Freebase Dali |
11-30-2014 08:03 PM |
Originally Posted by ladyislingering
(Post 1516083)
I understand that. Sometimes it seems strange to me that my world is populated with beautiful people (honestly, literally everyone I know has something about them that I find beautiful) but I have such a rough time finding anything I like about myself. I appreciate your kind words, though.
WTF Dude you ARE a beautiful person. Stop comparing yourself to others and own yourself. Comparing yourself to an average standard is ridiculous. It's only going to lead to self doubt. I'll tell you this now, if Ki didn't already have a claim, you'd be all over my map. And the reason is because I'm into your type (when that type is confident). You're stuck with however you look... but know that looks are most CERTAINLY not everything. The attitude, the confidence in a person, THAT'S what's ultimately attractive.
So, when I see your picture, I imagine a woman that is completely comfortable with herself, totally assured, and that **** is sexy. But when I see you say you're everything opposite, well, I just gotta ask why. You're doing yourself your own disservice. I think you're lovely and you should too.