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If it's any consolation, I've never misread either of your names... and I guess no-one here listens to Jeff Buckley. I'm starting to think I should change my name to Sltzr :D
So it's been a while since I've done one of these, so I'll give it another whirligig to celebrate my return from existential hiatus.
Nonsubmissivewife - Cooks a lasagna that will make you wanna smack your mama for even thinking about selling you to the gypsies. Understands that Starbucks can be used as a motivational tool. Likes both Fat Freddie's Drop and Aretha Franklin. Has not played Scrabble with me yet. I'm disappointed. Paloma - there is nothing quite as attractive as a young lady who could really give a **** what you think about them. Consequently, I usually find myself wanting to paint their toe nails while listening to Karen Carpenter sing Superstar. She loves (or strongly likes) John Irving novels. That's hot. Sidewinder - It seems that the most engaged and intelligent posters on this forum are IDM fans. Is this coincidence? I don't know. Sidewinder is one of the few posters on here who's purpose for being here I never question. I'd love to see a journal from him. Freebase Dali - First I though he was the best n00bs ever as Veridical Fiction, Then he got a little bit too rockstar-ish for my own ego to handle, and THEN he got modded and all was well in the world, and everything settled into place. As our resident devil-may-care audio techie I think his modship was an excellent decision and has really improved the overall quality of the place. I wish he got into talking a bit more about the music he likes, rather than the music he produces, which is probably even more awesome than what he listens to. Janzoon - We were once going to be platonic life partners. We even went shopping for wedding china once in a dream that I had. Definitely has quite an extensive and well rounded appreciation for, and knowledge of GREAT (as opposed to the mediocre crap that most of y'all listen to) music. When I can make Janzoon lol or lmao, or :laughing:, it's definitely been a good day. Boards of Canada - This kid has my attention. Another example of IDM fans being exceptionally articulate. I'm sorry, but how old are you? I have to ask. You look young, but you communicate yourself very modestly, thoughtfully, and intelligently, and I'm not even quite there yet. Bulldog - Love the dude. I'm convinced he lives in a castle made of gumdrops in the clouds, but since I don't appear to really have any visible neighbors I have to remain quite skeptical of that. He has impeccable taste in music, most of which is not my cup of tea, but a lot of which thought was not, but came to find out through his many compelling journals and reviews that I actually do love some things which i thought i would never be able to get into. Somehow he has the ability to take chances on new music I might not otherwise think twice about listening to. that's all for now... I shall return. |
I'll grab the Scrabble board if you put on a pot of coffee....
And I totally agree with you about Janszoon. For some reason getting a :laughing: from him makes everything right with the world. Edit: Oh, and thanks! :D |
Why thank you, Satch!
And yea, I get the thing about the me not talking a lot about the music I like. I guess I just never felt like I had much to offer the people here by just being another person who likes this or that amongst a sea of this or that. But lately I'm thinking that's just an excuse for my laziness. I really need to start a journal. I was actually going to do some music tonight, but since I have beer, I might just scrap that and do a journal. I think I've waited long enough to have plenty of material. lol... |
also, i'm fourteen but I was born in a family where everybody under the age of thirty has the face of a three year old. |
DaveyMoore: An elitist assh*le with a stupid name. Inconsistent, who shows up every once in a while to overwrite and rave over pointless albums or other things considered cool by the hipster media. He's a sham and has no friends here, just people who think he's an okay writer. The definition of unwarranted self-importance. Is the kind of person who will never go far due to his obvious laziness(can't finish his lists for sh*t) and will probably kills himself when he's in his 30s or 40s when he realizes what a piece of sh*t he is. |
Update time.
Urban Hatemonger: I can never really make my mind up about him, as a mod he does a good job of keeping the n00bs in check. He has interesting taste and while I disagree with him a whole lot he's gotten me into a lot of stuff. In the earlier days I thought he was just some guy who said things purely for shock value, Inow realise that's just how he is. Right Track: He annoys me I have to admit, he's nice to people but sometimes he says things that can be mistaken for malice. That's a challenge all british people face I guess lol. Tore: Agreed with Dayna he's totally the Bill Nye of MB. He's the most intelligent guy here, he's one of the nicest and his taste is supremely excellent. In the earlier days I found him a little robotic but he doesn't come off that way to me anymore. He's my favorite member of the forum. Janszoon: He seems like a nice enough guy but he has this interrogation like method of arguing and sometimes gives off these self righteous vibes that I find annoying. Jackhammer: Pretty cool guy, other than stuff we disagree about I don't really have a problem with his attitude. Except the time he infracted me for saying his avatar was unsightly, I still hold a grudge over that. Paloma: She's great, she's funny and never boring to talk to. But she gets so incredibly defensive during an argument and I know I'm not one to talk. I also learned the hard way that I can't mess with her the way I mess with everybody else. CunningStunt: I hate his british slang, I find him rather boring in his interests and he says a lot of really stupid sh*t, and he's not really feminist friendly either. He never gets fired up over anything though, he's a good sport and can take my abuse so props for that I guess. Anteater: Great guy, I don't really know much about his opinions on stuff outside of music though, but he's very friendly to me, recommends music to me more often than anyone else. NumberNineDream: Smart, funny and lovely. But I don't like how she's always talking down on her appearance and her gender. But she thinks the same of me I guess. Vanilla: Love her, she's funny and not really uncomfortable about discussing anything, I wish more girls were like that. Lateralus: Impossible to dislike really, she's one of the most passive and laid back members and I honestly don't even remember a lot of her posts that aren't feminist related. I mostly just talk to her on the shoutbox. She's been gone for a while I certainly hope she returns Kayleigh: Don't really know her opinion on a lot of things but she's funny, charming and nice. Gunnels: Pretty cool kid, always has great avatars. Khreek: He's alright, but dammit he has some addiction to posting links, whenever I talk to him on AIM or Tokbox he's sending something every 5 seconds. Vegangelica: I had some issues with her at first but I've warmed up to her, her political views are pretty different from mine but she's a fellow bald chick enthusiast and that's cool. I have accused her of being condescending to the other female members at times but I don't think she means harm really, she's a very polite and smart poster who is never arrogant and smug about her beliefs. She treats me with respect even though I'm a meat eating fan of smooth legs. Big3: I don't get him, his method of phrasing is a mystery of science, it's a challenge trying to figure out what he's trying to say, and he's not particularly good at explaining why he likes or dislikes things and his taste in music seems copied and pasted from a Rolling Stone critic. Cardboard: I really don't like him, I'm sorry. People tell him he's a genius but I think he's just pretentious beyond belief. Satchmo: He's a Christian Solipsist I have no idea what that's all about. He has a pretty good sense of humor though. OctaneHugo: He's an idiot. Decent taste. But he never says anything that isn't either stupid, painfully unfunny, mimicking other posters or just something completely useless. Or all of those things combined. Adidasss: I used to find him pretty annoying (remember when he kept calling Iron Maiden a hair metal band?) but now he's not so bad. Dali: A bright and funny guy. Mr. Dave: He's not stupid but he's a self righteous, condescending toolbox. Duga: I think he's like a super mega hippie but he's cool. Never one to turn down a recommendation. Rickenbacker: I don't know much about him aside form his music taste, he likes some great stuff but he's starting to become a rather generic indie kid. He's alright, paloma is like his bff, maybe I'm a little jealous of him. Also when he's on tokbox I have to mute him, sorry dude. GuitarBizarre: A total twat. Monopinuk: He's cool I guess when he's not dissing swedish chicks. Trace: Any Gentle Giant fan is cool with me. But he has pretty dubious taste in female tennis players. Boards: She's sweet, hope she sticks around. Baldy1388: This guy only contributes to like one thread, but it's one of my threads, and his contributions are very intelligent. My favorite noob. Tumor: As of now she is my number one confidant. I can rant about anything and we can have an entertaining conversation about it. We're not musically compatable but that's ok, she's my favorite MB member to talk to on AIM. She's really funny and smart for her age. She puts herself down sometimes and cheering her up is satisfying. I think we had a rough start at first but now I think of all the MB members she is closest to a real friend. |
Amandria: She like doesn't comment outside of a few threads it seems like but she's a great person to talk to on AIM, she's a great listener, and she's always giving advice, she should make a good therapist. I'm also making her my translator because she understands me very well even when I f*ck up my words and other people take it the wrong way.
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