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Burning Down 08-06-2010 12:52 PM

I'm more of a lurker than a poster on this board but everyone seems pretty easy to get along with. At least on the internet :)

SATCHMO 08-06-2010 01:50 PM

Anteater - Really this kid is about as close to a mystery to me as it gets. I’ve problem gleaned more great obscure musical goodies from his reviews than from anyone else on the forum. I’m not much of a fan of his particular taste in prog, but just about everything else he’s pulled out of his ass has been amazing. I have been pulling for this kid to be a mod for a while. I hope it happens.

Duga - Love his musical tastes. Humble, articulate, and intelligent. He’s one of the handful of posters that I can rest assured in knowing that he’s about the music.He’s a very well rounded and articulate poster and I wish he were around more frequently than he is, but who am I to talk with my proclivity for taking vacations and lurking behind the scenes.

Seltzer - It’s a shame that I’m so hard pressed for what to say about this guy in light of the fact that I like him as much as I do. It’s one of those cases of someone being so modest and thoughtful that it doesn’t often occur to you how great of a contribution he actually makes to the forum. Silent but deadly. Trust me, most of the mods know that if he’s here, he’s on top of it before we even know about it.

Bannister - We don’t get as many punk rock enthusiasts as we did 5 years ago, which is both a good and a bad thing. It’s good because we’re no longer swimming in a bunch of flavor of the month punk rock noobies quick to proselytize us with the gospel of Green Day. It’s a bad thing because the genre and the counter culture is so poorly represented on this forum. I haven’t had much of a chance to talk to this girl and feel out her tastes, but I can see that as far as her overall personality goes, she’s the real deal, very articulate, and would definitely fare well to step up and represent musically. Start a journal.

Mr. Dave - solid. Doesn’t bull**** around. Is knowledgeable and charismatic without ever being the least bit pretentious. I wish I had more superlatives to toss around for him, because he is one of this forums most interesting posters. Now if I could ever picture him as being anything other than a bloated panda bear that would be perfect.

Vegangelica - Last year Adidasss got my most improved award, and this year it goes to Erica. I’m happy to see that a lot of people have moved beyond their initial impression of her being an argumentative . I’ve found that she’s become one of the most insightful thought provoking posters on the forum. Her ability to be challenging and confrontational while at the same time always being extremely articulate and completely gracious to everybody is amazing. She never fails to extend kindness toward people even in the most trying moments.

Vanilla - Hot. She was unbearably hot when she had the polar bear avatar. Don’t ask me why; it drove me crazy. It’s can be diminished by the fact that she flaunts it in such a cheesey and obtrusive way. You really don’t need to you know that, don’t you? I do like her a lot, though. She’s funny, in a very self-deprecating way when she feels like it, which is attractive in general, and is always sure to stand her ground for what she believes no matter what anyone might think.

Antonio - Definitely one of those poster that you can appreciate simply for how receptive they are to new music, and most of his tastes are completely devoid of any pretense. That being said, It’s hard to pigeonhole his tastes, and he never ceases to surprise me with what he happens to be getting into musically at any given moment.

Loathsomepete - Pobodysnerfect. I miss that user name. Me and Pete don’t get down too much and it’s largely because our tastes in a lot of things just don’t mesh too often, but that being said his musical meanderings are quite impressive. From alt-country to conscious hip hop to doom-core, he’s got his irons in a lot of fires and knows what’s going on in every single one. It’s amazing that even after a year, he still works his ass off for this forum without appearing to be the slightest bit burned out, and he has to be the friendliest person on here.

LoathsomePete 08-06-2010 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 914050)

Loathsomepete - Pobodysnerfect. I miss that user name. Me and Pete don’t get down too much and it’s largely because our tastes in a lot of things just don’t mesh too often, but that being said his musical meanderings are quite impressive. From alt-country to conscious hip hop to doom-core, he’s got his irons in a lot of fires and knows what’s going on in every single one. It’s amazing that even after a year, he still works his ass off for this forum without appearing to be the slightest bit burned out, and he has to be the friendliest person on here.

Thank you for the kind words sir! I can't believe it's nearly been a year since I became a mod, oh how the time does fly. I wish our tastes melded a bit better, but the artists we do have in common are very awesome.

storymilo 08-06-2010 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 913915)
Not a member i know too well but also one of our great younger members. Seems very genuine and it's always good to see him around the boards.

Thank you sir :thumb: It's true we haven't talked much but I can say I've enjoyed all our conversations. And you love Grace, which is cool.

duga 08-06-2010 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 914050)
Duga - Love his musical tastes. Humble, articulate, and intelligent. He’s one of the handful of posters that I can rest assured in knowing that he’s about the music.He’s a very well rounded and articulate poster and I wish he were around more frequently than he is, but who am I to talk with my proclivity for taking vacations and lurking behind the scenes.

I take a lot of pride in being as articulate as I can - especially on the internet where it is almost impossible to glean someone's tone from their post, so thanks for that! It makes me happy. As for how often I am around...I am here more than you think. I pop in at the very least once a day just to see what's happening. I would be posting more but these past few months have been really hectic and I'm limited to logging in at work. I'm moving into a new place in 2 weeks with internet shortly after, though...expect me around a lot more.

VEGANGELICA 08-06-2010 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 912428)
VEGANGELICA: If you actually read her entire posts it's pretty hard to dislike her. She's polite and thoughtful, and I enjoy her company, even if I don't enjoy her vegan stance.

Alfred, this was a pleasant surprise to read, because I didn't realize you knew I was e-alive on MB! I think we have never really "talked" here, though of course I know who *you* are. I'm glad I come across as polite and thoughtful...and that someone has actually read an entire post of mine! :p:


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 913915)
I don't know if i can describe her any better than Seltzer did. Completely crazy at times. I think what i like best about her is that i could be really honest here and she would admire that, even if my honesty was in the form of a negative opinion of her. It isn't though...

Mojo, thank you for your honesty! :D

Here are some more of my opinions about people:

Tuna - I don't like some of his views much or his sarcastic way of expressing them. I think we experience mutual repulsion when we are in each other's vacinity. However, I do like his username, because it may remind people of the Plight of the Tuna, overfished by fish-hungry humans who don't realize that the health benefits of fish oil can be obtained directly from algae without decimating ocean ecosystems. I also like to think that Tuna's username reminds pregnant women and others not to eat tuna because of the risk of mercury poisoning. At least, whenever I see Tuna's posts, I think to myself, "I do not want to eat Tuna!" Great choice of an activist username! ;) Love it.

Anteater - I still haven't learned much about Anteater other than knowing that whenever he is in the shoutbox I like to greet him by saying "Ant." Maybe I like saying this because I like Adam Ant. Maybe I like it because I like anteaters. I don't know. Somehow Anteater (the person) amuses me quite a bit. I hope he doesn't mind me, because I still want to say "Ant!" when I see him in the shoutbox.

Unchained Ballad - such a friendly person! I enjoy seeing him refer to people as "you lovely people!" He seems so appreciative of others and very playful. Plus, I liked listening to the few short songs of his that I've heard...very soulful, I felt. I like it that he's willing to give me music suggestions in the shoutbox when I'm there. I feel that's a lot of fun to watch the youtube videos he puts up for me. (I have a feeling I've written all this about him before, too. Sorry, if I have!). I know a Portuguese family in Iowa and they are also very nice, so now thanks to UB and them I think all Portuguese people are kind and pleasant.

Vanilla - I like her directness and her honesty about her sexuality. I probably would have dismissed Lady Gaga as uninteresting without considering any deeper meanings behind her work if it weren't for Vanilla's championing of Lady Gaga. I think Vanilla has mixed feelings about me, so I have been hesitant to interact with her much. I think it would be very interesting to find out if or how her views on life and people change between now and when she's older and no longer views herself as "not a girl, not yet a woman" but instead views herself as a woman. I view her as a woman now, even if she doesn't! It takes maturity to be who you feel you are without apology, and I feel Vanilla does that.

SATCHMO - My first main memory of SATCHMO is when I learned the word "meh" from him. So, if I ever say "meh," it is because of him. I had told a nice new poster about the rule of not posting links, and afterwards SATCHMO wrote, "Meh," he hadn't been planning to correct her. So, I always think of him as pretty laid back. Kind of the opposite of Lucifer_Sam. And I mean that as a compliment, although I didn't dislike Lucifer_Sam. For example, SATCHMO didn't tell me to stay on topic when I posted a giant picture of the naked David sculpture in a music forums thread. So, I was glad about that. I can get away with stuff when he's around! :p:

Petula07 - I really admire her love of music! I enjoy her informative posts and the eagerness and enthusiasm with which she talks about musicians and shares new groups she likes. I never see her in skirmishes or arguments or "discussions" (like *some* people I know...ahem). I think Petula really is genuinely here for the pleasure of sharing her passion for music with others. We both like international music, which is nice, and sometimes I listen to metal music youtube videos she posts, even though it isn't my favorite genre, just because her enthusiasm makes me want to catch some of it.

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-06-2010 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA (Post 914097)
I do like his username, because it may remind people of the Plight of the Tuna, overfished by fish-hungry humans who don't realize that the health benefits of fish oil can be obtained directly from algae without decimating ocean ecosystems.

Does it taste as good in a sandwich?

You're just being silly now.

bannister 08-06-2010 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 914050)
Bannister - We don’t get as many punk rock enthusiasts as we did 5 years ago, which is both a good and a bad thing. It’s good because we’re no longer swimming in a bunch of flavor of the month punk rock noobies quick to proselytize us with the gospel of Green Day. It’s a bad thing because the genre and the counter culture is so poorly represented on this forum. I haven’t had much of a chance to talk to this girl and feel out her tastes, but I can see that as far as her overall personality goes, she’s the real deal, very articulate, and would definitely fare well to step up and represent musically. Start a journal.

A journal? I might start one once I've settled in a bit more.

And I promise I won't push Green Day on anyone.

+81 08-06-2010 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 913915)
I dont know why i haven't found as much common ground with this guy in comparison to the other shoutbox lurkers. I really dont have a reason for that as he seems to be very into his music, i dont think he has many boundaries when it comes to writing off entire genres of music and will probably listen to anything, even if just to give it a try. That should be something he and I have in common right there. Anyway, i may not know him too well but he has always seemed to be a decent guy, i dont recall ever disagreeing with him about anything.

Yeah, I'm not sure why we haven't spoken much before. I don't see any reason we wouldn't get along. I do indeed love musical exploration and discovery, perhaps we may need to sit down and rap sometime.

Arya Stark 08-06-2010 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by +81 (Post 914197)
Yeah, I'm not sure why we haven't spoken much before. I don't see any reason we wouldn't get along. I do indeed love musical exploration and discovery, perhaps we may need to sit down and rap sometime.

Two of my favourite members are you and Jojo.
Definitely talk, you two would absolutely get along.

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