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Old 02-21-2011, 05:44 PM   #611 (permalink)
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Warning: This thread is getting way too personal.

Cut the insults - if you have something negative to say about a poster you should say it tactfully. Sometimes the old adage is true: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. That's not to say you can't express a negative opinion, but DO NOT insult or belittle the person in question. If something negative is said about you - DON'T FEEL OBLIGATED TO RESPOND and start a flame war. Sometimes you just need to turn the other cheek, take things with a grain of salt, etc. You're all expected to act like adults and not turn this thread into high school.

We cool? Cool.
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Old 02-21-2011, 06:38 PM   #612 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by s_k View Post
Mods, get this back to what it was like.
It was pretty useful and it really worked.
I always thought it was a pretty good idea.
This forum is great because it's out of control sometimes, but some controll is needed if you want to make a topic like this one productive .
Dude just chill, quit acting like this thread has been the most offensive thing to ever hit the internet. One person says what they really feel about members and all of a sudden everyone's balls are in a bundle. Not everyone likes everyone, arguments happen, and it's not the end of the world. I totally get what Conan is saying, flame wars don't really need to happen and I could personally care less what anyone thinks. I know I've contributed to taking MB into Shenanigan Land (a term Big3 used in another thread), and I know some mods and older members don't care for my posts. That's life and I'm totally cool with people not liking anything I say.

I'll spill some thoughts

Big3 - I have never talked to you directly or even really participated in a discussion with you. Always like your posts though, it's obvious you are a smart guy and usually add some hilariousness in your posts in a way different than most members. I enjoy reading your posts. I realize I represent pretty much exactly what I assume you despise about the way MB has changed in your opinion. By that I am referring to majority of my posts in the lounge, not participating in Music Clubs, writing reviews, giving recommendations, etc. I'm just not smart enough on any music topic to really contribute to anything else than what I already do. I'm probably the least musically knowledgeable person on MB and don't have a problem admitting that. So apologies to you and other longtime members of MB who dislike members like myself. I wish I could contribute in more positive ways, but I'm just not smart enough to do so.

Tore - You've been really helpful. I think we may have had some little spats in some animal threads, but you're really helpful and I appreciate what you do. I thought the What's Happening on MB thread was a great idea and I respect the intelligence of your posts.

Janszoon - You came off kinda douchey sometimes towards me, and I'll admit I was pretty douchey during my beginning here. I guess you have to spend some time around a forum to really get the jist of attitudes and styles and for awhile it seemed like I was being attacked in a way, particularly by some mods. But I've come to like you and hold no beef towards you. Some of your posts I find pretty funny and like the sarcasm at times.

Vanilla - Haven't talked to you much, but generally appreciate your seemingly light-hearted attitude. I still don't find anal bead polls to be funny, but I enjoy the playfulness of your posts.

TheCunningStunt - For awhile just pinned you as a pretentious douche with a "I hate everyone and the world" attitude. Then again, I think that's kinda the reputation you are looking for. You, GB, and Plum were regular "Let's bash dirty even if he doesn't say anything rude or disrespectful" group members in the shoutbox for awhile, but with time that faded and I find you generally funny. I like your posts in a weird way and I am usually appreciative of your .gifs. Best thread starter was well-deserved.

Thom Yorke & boozlinbloozin - Two of the newer guys who I am glad have stuck around. Us 3 help keep the sports section of this forum alive and well (I'm sure other do too but I guess I'm referring to mainly American sports). I usually find myself agreeing with Thom and we have a lot of common interests. Boozin cracks me up with his posts on anything related to beer and being drunk, and also with sports opinions. He has some sexist views sometimes but I find them funny and see where he is coming from mostly all the time. Glad these two fools are around.

djchameleon - Many otherwsie boring nights have been spent talking about random topics in the Shoutbox. Glad he is in there, cause otherwise I'd find myself more bored around this forum. He usually serves as the other male perspective on non-music topics in the Shoutbox and I support his expression of ass-loving through avatars.

Tumor - I really like you as a member even though you are a spastic and random retard at times. Well, most of the time probably. Your style of humor is pretty funny to me and I appreciate you busting peoples balls in shoutbox. You're just an oddball and different and I like you.

s_k - I won't join the mini-hate club cause I think you're a nice guy and pretty cool to talk to, even though I think you're a bit weird as I've said many times with the excessive use of smilies and hugging. I don't mind the things you talk about cause a lot of times I'm the one asking questions about it and I recognize you really like MB and contribute to it. Just sometimes you get on my nerves with your motherly type of attitude. I view it like two young children arguing and a Mom coming in and going overboard and screaming at them like they've just committed the worst sin known to man. But like i said, I like you and really like your videos too and never got the "know it all" vibe from you like I think a few others mentioned.
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Old 02-21-2011, 08:11 PM   #613 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
Janszoon - You came off kinda douchey sometimes towards me, and I'll admit I was pretty douchey during my beginning here. I guess you have to spend some time around a forum to really get the jist of attitudes and styles and for awhile it seemed like I was being attacked in a way, particularly by some mods. But I've come to like you and hold no beef towards you. Some of your posts I find pretty funny and like the sarcasm at times.
Wow. Praise someone's musical output and repeatedly defend them when other mods want to ban them... and still get called a douche by them. I wish I could say this was the first time this has happened to me. Thanks for the reminder that I should go out on a limb for people less.
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Old 02-21-2011, 08:55 PM   #614 (permalink)
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@Janszoon...just never really seen you actually take offense at someones comments and lose composure.You just didnt strike me as that kind of person...as a way of making light of the inmature behavior some of us (like me) choose to partake in. It would seem more fitting for your style to mock the situation all together. With a sort of mimicking display of what most would deem...inmature behavior.
Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
Fuck you, bloozin! Your stupid thread too!
<DoctorSoft>: You know life is good when you take Viagra to jack off lol
Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
- Hendrix didn't even play the blues that well -

Amongst Mb's Most
(Smiley Face)
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Old 02-22-2011, 06:31 AM   #615 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post

ThePhanastasio: If we were the same age and went to the same high school I guarantee we would have hung out. Because (a) I was a drama geek and (b) she's really laid back with a great sense of humor and that's exactly the kind of person I always hung with. Needless to say, even though I don't think we have much in common on a musical level, I really enjoy having her as part of this forum
Thank you very much, Mr. Janszoon!

I definitely find you to be a very nice, cool dude. Your sense of humor is great, and you've definitely made me laugh in more than one thread. You also contribute some really intelligent posts as well, which do add to the quality level of the forum. As a member, a person, and a mod I give you an A+.

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
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Old 02-22-2011, 03:25 PM   #616 (permalink)
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Janszoon: You piss me off a little sometimes. You're usually really knowledgable about what you're talking about, but you seem kinda full of yourself.
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Old 02-22-2011, 03:35 PM   #617 (permalink)
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Janszoon is the coolest mod of all. Except maybe Mojo but he's been MIA for a while.
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Old 02-22-2011, 04:03 PM   #618 (permalink)
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Janzsoon's taste in music, and humor are both amazing. I have no complaints.
Terence Hill, as recently confirmed during an interview to an Italian TV talk-show, was offered the role but rejected it because he considered it "too violent". Dustin Hoffman and John Travolta declined the role for the same reason. When Al Pacino was considered for the role of John Rambo, he turned it down when his request that Rambo be more of a madman was rejected.
Al Pacino = God
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Old 02-22-2011, 04:07 PM   #619 (permalink)
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Janszoon: The coolest, most badass motherfucker on MusicBanter.
Like an arrow,
I was only passing through.
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Old 02-22-2011, 04:43 PM   #620 (permalink)
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Janszoon is awesome.
Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

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