Mr. Charlie |
06-20-2014 10:22 AM |
Originally Posted by Junkyard Donner
(Post 1462104)
Relatively polite *******s can still be *******s.
You're confusing belief for fact again. Confusing language for reality. But langauge isn't truth. Language at it's very best, and it's rarely at it's best, can only ever point to truth.
You read a few posts by a stranger on the internet (ie you get a glimpse of naught but a shadow of a few of their thoughts) and you figure you got 'em sussed. Don't confuse grains of sand for the entire beach. You know nothing. I know nothing. So let's not pretend we do. You don't know me. I don't know you. You're pretty rude on here, but you may be lovely in real life. Same goes for people who are lovely on here, they may be horrible in real life. It doesn't take a whole lotta intelligence to realise that, and I know you're intelligent.
You don't like the way I conduct myself on these boards. I know. And I'm okay with that. Liking is always optional. But leave it at that. Don't reach for conclusions before walking the road that leads to them.