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right-track 05-05-2011 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1048568)
It's high time I do another one of these.
It will probably piss some people off.

s_k - Sometimes I actually think you want to be helpful and nice to others simply out of the goodness of your own heart, but more often than not, I think you do it because of how you think it reflects on you. This is supported by the fact that at any given opportunity, you manage to make absolutely every fucking conversation you have about anything... about YOU. I think you revel in self-attention, and even though you're not exactly the stereotypical attention-starved individual, it's blatantly obvious that you enjoy nothing more than talking about yourself and padding your ego wherever possible. When you can't, you find ways to make the information you're offering relative to your personal opinion. In fact, when you read this, you will reply to it in a way that proves everything I have just said. You absolutely cannot stand it when people think negatively of you, and you'll do everything in your power to change that, which is extremely unrealistic, and pointless. You also claim that you have Autism, which I'm not contesting, but you most certainly seem to love using it as justification for your mistakes, and parading it around with the expectation that any time you're wrong, we'll pat you on the back and say "oh that poor, poor guy... if it weren't for his 'disability', he'd be absolutely perfect!"....

The truth is, you're just too socially functional for us to let you off that easily. When you fuck up, we don't blame the Autism... You're the only one.

djchameleon - To me, you come off as some cheap knock-off Hallmark card Encyclopedia of shallow, meaningless anecdotes designed only for the purpose of validating your worth to the forum. I do think you mean well, and you're not self-centered, but you simply say thinks for the sake of saying them without any regard for substance. And that's not even the worst part. Your incessant need to assert this hyper-dominant 'male' stereotype about yourself speaks to a glaring inadequacy as a male that I believe you are terrified of people realizing. It might even stem from the fact that your voice sounds ANYTHING but 'dominant male', and you might have a long history of animosity towards that fact, which results in your need to compensate wherever possible. It's like the classic "little guy in a big truck" syndrome, or more classically, the Napoleon syndrome... only in a different context. I think in reality, you're about as manly as a female kitten, and I think you feel the same way... and in an internet forum, you have a chance to combat it with over-the-top references to what manly guys might identify with. The fact that you go over-the-top with this really confirms that.

With all that said, I don't dislike you. I push your buttons because they need to be pushed. The real you needs to come out of the closet (not a gay joke) and not worry about what everyone else will think. I think that if you were more true to yourself, then you'd have a lot more to offer.

Dirty - I just wanted to include you because my opinions of you have changed. When you first came here, I thought you were a bit trollish and illogical, but the more I've read your posts, the more I've come to realize that you're pretty much the antithesis of djchameleon in the fact that you bare your opinions with absolutely 100 percent conviction and without regard for how they make you look. That makes the things you say worth reading, in my opinion, because you don't tailor your perspective to others. And more often than not, the things you say--however caustic--are usually very much correct.

holly984 - Sometimes, you make me hate the multi-quote button.

Vanilla - I love ya, but sometimes you have the decision-making skills of a newborn bird. I gotta say, though, that you're doing better as a mod than I thought you would. I love that you're fired up for the job. Being here as long as you have, it seems an unlikely trait, but you obviously have a huge part of yourself invested in this forum and it shows in your attitude toward maintaining it. I've come to realize that you're a perfect fit, and you excel where some of us don't, and vice-versa.

I guess that's it for now. I have lost steam.

This isn't fair. I made one like yours a while back and a mod deleted it.
Glad to see the gloves are off.

*cracks knuckles

storymilo 05-05-2011 05:38 PM

dj chameleon: I've always thought he was a pretty nice guy, just not one I talk to much. Lately, though, I keep seeing him putting any criticism whatsoever (and there's been a decent amount) down to people "not getting" his sense of humor. I guess I'm one of those people, because his posts have never struck me as any more witty than most of the members on this site. I don't think every single complaint leveled toward him is really a fault of the person not getting a joke.

Freebase Dali 05-05-2011 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1048948)
Swing and a miss! You are completely off base and people that have talked to me outside of MB knows me more than you do because you haven't. You are a select few other characters around MB believe everything I said 100% and don't get my brand of humor. Sure, it's not laughy ha ha type of humor but it's the same humor that I use on a daily basis in RL and everyone gets "it". I'm not going to change my style of humor for the slower people that aren't able to get it.

At the end of the day it's just your opinion and you will believe whatever you want to and I really don't care. I'm not going to lose sleep at night because of what others on an online forum think of me.

1. Your brand of humor seems to be largely ignorant of the fact that this is the internet, and you're representing yourself with text. I don't think you're dumb enough to not realize that it's quite difficult to appreciate the context of jokes when you not only leave no indicators that they're jokes, but construct them very poorly and randomly.
I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I'm stuck between wondering whether you just have a really bad sense of humor, or you call things you say, "a joke" when you realize that people regard them as idiotic...

2. If you actually think people are "slower" because they don't know what you're on about when you make moronic "jokes" that, in every sense of the definition, do not qualify as jokes, then I believe you have misplaced the blame... If you would rather say that you have a completely different way of thinking from normal people, that would be more accurate, although I don't think I'd venture to say that it's a step up.

3. You obviously do care, to an extent, otherwise you would not have come here to "set the record straight". I don't believe for one minute that you're unaffected by what people here think about you. I also don't believe that any other intelligent person on these boards would disagree. What you have to understand is we ALL care to an extent. It's not a negative thing. You don't have to put up an air of nonchalance. If you didn't care about this place or the opinions of the members populating it, you wouldn't be here... nor would you have been here for as long as you have. You're hiding behind a glass wall, bro.

4. If I'm completely off, and know absolutely nothing about your character, then why are you trying to be someone else on the internet? Because all I see is what you give me.

djchameleon 05-05-2011 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by storymilo (Post 1048965)
dj chameleon: I've always thought he was a pretty nice guy, just not one I talk to much. Lately, though, I keep seeing him putting any criticism whatsoever (and there's been a decent amount) down to people "not getting" his sense of humor. I guess I'm one of those people, because his posts have never struck me as any more witty than most of the members on this site. I don't think every single complaint leveled toward him is really a fault of the person not getting a joke.

I don't claim that my humor is witty, you either get it or you don't.


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1048973)
1. Your brand of humor seems to be largely ignorant of the fact that this is the internet, and you're representing yourself with text. I don't think you're dumb enough to not realize that it's quite difficult to appreciate the context of jokes when you not only leave no indicators that they're jokes, but construct them very poorly and randomly.
I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I'm stuck between wondering whether you just have a really bad sense of humor, or you call things you say, "a joke" when you realize that people regard them as idiotic...

My brand of humor is based solely on people that I have been around for ages knowing me regardless of the fact that you can't tell tones on the internet. I don't expect people that have no clue about me or don't speak to me outside of MB to get my brand of humor.

Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1048973)
2. If you actually think people are "slower" because they don't know what you're on about when you make moronic "jokes" that, in every sense of the definition, do not qualify as jokes, then I believe you have misplaced the blame... If you would rather say that you have a completely different way of thinking from normal people, that would be more accurate, although I don't think I'd venture to say that it's a step up.

I say that people are "slower" because for as long as I have been using the same type of humor for them to not pick up on the fact that everything I say isn't 100% true then I don't know what to tell you.


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1048973)
3. You obviously do care, to an extent, otherwise you would not have come here to "set the record straight". I don't believe for one minute that you're unaffected by what people here think about you. I also don't believe that any other intelligent person on these boards would disagree. What you have to understand is we ALL care to an extent. It's not a negative thing. You don't have to put up an air of nonchalance. If you didn't care about this place or the opinions of the members populating it, you wouldn't be here... nor would you have been here for as long as you have. You're hiding behind a glass wall, bro.

Yes, I care because I feel the need to respond to every little thing that is said about me on the internet and I go to bed crying over everything that is said because it hurts me oh so deepily.

Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1048973)
4. If I'm completely off, and know absolutely nothing about your character, then why are you trying to be someone else on the internet? Because all I see is what you give me.

It's not so much that I'm trying to be someone else on the internet, you can go ahead and believe whatever you want about me but what you think you know isn't who I am.

Freebase Dali 05-05-2011 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1048981)
My brand of humor is based solely on people that I have been around for ages knowing me regardless of the fact that you can't tell tones on the internet. I don't expect people that have no clue about me or don't speak to me outside of MB to get my brand of humor.

I say that people are "slower" because for as long as I have been using the same type of humor for them to not pick up on the fact that everything I say isn't 100% true then I don't know what to tell you.

So you obviously realize that since we haven't known you for ages, we won't get your "jokes" (which coincidentally appear identical to any statement you make). The fact that you employ them anyway, without tailoring them to the people you're telling them to, seems rather strange. Personally, I think you use the ambiguity of your "jokes" as a readied excuse for moronic statements. Unfortunately for you, we're not as "slow" as you think we are.


Yes, I care because I feel the need to respond to every little thing that is said about me on the internet and I go to bed crying over everything that is said because it hurts me oh so deepily.
This is the kind of reply that makes me think less of you. I guess we're supposed to see it as a "joke". I think I'm getting the hang of this... everything you say is potentially a joke. Got it. This will work wonders for your credibility...


It's not so much that I'm trying to be someone else on the internet, you can go ahead and believe whatever you want about me but what you think you know isn't who I am.
As long as you're sitting here portraying what you've been portraying, it's inevitable that we'll think of you in the way you're presenting yourself. If you don't care about that, fine, but as I've said before, I think you'd have a lot more to offer if you were honest. I don't think anyone here, including yourself, would benefit from labeling djchameleon as a bad joke... unless that's what you really are.

RVCA 05-05-2011 07:51 PM

Freebase: He's always been a favorite mod of mine but the last two pages of this thread have established him as THE favorite mod, and favorite user as well

djchameleon 05-06-2011 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1048999)
This will work wonders for your credibility...

This sums up everything you have said over the last few pages.

You actually think I care what you and others think of me as far "credibility".

I'm done with this exchange with you.

You guys can use me as a scapegoat all you want.

I see exactly what you are doing and that's fine.

I'm not going to stop doing what I'm doing or change who I am for you or anyone else.

That is all.

Dr.Seussicide 05-06-2011 06:19 AM

Honestly, djchameleon, I've never interacted with you personally, to get a handle on your personality type, but what I do see from your posts, are your tastes. And, well, quite frankly, you have horrible tastes. Definitely not up to par with musicbanter standards that I've grown accustomed to, and quite frankly love, since I can always depend on members to post something amazing. This post may come off as elitist, but I'm not trying to be, and everyone seems to think you're a good person, so for that reason, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But from a completely objective point of view, from what I've seen from just your posts, I do dislike your tastes.

There are a few members I've always been fond of, Janszoon being one of them. Terrific guy, and I love your sense of humour. Always a pleasure to read your posts.

Canwllcorfe and charlemagne have some of my favourite tastes on the forum. Everytime I read a post of you guys about music it's like a new recommendation indirected at me. The amount of music I get from you guys, it's crazy, lol. Thank you posting as regularly as you do, I appreciate it :)

I wish I could do more people, but I have to be off to school! Lol

djchameleon 05-06-2011 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 1049223)
Honestly, djchameleon, I've never interacted with you personally, to get a handle on your personality type, but what I do see from your posts, are your tastes. And, well, quite frankly, you have horrible tastes. Definitely not up to par with musicbanter standards that I've grown accustomed to, and quite frankly love, since I can always depend on members to post something amazing. This post may come off as elitist, but I'm not trying to be, and everyone seems to think you're a good person, so for that reason, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But from a completely objective point of view, from what I've seen from just your posts, I do dislike your tastes.

It always seem to me that if I say Up , you have to say down and If I say right you have to say left.

It used to piss me off but I got over that. We just have different tastes and I'm fine with that. If I was all elitist and into judging people by their taste from my point of view, I would say you have horrible taste but who am I to judge what you like to listen to. That's not my place so I won't.

I wasn't aware that MusicBanter had "taste" standards. Maybe they should put that into the new member guidelines somewhere so that newbies don't get eaten alive and ripped apart for not meeting these standards.

CanwllCorfe 05-06-2011 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide (Post 1049223)
Canwllcorfe and charlemagne have some of my favourite tastes on the forum. Everytime I read a post of you guys about music it's like a new recommendation indirected at me. The amount of music I get from you guys, it's crazy, lol. Thank you posting as regularly as you do, I appreciate it :)

No problem! :D I'm glad I could help. It's nice to have somebody appreciate my taste. Most of my friends just call it "weird" and that's about it. They just don't understand. :( I intend on updating my journal once I get all my college work finished up.

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