Music Banter

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FaSho 06-01-2009 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 669800)
FaSho: I liked him from the start, when his taste was very primitive (and come to think of it, so was mine). Now he's surpassed me.

Thanks man :thumb:


Originally Posted by Brad Stengel (Post 670033)
This kid's like fucking 5 years old and yet I think he has better taste than most MB members. Yeah, he likes alot of crappy pop-punk/emo stuff but the fact is is has an open enough mind that I almost always take his opinion seriously

Hahahaha. his probably the best thing I've read on MB.

A few of mine.

Thoug hhis namesake is probably the only band we have in common, I love reading his posts, and is always good for a laugh at someone else's expense.

My first friend when I joined. Like he said, we used to have very similar tastes, and he's one of the nicest guys on here.

Brad Stengel
Personal Jesus.

What's not to love about him? He'll even post in your thread about an unknown band you just found. Extrememly good-spirited, but could whip my ass if I crossed him.

sleepy jack
we agree on nothing, and have had to have argumentative posts deleted towards each other before, but I still think he's awesome. :shycouch:

We joined at about the same time, and I liked him from the start. Definatley has some of the best taste on the entire forum.

More later.

Bout time I do a few more.

We constantly butt heads, but it's always in good fun. A great guy who got me into Sigur Ros...and radiohead.

Exchanged albums many times, she has pretty great taste. Admittedly had an e-crush for a little bit back in the day.

Always liked the guy, but can't remember whether he stopped posting for awhile or just didn't say anything interesting for awhile. He's back on track now.

We've never agreed on anything, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't really like me too much. I have to give him cred though, because he introduced me to Aesop Rock.

Been chill since day one, we agree on pretty much everything hip-hop and he's always good for a laugh.

as soon as mirrorball joined I always got confused who was who. I've really grown to this guy though, and has some of the best taste on the boards.

One of my favorite posters. Has something insightful to say about everything.

boo boo:
hi sposts are always a good read, and he's another one of my favorite posters, thoug hI think we have no common favorite artists.

One of the few members I've talked to outside of MB, a bit of prick but really fun to talk to.

More later...

Son of JayJamJah 06-01-2009 03:13 PM

This is what I did at work today
I found it easier to address you all individually. So I took that approach. I would like to make clear I have no idea what any of you are really like and feel far from qualified to make a reasonable assessment of your character, but that didn't stop me from trying.

Adidasss – You’ve always been one of my favorite people to speak with or hear your perspective. We come from such different backgrounds and live in such different worlds and yet I’ve always had a genuine trust of you, like with many folks on here, our limited interaction is just a symptom of what would we ever talk about.

Alfred – Have we meet? You were never a problem when I was a Moderator.

[b]Anteater[b] – You seem to know your stuff and have a good way of making your case without being harsh or close minded. This is a perspective from the outside looking in as we’ve had limited interaction.

Anticipation – When I was a moderator I consistently found you showing little or no respect to other members and while there seemed to be an element of sarcasm and joking sometimes, there was also a bitterness and a clear lack of consideration. It is for this reason I really don’t ever respond to or even read your posts, I don’t pretend to actually know what you are like though.

Bane of your Existence – Not sure we’ve ever talked, I know I’ve read most of your posts in the current events\religion\philosophy forum and you do a pretty good job expressing your point saliently but I can’t say I’ve got any handle on your or your general personality at all.

Boo Boo – Where do I begin, the one person on the sight I genuinely would like to befriend but who has no interest in it. Not sure why but we’ve always clashed, but I certainly respect your opinions and have tried to convey as much even when I disagree. I think you’re Smart, way to easily set off and have the most music knowledge (relevant to me anyway) on the site.

Brad Stengel – I quit posting shortly after you arrived and am just now getting a sense for you. I like your members journal.

Bulldog – Since you’ve been a member you have consistently made threads and posts I enjoy reading and have treated me very considerately and seem to extend the same gratitude towards others. Loved your Costello thread even more because of how much our favorite of his music we clash on.

Captain Caveman – I’ve never been fond of the way your treat other people on here or the lack of respect you show for differing opinions. Some have told me, it’s an act and you are just messing with people, if this is the case I don’t get the joke. I certainly have not gotten to know you and that is the reason I probably never tried. It’s nothing to do with your opinion or it’s credibility but the way you present it and yourself.

Cardboard Adolescent – You are on a different level then me, I often times can’t follow your posts or your logic, but when I can I really admire the way you think. I think a lot of your conclusions or suspicions are a bit pessimistic but there is no doubt you have a different angle on things and that’s something I greatly relate to and appreciate.

Comus – I had a totally different image of you when you had the Comus avatar and all I read was your members journal. Getting to talk with you on here I’ve come to find you to be the type of person to go out of your way to be polite. I appreciate that but it makes me uncomfortable. I like when people disagree and take exception to my opinions. You like a whole lot of music and know more about the music of my era then I do, your reviews and continuity threads are some of the best here.

Dac – Just a really nice guy in my opinion. I enjoy talking sports with you though you really love your teams a lot more then you realize. You are a good fan that’s for sure.

Double-X – I like your taste in music, w probably have little if anything else in common.

Dreadnaught – I have a daughter just a bit older then you and if someone my age from an online forum knew a lot about her I would be pretty uncomfortable with that. Our lack of interaction, from my perspective anyway is simply a consequence of that dynamic. It’s certainly not out of a lack of respect, I’ve found you to be an excellent mod, much better then I was for sure and you have a great sense of humour from what I’ve gathered as well.

Jackhammer – You are the heart of the site, probably would serve you well to back of a bit, but I don’t think you know any other way. Feel like I’ve gotten to know you as well as almost anyone in my time here. Very open minded musically and frustrated to no end that everyone else isn’t. My guess is you’re a very good friend and father in the real world and that’s as nice a thing as I’ll say about anyone on here.

Janszoon – You seem like an ideal choice for moderator. I think your are among the most well natured, humble and even thinking people in this community. Thanks for your contributions.

Khfreek – You’ve always struck me as open minded and thoughtful, in both sense of the later. I wish I’d see more of you in the lounge as I think our musical tastes are a bit apart.

Loose lips sink ships – You have a reputation for being nice in a orum filled with a-holes. That says it all.

Lucifer Sam – You’re a pain in the ass like most people you’re age, especially the thoughtful\smart ones, overall I’ve always been fond of your sarcasm and abruptness. However there are times where I think your quick trigger makes you look a little immature and foolish.

Molecules – Haven’t seen you around much lately, I remember being impressed with your musical knowledge and the manner of presentation and thinking you’d be a really strong member for this community.

Son of JayJamJah 06-01-2009 03:13 PM

After Lunch
ProggyMan – You have a very broad range of interests and introductory knowledge of a hosts of subjects. You got a bad rap in my opinion because you were so young when you started posting here and had a hard time fitting in initially. I appreciate your opinions very much and you’ve handled yourself very well in the discussions and debates we’ve had, I appreciate you adjusting and backing up your opinions better t makes it easier for me to see your side.

Rezz – You’ve always been very nice and I think you brought some things to this forum it was missing in terms of your musical interests. I have no idea how old you are, what your background is or anything but I am starting to get the feeling we are a lot different.

Right-Track – Oozes sincerity, an admiral trait and one that is rarely conveyed through a impersonal median. I lament your absence in the music and political\philosophical forums and would love it if you shared some of your perspectives and opinions on a more frequent basis.

Roygbiv - You might have the best presented reviews on the site, and they are excellent reads more often then not to boot, even to someone as ignorant of some of your topics as me. Not sure we’ve talked much if at all directly.

SATCHMO – Largely flew under the radar for me here which is too bad because you’re one of the few people close to my age. You’ve always been gracious towards me and I appreciate that, here’s to hoping we have something worth talking about one day.

Savannah – I often wonder what the hell you’re doing on this forum. Every run in I’ve had with you has been pleasant and you have a good sense of humour about your self and life in general which is endearing. I’m positive you like the attention your photos clearly get you as evidenced by this thread and can only surmise that’s why you’re stilling popping in every now and then.

Seltzer – You’ve been correctly pegged by other in this thread as someone we could use a bit more of. I find you likable, but really don’t know that much about you.

Sleepy Jack – Where to begin…Frustrated with you right now, starting to think you argue to try and win an argument instead of to share and discuss ideas. Its arrogance typical of young men your age and when mixed with intelligence and a little social awkwardness\anxiety it can be an explosive combination. When you’re into it, you’re the best young contributor the forum has and it should be noted for all the combativeness and aggression you are for the most part a really nice person, or at least have been and seem like one to me.

Sonace – I’ve noticed a lot more of your posts lately and before long will probably have an opinion of you.

Sweet Nothing – Your okay in my book, don’t know a thing about you though.

The Unfan – Not sure what to make of you. I don’t appreciate how often you butt into conversations simply to tear someone down or try to make a point that no objective person would care about, however you also have some really interesting things to say on occasion and a sharp wit as far as I can tell.

TheBigThreKilledMyRainDog – You are my favorite person to read on here. You are a very good writer and though I inevitably sometimes find you subject matter dry you’re perspective is always captivating. I think you are the “smartest” person here in the sense that more then anyone else you are about sharing and considering ideas. I can’t speak to your intelligence anymore then anyone else here, but I feel outmatched a lot with you and a few others. Looking forward to the Cake Discography.

Toretordon – An absolute workhorse; you’ve done wonders for the site in terms of the organizational and informational projects you spearheaded. I haven’t seen a rude or inconsiderate post from you yet and your reviews are among those I read every time. Not sure how much we have in common or how much we’ll talk, but I appreciate your contributions to the site greatly.

Urban Hatemonger – I don’t like you, don’t dislike you either, we are two people from two different worlds. I imagine you feel much the same way. You are one of my favorite MB members because as Veridical Fiction pointed out you unexplainably intimidate people that have never met you via the internet. Maybe’s it’s the screen name, the sites best in my opinion, Regardless it’s fascinating and endlessly entertaining. I also think you do a great job helping the site.

Veridical Fiction – Your are so hit and miss for me. You’ll say something very funny, then something very stupid. However the more I see of you around here the more I realize how good your thought out posts are and just how well you relate your opinions. I think you’re a little stubborn but I come across that way to because of how adamantly I like to argue my points until my mind is changed. I love this thread too, seeing the various perceptions of the same people is very eye opening and enlightening.

Wayfarer – Always liked you, really haven’t talked to you or even been in the same thread since I took my last hiatus though.

zzz – You went out of your way to be kind to me, that was unnecessary but appreciated. I remember vaguely some fuss about you when I was modding, but that's about all else.

Bulldog 06-01-2009 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 669419)

Very nice fellow with a definite left of centre musical tastes which helps broaden the scope on here and he never creates any problems on here at all.


Originally Posted by JayJamJah (Post 670396)
Bulldog – Since you’ve been a member you have consistently made threads and posts I enjoy reading and have treated me very considerately and seem to extend the same gratitude towards others. Loved your Costello thread even more because of how much our favorite of his music we clash on.

Oh garsh :D

Might make a little list a bit later myself if I can be particularly bothered to.

SATCHMO 06-01-2009 07:29 PM


SATCHMO – Largely flew under the radar for me here which is too bad because you’re one of the few people close to my age. You’ve always been gracious towards me and I appreciate that, here’s to hoping we have something worth talking about one day.
I didn't know until recently that you were even close to my age. Will definitely be keeping a lookout for your posts

dac 06-01-2009 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by JayJamJah (Post 670396)
IDac – Just a really nice guy in my opinion. I enjoy talking sports with you though you really love your teams a lot more then you realize. You are a good fan that’s for sure.

It comes with the territory of being a Cleveland fan. We are the most starved city on earth. Imagine having parents who haven't been alive for a sports championship. It hurts man. It really does.

midnight rain 06-01-2009 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by dac (Post 670752)
It comes with the territory of being a Cleveland fan. We are the most starved city on earth. Imagine having parents who haven't been alive for a sports championship. It hurts man. It really does.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, LeBron is only 23 (?).

Unless, of course, he jumps at his free agent status, then you guys are screwed :laughing:

Great thread idea so far, aside from the banter that went on earlier. Interesting to see what people thought about other members (some I could totally agree on, others not so much). I haven't been around enough as of late to deduce an opinion from people's posting styles yet, but I'll be looking at it

333 06-01-2009 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by ProggyMan (Post 670793)
I dunno...He's just..There. Likable and knowledgeable but a tad bland.

I don't know. I have to disagree. I don't think he's bland at all. He offers thoughtful posts and his knowledge of music makes up for the fact that he pastes his pictures all over this bitch.

Guybrush 06-02-2009 10:03 AM

Boo Boo
I'll admit I think of Boo Boo as a little vindictive and I've been a bit weary about that. I was slightly worried I'd end up on his bad side when I had to work with him and Comus on some prog stuff, but I think it worked out. Their "rivalry" is well known to most :D Actually, I think he seems more level headed now than he did some time ago. I do think he's guilty of wearing his taste and knowledge about music as a badge or e-peen extender on the forums sometimes (something he's accused others for in this thread), but we like some of the same stuff and I don't really mind too much. I'm hoping my relationship with him in the future will be productive even if not very warm and friendly. I think he sees the value of working together for the good of the forums and so do I, so .. who knows, maybe that's enough basis for a future friendship.

Wow, what a guy. There's a duality about Comus and I think a lot of people don't see it. At the core, he's a loveable guy - funny, friendly, productive, seems fond of life and is a big contributor to the site. On the other hand, he's strongly opinionated and got a bit of a troll in him (he's norwegian after all) and he often thrives on other people's reactions to his trolling. I don't mind it really, I think he's a blast on the forums and outside it .. and those who think of him as just a troll can just check out the amount of good reviews and threads he's written on this site. He contributes way more than the average member and, statistically speaking, probably more than you do. His presence adds colour to the forum and he is the best guy to discuss music with here!

I think Jackhammer is a sensitive guy with real heart. He has real concern and care for others which I think is admirable. Sometimes he radiates parenthood, more so than any other on here I think. However, I think he relies a bit much on his ability to judge others in his dealings with them - and occasionally, he does misjudge. However, he has good instincts for a lot of stuff and that coupled with experience makes him a good source for occasional advice and wisdom. JH is also one of the big, big contributors to the site and MB would be a much poorer place without him. He's worth his weight in gold around here. Also a good partner for the occasional drunken banter and I love his taste in 80s metal. Iron Maiden!! Yarr! :D

Right-Track impresses me. He commands more respect than most members here and it's not just because he's a moderator. He seems to know just how to handle any situation - wether it be with dry wit or harsh punishment - and because of that has a confidence in what he does that I'm sure far surpasses that of my own. He's also takes initiative and pushes quite a bit behind the scene where I think he's much more noticeable. Watching him and Lee joke back and forth with their english humour sometimes makes me wish I was a brit. Top guy and I hope I get to know him better with time!

Sorry, I know this is just a few people, but I gotta get back to my studies. I'll post more later. ;)

Okay, time to do a few more!

Anteater - Friendly, smart Anty is another great guy on this forum! He certainly knows his prog and he always has something new to recommend me which I greatly appreciate :D He makes a point of trying to add something to musicbanter by reviewing obscure stuff that he think will interest people and I wish his journal got a little more attention because it's one of the most exciting threads around this place. Anty is also good for the odd philosophical debate in which we usually defend different points of view, but still both manage to get something out of which I love. One of my favourite guys on here, although he's not as active as he should be .. And I miss the chats with him and Comus. Sorry for breaking your av, mate! :(

Urban Hatemonger - Another one of the mods who demands and deserves respect around here. Like RT, he's very confident and the fact that part of being a moderator is sometimes to make unpopular decisions doesn't phase him. Also, his sharp, witty and slightly cynical style makes him rather funny .. Despite his quick and just punishment of trolls, he's quite charming with the ladies. Some of these qualities makes for a slightly strange mix, so overall positive qualities aside, I also think he's slightly mysterious. ;)

Bulldog - Bulldog is one of the guys I think I can relate to on the forum. He's level headed, friendly, excellent poster and his positive personae adds a lot to the forum. He also seems a little subtle, I think he tends to stay away from discussions or arguments if he only has negative stuff to say. This may put him in the background a bit .. until you meet one of his threads because he's one of the sites most productive reviewers and contributors with several excellent threads and many, many excellent posts to his name. I hope we can find more overlaps in our musical interests in the future because I'd very much like to get to know him better. His threads are just the kind of stuff I wanted to find when I first signed up here.

Demonoid - Another great guy and one of the first to leave a comment in my journal too. He was rather helpful as well and offered me help with some music I was looking for when I first joined. I know he's into RIO and Space Rock and I got a lot of tips from him - like Hidria Spacefolk and Kingston Wall. I think he may be gone these days which is really sad because I'd like to get to know him better and I think he would appreciate the new prog & psych forum. Come back man!

Coryallen2 - Troubled kid with his heart in the right place. He's a good guy, but I think his ADHD, young age and perhaps other qualities and circumstances make him an annoying poster on here. Moderating him is like beating a puppy for peeing on the carpet .. puppies learn quicker than cory, though, making him quite the handful - even if he's only got the best interests for the site in mind. I hope you're not offended cory! You can come to me with your tick related questions any time. :)

Molecules - Witty, friendly and fun guy who's presence brought a breath of life to the forums. Where did he go? I, like so many others here, miss him and hope he will return soon!

savannah 06-02-2009 10:13 AM

so,....i'm just gonna throw this out there and see where it sticks,...not that it matters

jackhammer is partly correct, i do use this largely in a social aspect,...i started here at MB to pick up new music, and still do from time to time, though my musical tastes as a whole are vastly different than the majority here
in that processes i've made a few friends, as satch pointed out, and continue visitin to see what they have to say,......and to see what raindog argues from week to week,....

so,...thats pretty much my mo

while i sometimes pay attention to new and interesting posters, poboy as an example, i pretty much 'hear' everything as it goes in one ear and out the other

and sure,....what girl doesnt like to hear they are pretty,.....right?

that,.....AND jkm

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