01-14-2011 12:29 AM |
Originally Posted by FaSho
(Post 983921)
someone talk about me
FaSho, I used to be scared of your occasionally cruel comments until I realized you are very young and I OWNED you in the Fake Argument Thread! Ha! :D At least, that's my memory of it. We can't check now, because I think I deleted my scandalous messages there especially once I realized you aren't an adult. Or weren't. Whoops! My bad! :o:
Originally Posted by Neapolitan
(Post 985459)
Is Welsh "P Celtic" or "Q Celtic"?
anyway I hope this helps.
Canwll I think since "canwll" is a cognate of (or related somehow to cnadle it's safe to start with the word and like a if you say "candle" [can-dəl] then drop the "d" and get [canəl]if it is then replace the schwa in "canəl" with the "oo" I really don't know if it would be [ca-nool] or [can-ool] or [can-nool] and then the only other problem I have is the the double L ("ll") from Celtic languages really doesn't have a correspondent sound in English.
Corfe is easy I think, to pronounce it take "Corvette" then drop the "ette" [corv]
I think it sound something approximately like [canool* corv]
*unsure of the double L sound
This IS very helpful, Neapolitan. So I should be calling Corfe "Corv" instead of my preferred "Corfeeeee." Hmm. I still kind of like "Corfeeeee," even if it isn't a correct Welsh pronunciation.
The meaning of CanwllCorfe is pretty cool: "corpse candle." That's what Corfe said. So, I think you are right that "Canwll" means "candle." Therefore, I conclude that "corfe" must mean "corpse," which would make sense. It also means that I think CanwllCorfe should change his name to CorfeCanwll if he really wants the meaning to be "Corpse Candle," unless Welsh inverts word order compared to English.
Now, next question: what *is* a corpse candle? Maybe that's some kind of candle you set by the body of your beloved in Wales as you feel misery over the loss of his or her spirit/mind. Now I'm sad, reminded of death.
But I'm happy to see you posting here, Neapolitan! :) I always have glowing things to say about you. You are so funny and kind-spirited! Who else on MB would take the time to think so earnestly about the pronunciation of CanwllCorfe?
Me, that's who! :p: