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Old 03-24-2011, 06:49 AM   #661 (permalink)
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One of the main reasons that I come back to MB is because I like all you guys.
The mods do their job properly and everyone is friendly. Certainly one of the better forums on the internet. You all know your music and most of you are open minded and accepting people, which I find gladdening to see.
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Old 03-24-2011, 07:02 AM   #662 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
Attention seeking is rude. Don't be rude, Simpsons-guy.
Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post

Stupid ass virgin simpson guy.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
Il_Duce, S_K, Djchameleon are the most intelligent members here as far as i'm concern. either one of them can actually replace a moderator that i find a bit....stupid. Names withheld for obvious reasons. hehe
You seem to have some sort of issue with this "Simpsons-guy"... Let me guess, that's me?

Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
I have to say, since I've become mod I've really gotten to enjoy talking to Danksta, Burning Down and Janszoon more regularly! You guys crack me up beyond belief. I think it needs to be criteria for becoming a mod.

One day I might make the effort to do the entire forum.
Right back at ya! I'll add Conan to that list too.

And you're going to do the whole forum one day?
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Old 03-24-2011, 08:42 AM   #663 (permalink)
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I'll throw a few updates out there:

mojopinuk - One of the most level headed members here. If every member was like you we would all be having nothing but awesome conversations about music and no one would get pissed at each other. I feel like I would really like you in real life.

Il Duce - I haven't talked to you much, but I've been watching you from my mod tower and yes...you are a weird guy, but strangely enough you add a good weirdness to the forum. Definitely a character. Plus he's from my old SE Asian stomping grounds, so...awesome.

Dirty - I feel like after you had that little banning incident a while back, you've been really making an effort to hold yourself back. I've also noticed when you do make an off comment you are quick to add that you don't want to offend anyone. Barring a few spats here and there...good stuff. This is good because you actually do contribute to the forum.

Jackhammer - I've said this before, but I work for your musical respect more than anyone here. If I post an album and you something positive about it (or at the very least you've never heard of it), I've had a good day.

Janszoon - Though our way of communicating is a bit different, I really feel like we have very similar personalities. I very rarely disagree with you. You are also the expert of one liner responses. Never has so much been said by so little.

Gavin B. - Now, I really don't know you but I was scrolling through your journal and...damn...I'm impressed. Some of the music you post there isn't really my cup of tea, but it is the most professional looking journal on here. A lot of effort goes into it, and it puts everyone else's to shame.

Vanilla - I love how you are you and you don't give a ****. Don't you go a changin. You are still a bit naive about certain things, but you'll be fine.

Conan - I get this vibe that you are a nerdy/intellectual type yet you try to come off like a badass. I mean no offense by this because you are a cool guy and very knowledgeable about music, it's just my observation. You've thrown a few snarky comments my way that I couldn't figure out if you meant it the way I took it. Anyways, a definite solid contributor.

Neapolitan - You disappeared for a while, but now it seems like you're posting here and there again. I never told you this, but I love your long ass responses that make no sense. I guess I didn't know what I had until it was gone...

djchameleon - Some people are a bit sensitive about your avatars, but I love em. Keep them coming.

Tumor - What are you doing?

Plum - There's something I just love about this girl that I can't put my finger on. There would be a giant void left here if she stopped posting.

That's all for now.
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Old 03-24-2011, 08:45 AM   #664 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MoonlitSunshine View Post
s_k, may I introduce the "Edit" button. Edit, this is s_k, he needs some help with a triple posting dilemma. You might wanna intriduce him to "Multi-Quote" as well, but I can never remember how the hell you use that one so I'll leave it up to you. Have fun, guys!
Originally Posted by Jack Pat View Post
Multi-quoting is an enigma to me...
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Old 03-24-2011, 08:46 AM   #665 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by duga View Post
I'll throw a few updates out there:

Il Duce - I haven't talked to you much, but I've been watching you from my mod tower and yes...you are a weird guy, but strangely enough you add a good weirdness to the forum. Definitely a character. Plus he's from my old SE Asian stomping grounds, so...awesome.

Vanilla - I love how you are you and you don't give a ****. Don't you go a changin. You are still a bit naive about certain things, but you'll be fine.

djchameleon - Some people are a bit sensitive about your avatars, but I love em. Keep them coming.

Plum - There's something I just love about this girl that I can't put my finger on. There would be a giant void left here if she stopped posting.

That's all for now.
i'm just weird because I'm into all sorts of weird entertainment - i'm a weirdness literati - weird music, weird movies, weird books

Vanilla is cool. Plum's bad photos are the most hilarious images I've ever seen.

dj's avatars are pretty tame to me.
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Old 03-24-2011, 08:57 AM   #666 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by duga View Post
I'll throw a few updates out there:
mojopinuk - One of the most level headed members here. If every member was like you we would all be having nothing but awesome conversations about music and no one would get pissed at each other. I feel like I would really like you in real life.
Thank you, good sir. We would still be arguing but hopefully not as much. I do prefer to try to stop such behaviour, mainly because it's unnecessary arguments, flaming and trolling in such high volumes that put me off messageboards like this forever. However I'm sure I partake or help fuel arguments on occasion too.

As I've said before, you are one of our key members here. Frequent poster, likes to get involved and contribute, and with little or no ego. Thats why I wanted you as a mod, and luckily everyone else agreed.

I should do an updated list here, I guess.

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Old 03-24-2011, 12:09 PM   #667 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by duga View Post
Conan - I get this vibe that you are a nerdy/intellectual type yet you try to come off like a badass. I mean no offense by this because you are a cool guy and very knowledgeable about music, it's just my observation. You've thrown a few snarky comments my way that I couldn't figure out if you meant it the way I took it. Anyways, a definite solid contributor.
Not to sound overly defensive or anything, but I know I'm a total geek. The whole trying to be badass thing is just a little comic persona. Punk.
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Old 03-25-2011, 07:24 PM   #668 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by duga View Post

Jackhammer - I've said this before, but I work for your musical respect more than anyone here. If I post an album and you something positive about it (or at the very least you've never heard of it), I've had a good day.
Whilst a great ego booster, you don't need to work for my musical respect. I own a Pat Benetar album ffs!

My stock on MB is not what it was a couple of years back but I genuinely appreciate the compliment.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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Old 03-25-2011, 07:26 PM   #669 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
You know, you just ruined it for the rest of us.
Hahaha, anyone who thought she was serious was just desperate and doing a lot of wishful thinking.

On topic: I think Vanilla Rocks.
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Old 03-27-2011, 02:04 PM   #670 (permalink)
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That's why I try to steer clear of discussions on religion, because it has the tendency to incite moronic statements from people.

I don't necessarily have 'opinions' of people here, I don't know anybody well enough, but people who's posts are of particular interest to me include;

eric generic
Jack Pat
Burning Down

I don't really participate in discussion outside of music here, with exception to the odd thread, so these are the people that, to me, are the members with the most active and insightful musical input on the site, who's opinions I respect a lot.

And I'm sorry if I got your names wrong guys, That list is off the top of my head

Last edited by Sneer; 03-27-2011 at 02:12 PM.
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