GuitarBizarre |
06-13-2014 03:53 PM |
Originally Posted by Junkyard Donner
(Post 1459854)
If people dismiss me as a person or argue against my personality rather than the points I make then that seems more their problem than mine. I don't have time for people like that.
It's a political reality that you have to convince people to agree with you, that don't necessarily understand you. I don't argue that, say, Mattias Eklundh is great, by throwing a ton of music theory at them they have no interest in. I convince them by showing them parts of his music that they're more likely to understand and appreciate on some level.
On the same token, if 6 billion of 7 billion people are horrible people, I don't see why you'd echo chamber yourself with the 1 billion and imagine that's going to cause a change in the 6 billion's behaviour. What will change the 6 billion, is someone talking to them on their level and getting them to change their beliefs in a way they're capable of doing. Even if its small steps at a time.
What absolutely won't work is showing up at the local 6 billion's boozer armed with pamflets and an attitude problem.