right-track |
09-03-2010 03:04 PM |
Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA
(Post 921515)
Right-track: I have charged him in the past (and I feel correctly so) with being hypocritical, and he isn't always exactly cuddly on the boards, though he can be very helpful. And yet, and yet...despite these issues that make me have to work to like him sometimes, I do. I like it that he argues and speaks his mind, even if I think he's bloody wrong sometimes for choosing to do what he does.
In the past I was a moderator and at the same time a member.
If I appeared hypocritical it was probably because I had the mod hat on and the contrast would have been the posts made as a member...non of which were worthy of an infraction, or a ban.
As for not being "cuddly", then that would be because I was dealing with a member who wasn't exactly "cuddly" to begin with.
I argue less than you imagine. In fact I'd say I don't argue at all.
If you've seen me in a conflict with another member, then it would be as a mod dealing with someone who was abusing their right to be here.
I never chose to do what I did. Like the other mods, I was chosen to do it.
And I happen to think I did a good job.
And I'm NEVER bloody wrong!