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Just wrote something on the first peeps that came to mind...
Urban – He was the very first person to ever send me a PM here, and the very first person to add me as a friend on last.fm. Our musical tastes are extremely different, but I still have always loved reading his “Top 100” threads (that he rarely finishes!). He’s always been super helpful and a sweetheart…completely witty and hilarious also. I kinda feel like he’s my slightly older brother who lives far far away…we don’t talk much, but if I ever got in a scrap he’d be there to kick someone’s ass. Jackhammer –He’s a veritable music gold mine, always helpful and tries to be accepting of everyone. He wants everyone to love his music as much as he does and sometimes they simply don’t, but I hope that doesn’t stop him from posting new stuff, because he contributes so much to this site and it would be a damn shame if he burned out. Personally, as we’ve chatted, he’s grown to be a great friend and confidante, always supportive and never judgmental, but still straight forward. I don’t know what I (or MB) would do without him. We’ll always have Fat Freddy’s Drop…:) Savannah – My homegirl,….we’ve got to go drinkin’ sometime,….I always enjoy reading her posts,….even though sometimes I have to re-read them 3 times,…..lol,…despite what many seem to think of her,… she’s obviously a deep thinking person who likes to have her fun too,… :p: Janszoon – This guy cracks me up. He has such an awesome sense of humor and I’m constantly laughing out loud when I read his posts. I also appreciate how he’s not argumentative and somehow always manages to speak his part in a debate without being obnoxious or defensive or condescending. He just seems so laid back and chill…like he’d be a great person to kick back and have a drink and a chat with. Toretorden – I haven’t talked to Tore much at all. Lots of people of thrown around the term “robot” to describe him, but I just don’t think that’s very fair. He’s definitely analytical, which I guess comes with having a scientific mind, but it’s also apparent that he’s compassionate, moral, fair, and maybe even a little self-conscious, but always self-confident as well. Definitely one of the brightest minds here and he has great taste in music too! Molecules – Mollie…where are you buddy? It’s obvious a lot of people here miss his witticisms and off-kilter personality. He really brightens up the place and it’s kind of gray without him around. :( Yukon Cornelius – I know he can be spastic and a lot of his posts seem incoherent…but I’ve had the chance to chat with him via PM and he’s not a bad guy at all. He adores his family and has been through some hard times (not unlike many of us on here). He’s a lot more mellow when you get him out of the threads and chatting one on one. Boo boo – At first he seemed abrasive and judgmental to me and actually a little intimidating. But now he seems like a pretty lovable guy, if not a tad bit sensitive though admittedly I haven't had the chance to really get to know him. I admire how he puts himself out there personally, and I can’t say I’d ever have the guts to do the same. He seems to be well-versed in the music that he really enjoys…but I just don’t see how you could like Michael Jackson better than Prince. :P Dreadnaught – I’ve also not had the chance to get to know her, but just from reading her posts and watching her moderator skills, it’s obvious that she’s beautiful inside and out and has crackin’ taste in music. I would have tried to befriend her in highschool. Adidasss – Ahhhhh….adidasss. Sometimes he is the smokin’ hot, inaccessible gay guy that woman are always complaining about (“Why are the hot ones always either gay or married?”)…and sometimes he’s the lazy, pot headed guy that women are always complaining about. Sometimes he makes me wince with his brutal honesty, but he also amuses me with the way he analyzes my user name and uses obscure smilies that no one else can find. I also appreciate that when it comes to music, he likes what he likes and the rest of you can go f*ck off. Pobody’s Nerfect – He should pursue a career in marketing me thinks. He knows how to promote the music he loves and wants to share. He makes you want to love it as much as he does, without being pushy or annoying. And who doesn’t like getting free music anyway? It’s because of him that I’ve taken a shine to live band hip hop and dark, broody jazz music. I wish we had more people on this site like him. Whatsitoosit – I’m glad he came back and started posting again…but I wish he’d post other places besides the Christianity thread and the Michael Jackson thread. I liked him from the start though…funny and easy going. And his beard is hot. (Please tell me you still have it…). Wolfwolverinelady – You’s a crazy, quirky chick. I wish you and Sweets would get your thread back going again, because it not only introduced me to some fantastic music, but was sooo funny. Almost all of your posts are full of comedic win. You’re awesome. Alfred – For being so young, he can certainly hold his own and is more articulate than most of the adults on this site (myself included). He never ceases to impress. And I have fun picking on him in the monthly compilation threads. ;) |
Ok well it's high-time I do one of these. I'll start with mods.
Right-Track: By far the most respected MB mod. Very knowledgeable about all things he posts about and always handles problems with style. Urban Hatemonger: Very few people can make me laugh with 1 and 2 word posts like this guy can. Very knowledgeable about what seems like everything. Has good humor but wields the ban-hammer whenever necessary. Boo Boo: Awesome guy, very easy to banter with. Great taste in prog, arguably the best prog mind on musicbanter (Comus sonsidered). This guy takes alot of smack from alot of people and always responds with class. I think that says alot about his character. Piss Me Off: Haven't heard much from him as of late, normally posts interesting stuff. The MB Hall of Fame is a great thread. Sleepy Jack: Well what can I say? Alot of people don't like this guy. I'm nuetral on him myself. No real feelings to speak of at all. None of his posts have ever had an effect on me at all. Jackhammer: Love JH, far and away my favorite mod. excellent taste in music and very knowledgeable about several genres of music. Also not as abrasive as other mods and handles situations with the upmost of class. Janszoon: Great mod, you can hardly tell that he's new at it. Jumped right in to the position when selected. Very imformative poster. Drednaught: Just recently discovered Drednaught is a female. Which, I'm not going to lie, came as a surprise to me. She is from Indiana which is cool because I'm originally from there. Don't see many post from her and am rarely hanging in the same threads. Big3: By far the most abrasive mod. This guy jumps up in arms at the first sign of a disagreement, which can certainly be entertaining from time to time. Still very knowledgeable about his music and know the facts. Also VERY opinionated and frequently posts long paragraphs on political issues. Tore: Awesome album reviewer. One of my personal favorites to read. Great poster and very knowledgeable. Seltzer: The most forgettable mod IMO. I always forget about this guy. Only because we share different tastes and are rarely in the same thread. Good poster and likes alot of weird music. Pobodys_Nerfect: Cool guy, great addition to MB. Always posts in a variety of threads and always has something interesting to say. Kevorkian Logic: I didn't know she was a she for the longest time. Good poster, don't see her around that often but when I do I'm not disappointed. Molecules: Great album reviewer. Haven't seen him around much lately though. Patton: Don't know whats up with the name change. But seems pretty cool and she lives in Hugh Jackmans pants... which is interesting. Roygbiv: Very nice person, polar opposite of CAPTAIN CAVEMAN. We need someone like him around here other wise things might get ugly. Enjoy his posts. Savannah: Does she even listen to music? I don't think anyone cares. She contributes so much to discussion in the lounge and seems to be a great person. Her pictures are always a pleasent surprise too. lucifer_sam: Well, I guess he would be the king of one line sarcastic posts. Rarely do I see this guy post much longer than a couple lines. Likes to keep it short and sweet. Has good taste but seems to put people down sometimes in effort to make a joke. I'm not a fan of that. Sure can be funny though. Veridical Fiction: Great guy, ex-military. Good tastes and always posting good stuff. Antonio: Good guy, great addition to the Rock/Metal forum. Surrel: Resident hip-hop loving funnt guy. Whats not to like? 333: Seems like a really cool chick with great tastes. Plus I copied your post so thanks for that. Thats about it for now. |
I've always liked: ethan, lee, david, marijan, scotty, kevorkian, thrice, and satch. I really don't understand the intense mac (captain caveman) hate, but maybe that's because I've seen him make a coherent post more than once.
Currently I like: swim, bardonodude, tyrannodude, cult classic, alliteration, rubber, crash override, wayfarer, cardboard adolescent, and all the dudes who keep the emo/hardcore forum going. Also anyone who isn't a consistent asshole and posts stuff that is actually genuine, such as bulldog and others like him. I really miss: the dave, zealious, all nite dinah, iamalejo, dirt mcgirt and fenix. Those guys were sick and made me want to contribute and be an active part of the forum. Ever since I changed from gemtleman johnny, it seems as though I've dropped off the face off the earth. The rapid expansion of mb membership coupled with my frequent hiatuses has left me wondering who the fuck most of you are, and my interest hasn't been piqued enough to pursue any sort of dialogue with these second and third generations of mb. I know I probably don't come to mind when people think of seminal members, but I'm coming up on four years and I think that's rad. Basically, all the descriptions of me being a lesser, not as witty version of cap'n caveman are half true, whereas I don't often venture outside the emo/hardcore forum to berate the rest of you but still find time to make inane observations when someone makes a stupid comment. |
The Ernest Hemingway of the boards. RT has always been a voice of reason, and even in times of absolute debauchery he's never told me to go **** myself, which I have to imagine has crossed his mind once or twice. Urban Hatemonger One of my favorites, he's a Brit but he reminds me of the Brooklyn guys. There is no gray area, it is what it is and it usually takes him 3 words to say what others can't in three posts. As a younger man I'm sure he'd have pissed me off, but I've come far enough to know not many will be this honest with you. And its appreciated. Jack HammerI've honestly never had much interaction with the guy, and I'm sorry it took this thread to realize that but I guess I should PM him... sorry man. Sleepy Jack For all we brawl, I like Ethan. I feel like he uses the site as his own god damned litter box sometimes, but we've all had on down moments. The faceless boy wonder has been around long enough, and has locked horns enough with me that I can say he's earned my respect. Churchill once said, I like a man who can grin when he fights. Ethan just likes fights, and terrible singer-songwriters Janszoon Apparently we had it out once, but I don't recall, and I'm bias toward anyone from the motherland. He's been off my radar recently and that's probably my fault, but one of my favorite guys on here. Toretorden I love this guy mostly because I think he's pushing the rock uphill. For those who havn't planned things with him, he'll suggest this very logical, strait forward, intelligent plan to us, and 90% of the time we respond with "those *******s will never go for that." he's more patient than most here, and he's worked harder to get things done than any new mod I've seen. Dreadnaught DT reminds me of a new school Black tshirt. Cept American. She's often eloquent in her brevity, and I'd agree with Verdical (sp?) thats shes one of the more attractive members of the board. Expect big things. Boo Boo Boobs takes quite a bit of heat here, and occasionally from me, but you have to respect a guy who stands up for what he believes in and don't follow along (like many do here) with what he thinks everyone else is going to say. Once awhile back, he thought I hated him because of a dispute on Stings Bass playing skill. That should sum up our relationship, huge brawl over something I'm sure neither of us actually care about. His knowledge of things is unparalleled and the whole "use Yes lines in every post" thing was a friggen riot. The "I'm just a starship trooper, I go floating on by" had me killing myself. Coryallen2 Just needs to chill out, is posting a lot because he's bored and if he imposed a 5 min limit on himself people writing something and posting it, I'm sure he'd be a lot better off. Someone get this kid a video game addiciton to MMO's so he can burn off the time. Adidasss One of the things that distresses me on these forums is that this kid wants me to get terminal brain cancer tomorrow. I like the old man and look forward to his insight but its tough to swallow since he's gunning for my jugular in any thread we both happen to be in. I read what he wrote about me here, and he's either got the wrong impression somehow or he's just using it for more ammunition. In the end, he's been one of the members whos attempted to make these boards a better place. As Stephen Colbert would say: Formidable Opponent. Captain Caveman Hysterical. Never makes a real post to save his life and I wish he would so the grumpy mods wouldn't delete everything he writes. GuitarBizarre The one run-in I had with the guy was him bashing savannah on behalf of his girlfriend. Needless to say, I'm no fan. Yukon Cornelius Had a real turn around. I'm not sure how I feel which is a marked change from when he was a pain in the ass. Savannah While the rest of the forums we're likly taping her picture to their ceilings, I was actually drawn to Savannah because she was directly attacked once in an aggressive, unwarrented, senseless fashion and her response was "yeah well opinions vary" or something to that effect. I PM'd her then and told her I wished more people could handle things like she does. I'd prefer it if I could do it do, but I'm genetically disposed to be a furious, paranoid grump. Also, her accents hot. 333 Rolls with the punches like no newbie has in awhile. I see too little of her, and I'm not happy about it. Vanilla An oldie that stayed away too long. i'm glad she's back. I swear the women on these boards are more level headed than the most normal of guys. Again, I guess I'm supposed to comment on how hot she is but its not my thing. Mr. Dave Don't know him too well but as I recall I liked his responses despite not remembering what they were. Seltzer A fellow mod I never speak to often. The mod cave is all math and no fashion, so aside from us hashing things out, I don't know him very well. JJJ Whats bad to say about a guy who agrees with you? If I had drinking buddies, he'd remind me of one of my drinking buddies. The Unfan Pretty funny but tries to be a **** all to often. Is what it is. Lucifer Sam Use to hate this guy, not in an angry way, but I just had no use for him. These days I think he's insightful, and probably one of the more shrew posters. He never steps into a quagmire, I should probably follow his example. Cardboard Adolescent Might have Beckett for his avatar, but it should be Spok (sp?) Satchmo Its hard to write about nice guys, and this is no exception. However, his Jazz thread has been the cleansing boat from Valhalla these soulless forum needed. Molecules Of all the guys I've fought with, no ones been more grounded in reasonable thought. We took a battle to PM's and now we're BFF. Well alright not BFF but we're cool, and if theres anything I really like on these boards its when bitter enemies become friends. Veridical Fiction Don't know much about him, but I've only seen good things. See Satchmo Sweet_Nothing Seems stuck in his ways. I never see too much exploration on his part but maybe he's not on my forum circuit. Piss Me Off Nice Guy. Raging Drunk. Amazing Thread Game Starter. I'll edit more in later. |
There's a lot of females on this forum, and yet I never really get to talk to any of them.
I can't even talk to girls on the internet. :( One thing I notice about the gals here is that they are far less abrasive and defensive about their tastes, a lot more laid back than the guys. Very refreshing, the other forum I used to go to was a total sausagefest, and mainly because it was full of sexist douchebags who would say things like "tits or GTFO" everytime a female member joined. |
No sense in people getting all asshurt about their internet persona
I got called a convicted sex-offender for Christ's sake I'll have everyone know right now that I have NEVER been convicted BTW in a nutshell : R-T: Class dude Boo-Boo: Always a great read, I admire his conviction Jackhammer: See R-T Adidass: Probably the person I most enjoy on here, maybe a hint of a H.E.C (homo e-crush), seems a real stand up dude and while I was gone I think he was the person I missed the most. Seems he genuinely cares about everyone that posts here Sleepy Jack: Always liked him cuz his opinion is the loudest, say what you want he's still unforgettable Big3: Probably the person that I would most enjoy sharing a beer with two straws with, interesting to a fault Cardboard: Probably wouldn't have much in common with him but I would never interrupt him cuz he usually says something interesting Urban: Sarcasm like a razorblade and sharp as a tack, look forward to every post and now the ladies Savannah: Like a transformer she is more than meets the eye: passionate, smart, seems to have a genuine lust for life. Makes the whole sexy package more than skin deep Vanilla: FOX!!! also a really fun poster, seems to be in the top five of the people having the most fun around here 333: Never spoken to her but saw her pic in the gallery, I'd hit it like it owed me money |
I'm gonna forget a few but...
Right-Track Great at his job and a nice guy to boot, but I never see much from him musically. Urban Hatemonger Hated him at first, but warmed up to him quite a bit once I realized he's pretty cool and knows a hell of a lot more than me. Jack Hammer Class act. Made me feel welcome right from the start. Always good for a recommendation, and just a really nice guy. Sleepy Jack He can be immature at times, but after a while you realize that he's usually right in just about all of the arguments that he gets in. Janszoon Introduced me to The Church, who I'll be seeing in less that a month :D Toretorden Born to be a mod. Everything you look for out of one of your forum leaders. Dreadnaught Sexy and smart. Boo Boo Not sure. Part of me says he's too safe when it comes to music, but then he always proves me wrong. Coryallen2 From the same hometown as me. He's the first person to really make me ashamed to be from Lorain haha. Adidasss Cool dude. I don't know how anyone can be anti-homosexual after talking with this guy. Captain Caveman Makes me lol. Hard. Savannah I'd hit it, for sure. With that said though, I think she's an attention whore. Seltzer I hate him. He thinks my Radiohead obsession is unhealthy! I'm kidding of course. Seltzer is awesome, and great in the post rock and experimental departments. Plus he's an engineer which is an automatic +10 cool points. Big3 Has that bad boy reputation of the forum, but I haven't had a big run in with him, so I don't mind him.. JJJ Was good, but went awol for a while. Glad he's back. Avid sports fan too, which is a plus. Lucifer Sam One of my favorite members. Great for music recommendations and knowledge, and I've been able to talk school with him here and there which is pretty cool. Sweet_Nothing My dude. My first I guess you could say "friend" on the forum. Cool guy, and some great taste. Piss Me Off Best avatar. FaSho, Alfred, khfreek, These guys are like what? 14 or 15? Amazing tastes and maturity for their ages. Brad Stengel Underrated as hell. Great poster. Stu Probably my favorite poster, music wise. Proggy Man Great tastes, and wonderful to talk sports with, especially for his age. Wolverineblahblah Funny girl, with good taste. Comus Thinks I hate him. I don't. He can just be really (REALLY) elitist at times, and he makes it really hard to figure out if he's joking or not. I've gotten a lot of good albums from him, and that's more than enough in my book. Loose Lips Lives up to his title of Nicest Member, and has some fantastic, eclectic taste. Anteater If I ever want to hear a super obscure prog album, I know who to go to. I'm sure I forgot a few, so I'll get to them as I remember them.[/QUOTE] |
Anyway, I know Im relatively new to this forum & I havent actually spoke with every poster yet but Ill give it my best shot. Jackhammer- First guy I spoke to on this forum, really sound guy, laid back & generous. I also thought he was in his late 20s! 37??? Right Track- I like his style, firm but fair. Hes probably the fairest of all the mods when at the same time being the most firm. He also likes Cast too, which is always a winner in my book! Urban Hatemonger- I hated him at first (I remember thinking 'what a stupid f*cking avatar'), but have come to respect him & realised that he is a pretty sound guy. Also, a lot of his posts I have read have made me laugh. I am also facsinated with his obsession with The Fall, as I do not know anybody else who is (or didnt ever think anybody would be) obsessed with The Fall. A good guy, but cross him & he takes no prisoners. Tortetorden- This guy is the Musicbanter handyman. If you ever have any problems, this is the guy to speak to. (sorry if this causes your inbox to overload :D) When I first came on here & didnt know how to do certain things such as the last fm & other stuff, I simply sent him a message & he was more than happy to help. Janszoon- Have only spoke with briefly a few times, could have been arguments. Hates Phish for some reason but Im not that big on them anyway so dont mind him. Just seems a pretty unusual band to hate. Sleepy Jack- I dont want to say that i hate any MB member, but this guy kind of gets on my nerves. Will maybe come to terms with him in time. Boo Boo- This is perhaps the most entertaining of all MB members. I have mixed feelings about this member, for instance at the start I argued with him, thought 'he' was a girl, then argued some more, then found out about King Crimson & more of Yes through him which made me kind of appreciate this member more. Its kind of a continous cycle of arguing and the occasional agreement. Antonio- Probably the most similar MB member to me in terms of taste. This guy has cracking taste & has just about the same taste in music as me. Also whats better is the bands/artists Ive recommended so far to him, he has liked. The best part being that he likes the Mirrorball album which really made my day. Comus- Similar to Booboo, I find myself arguing with him and then recentley he introduced me & provided me with the Bodkin album, which i thoroughly enjoyed. To be honest (like Booboo) , I used to hate him at first but have come to appreciate him over time. Fasho- Perhaps I'm being premature here in saying that i dont like him. Its probably just because Im jealous that when i looked at his Last Fm I didnt recognise 90% of the artists he had in his top list. Also he is the same age as my younger brother, enough said. Stone Birds- Another poster I have yet to argue with (which is a rarity), I was very impressed with the maturity of his band 'Stone Birds' & oppose anyone who say they are sh*t. Very good for his age and shows a lot of potential. Sonace- Billy Gibbons is a massive ZZ Top fan. :D I also like him. One thing Ive noticed whilst doing this list is that I have been in an argument with just about every single poster Ive come across, which I suppose is a bad sign & could be why some people have been saying I am a troll or whatever. It's hard to explain, when I see a post that pisses me off I feel compelled to reply to it and let them know just how pissed off I am. In truth, I dont really hate anyone on this, if theres anything I dislike its just their opinions. Anyway, Ive probably missed some people out along the way, sorry if I have its either that ive not spoken to you enough yet to remember you/you were too boring for me to remember you, or that ive just simply forgotten. :D |
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