world, since how people's minds work in different ways isn't something we can each experience first-mind (as opposed to first-hand), and I'm curious about what I can't experience.
Invisible challenge is a beautiful way of putting it. I'll remember that one.
It works two ways around. On one side I cannot do what I should be capable off, considering my intelligence. Otherwise, I somehow manage to be pretty good with words and I am really very social, which isn't normal for an autistic person. So I tend to disappoint people because I do give the impression that there's a lot I can do. And then I have to say no quite often.
If you have any questions considering autism, please feel free to ask them. Even if they may sound dumb or whatever. I'm not ashamed of my disorder, I try to tell it to people as much as possible because if I don't, they won't understand anyway. So don't worry. By asking me questions it's not like you are confronting me with my disability. I'm not even sure if I would want to be without autism after all those years. It has made me who I am now and altough I may have quite some quirks and problems, I also have a lot of friends, I am able to help people in my own way, there is some upsides to my autism too such as a very strong feeling for justice, a good feeling for language, a pair of ears that match just fine with my brains (I can hear stuff very quickly compared to others). It's not all bad, you know.

I understand your reasons for not wanting a child, s_k. I wrestled with whether or not I felt it was fair to have one...fair to the child, that is. I hoped that the positives of living would outweigh the negatives for my child...and seeing him, I think that is true so far. But intentionally bringing a new being, a new self, into existence *was*, I felt, a huge responsibility. If he suffers, it is due to ME having chosen to give birth to him. I think it is odd that anyone would criticize you for not wanting to have a child.
Altough looking at the way you talk, looking at your house, looking at your interests I think you could make a very good mother (I have no reason to believe you're not), it sure is a responsibility you have to want to take. I'm glad to read that you really thought this over. I have the feeling most people go 'everyone has kids, it's natural, I will have kids'. But looking around me, I think quite soms parents are just not that good. And I'm not saying it's their fault, I just think it's really hard to raise a kid properly. Most people have their hands full of themselves already.

Maybe you understand what I'm saying when I say that I think it's rather strange to give a kid a tattoo or a nipple piercing. You just don't do that, some parents do, but I think this is something a person should do to him or herself, should he or she want to. But somehow I sometimes have the same feeling about giving birth itself. Of course a person cannot choose to be born. That's the parent's choice. But I sometimes wonder if it's fair to give someone life, even though he or she didn't ask for it. I know this is a twisted logic and I know this is all hypothetical, but I sometimes think 'who are we to decide whether someone should live'? It's almost like reverse murder.

I'm sure your kid will be brilliant. Don't worry, I definitely don't judge you for having a kid. But I think it goes wrong too often. I still look at it as a risk I dare not take. Nevertheless I am curious what I would do should I be able to get rid of my autism. Not going to happen I guess
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Last edited by s_k; 04-02-2011 at 11:27 AM.
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Old 04-02-2011, 12:22 PM   #687 (permalink)
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djchameleon: Andrei is completely unapologetic about himself and his opinions and although this leads to him being chronically bitchy, its a quality that I envy and admire. He's painfully honest and although that honesty has led me to block him on AIM for two weeks, I admire that about him as well. He's also more intellegent then he comes across in his posts, but really, how smart can you come off when you're talking about Willow Smith?

Engine: I don't know how he ended up here, really. He's one of the most intellegent people I've ever talked to and (white guy self-loathing aside) he knows it. He's fucking charming as well. Even though he's this educated, articulate, life-experienced sort of person, he talks to me without making me feel like an idiot. He talks to me like I'm an equal.
He's very observant and I think he sees right through people. He's usually pretty spot on when he forms an opinion about someone too, he notices things that I wish I could.
Engine and I have sort of a ridiculous amount in common. Same sense of humor, same boner for Albini, same problems with anxiety, similar views on the world and even on the forums. So much so that I often joke that he is my real father. Needless to say, I adore him.

Urban: Urban is exactly as he comes off. Intellegent. cocky. Brilliant. He reminds me of Engine a lot in the sense that he doesn't talk to me like I'm a little kid even though he knows way more about the world then I do. (I would kill to see him and Engine debate BTW.)
He can be sensitive but he does so in the least pussified way imaginable. I can't even describe it, really, I just wish I could embody it. His attitude, his sense of humor, his joke-cracking style, he's just the coolest motherfucker.

Pedestrian: I have such a strange relationship with this poster.... Pedestrian intimidates the shit out of me and I don't think I'm the only one. I don't know if she realizes that she's doing this but its sort of beautiful in a way. She's wondered in her journal why she sticks around here, she hasn't really made any connections or formed any friendships. Well, thats probably why. You're intimidating and its fucking great. You have the bitchy, self-assured demeanor that I'd like to embody but probably won't for quite a while. Until then, I'll talk about sex and drugs and shave my armpits.
I do think you've pegged me as sort of a depthless, vapid, dumb little girl far too quickly. Hah hah, sweetie, I'm not, but thank you. I am deeply shallow, I am self-awarely tweeny, and I've still got life behind the eyes but I have a feeling I'll be a cynical bitch like you sooner or later without even knowing it and I look forward to that day.

Il Duce: If you were less charming or cool then you'd be totally creepy. I've liked you for a while, I left you wall comments and lurked you before anyone else seemed to notice you. You're just damn cool and fascinating and exotic and I hope you stick around.

crukster: You remind me of me in the sense that we're both really fucking manic and can't turn it off sometimes. I think I understand you pretty perfectly though.
Also, my response to your professed sexual attraction to me will always be confusion...

more when I feel like it.

Originally Posted by boo boo
A whole bunch of stupid sh*t that I regret
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Old 04-02-2011, 12:31 PM   #688 (permalink)
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Oooh. A challenge.

s_k: You kind of creep me out. I wish you were bitchier. You're like 22 but you come off as really, really old, older then people twice your age, because of your posting style and your complete edgelessness. You're sort of a cute person, I don't think you'd ever (intentionally) harm anyone else, although my opinion of you changed pretty drastically after your dickishness in the child abuse thread.....
You either crave the approval of others so much that you act like you like all of them or you're really opinionless. Either way, I don't really.....like.........it......

Originally Posted by boo boo
A whole bunch of stupid sh*t that I regret
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Old 04-02-2011, 12:36 PM   #689 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tumor View Post
Oooh. A challenge.

s_k: You kind of creep me out. I wish you were bitchier.
Hahaha, I was afraid I had been too bitchy to you in PM's.
Little did I know

You're like 22 but you come off as really, really old, older then people twice your age, because of your posting style and your complete edgelessness.
That's probably because I'm close to 27.
But apart from that, I have autism as you know and one of the symptoms of my 'version' of autism is that I tend to use expensive language. I don't think I do, compared to others who have the same deviation, but apparently to you it seems like I'm an old fella. Which I'm not

You're sort of a cute person, I don't think you'd ever (intentionally) harm anyone else. My opinion of you changed pretty quickly after your dickishness in the child abuse thread.....
So that's what went wrong. I somehow got the feeling you liked me better before. That ****ishness probably was partly due to misunderstandings and such. I definitely didn't mean to be a ****.

You either crave the approval of others so much that you act like you like all of them or you're really opinionless. Either way, I don't really.....like.........it......
Ghehe, I'm definitely not opinionless and on my own forum I'm usually attacked for having an opinion that's too harsh. I can't really tell why that's not the case here. I apparently do have at least an opinion on one subject, because how else could I have been a **** in the child abuse thread?
Haha, for once I give my opinion and you think I'm a **** for that. Ghehe, I guess it's safer not to give my opinion.
I don't really change for people. So I don't crave approval in that manner. I do care about what people think about me, yeah. That's true. It's not like I can change much though.

Eitherway, I'm sorry to hear you think that way about me. I'm a whole lot more positive about you I'm afraid. But if you dislike me and I freak you out, I don't mind ignoring you from now on.

Edit: I seem to like you, but usually I understand only like 25% of what you say, even in PM's. Your mind seems to go everywhere sometimes.
I think that definitely caused some misunderstandings.

By the way, I have you in my list anyhow. I'm still working on the list but this is what I have to say about you:

Altough I somehow get the feeling I drive her even more mad than she aldready is, I think she rocks.
Musicbanter would be a different place without her twisted humor.
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Old 04-02-2011, 12:51 PM   #690 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tumor View Post
That is a cold hearted emoticon.

For what its worth s_k, I like you. You're an interesting character and you appear to only try and see the best in people, which is a good quality to have I'd say. Obviously this opinion will change when I at some point have a massive argument with someone, start saying they are a **** and you defend them. But lets cross that bridge when we come to it.
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