Neapolitan |
06-16-2014 01:35 AM |
Originally Posted by Wpnfire
(Post 1460366)
Mods: Urban Hat €Monger is the best of the mods.
My only criteria for this is how funny each of them are, and he is the most hilarious by far.
Freebase Dali is second.
The rest of the mods are comparatively lacking in hilarity and need to step their game up in that department.
Vanillia in particular, who while has certainly made some hilarious posts, has also made a fair number of too-serious/droll comments that push her to last place.
I think the most endearing quality of Vanilla is that she has a good sense of humour. I think you are the least qualified person to judge someone about having a sense of humour. I will never think you are funny after that "...go kill yourself" comment.
Just for the record I think there is a difference between being humorous and derision. I think most people see someone as "funny" but really they are not "funny" as much as they are just plain sarcastic and say mean-spirited things.