ladyislingering |
02-15-2015 10:40 AM |
Originally Posted by The Batlord
(Post 1552127)
Hell yes. My use of the word has tailed off drastically after high school, but in the right company, throwing around offensive words of all kinds is perfectly enjoyable.
I actually find it kind of funny that I've used the dreaded N-word out loud before (not in a hateful tone) and just last night Ki and I were thinking of hilarious insults with his parents in their car (e.g.; douchecanoe, knobjockey, c umdumpster, tw atwaffle, etc.) but I have never, never in my life said "faggot".
I called one of my bosses at an old job an as shole before (to his ugly fu cking face, no less), have openly used the word "c unt" to describe an unpleasant person, and will tell you exactly how the f uck I feel about something, you f ucking piece of s hit, but using homophobic language is off limits.