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boo boo
Is he the most hated person on MB? Sometimes it seems like the shit he gets makes it so, but Ive never had a problem. I think I just have a soft spot for him because for months when I first joined his lastfm feed in his sig was frozen on X's first album. Jackhammer Although he's very inclined towards metal, a genre that I've been so overexposed to that my disdain is exponential, I still love this guy. One of the most eclectic and open-minded MB members. Urban Hatemonger If there's one member who always provides a witty, brief, and decimating comment on threads, its this guy. I envy his album collection, and if theres one member whose recommendations I take more seriously than others, it's him, although I was QUITE dissapointed with Blur's second album...maybe it's the ridiculous Fall collection that draws me...either way Im still searching for that Super Furry Animals album. Cardboard Adolescent Awesome dude, his 25 albums thread is my fave, please make more? Big3KilledMyRainDog Apparently lives near me whats hood? NON MODS odyshape My new favorite member. Suggested The Wipers who rule and the Slits who Im downloading ASAP. Continue to reccomend awesome stuff please. FaSho This kid's like fucking 5 years old and yet I think he has better taste than most MB members. Yeah, he likes alot of crappy pop-punk/emo stuff but the fact is is has an open enough mind that I almost always take his opinion seriously More later. Wayfarer A while back he misread one of my posts and accused me of some bullshit which made me not like him, but now that his avatar is the cover of "electric warrior", all is forgiven. |
Actually I think i've softened. |
It's all a sham. I'm not really all that acrimonious or ill-tempered, I seldom use drugs outside of cigarettes and the casual glass or two of red wine, I don't particularly enjoy locking horns with anyone, I hardly listen to any heavy metal, I don't consider myself especially well-informed or witty...
Remember that time I burned up several pages of a political thread, arguing vehemently with Ethan over economics, professing my view that the only way to solve the financial crisis would be to swiftly adhere to iron-fisted, libertarian, right-wing principles? Yeah, I'm a Marxist-Leninist. And yes, despite the leather jacket-sporting, long-haired, unfathomably badass image you all surely have of me, my favourite band of all-time may well be The frigging Smiths and I can't even begin to compute the number of times in my life people have inquired as to whether or not I'm gay. Above all, and to keep this post tolerably on-topic, I don't think there's anybody on this forum I outright dislike. That's not to say there's a great deal of you I outright like (...:)), but if I must divulge, the worst thing about this forum is not any individual member, thread or post, but without a doubt, the fact that I have to use color tags to elude censorship when I use the word "gay". EDIT: Okay I won't lie Big3 is kind of a douchebag sometimes. EDIT EDIT: ...and I've sorta had it in for that toretorden fellow ever since he deleted one of my posts (though, come to think of it, I can't even remember what the post was or why he deleted it, so I suppose that...lukewarm grudge is history). boo boo is underrated though. Sure, to this day he won't admit that Stairway To Heaven sounds like Taurus, but if you really think about it, MB without boo boo is kind of like a peanut butter and jam sandwich without bread or a plate, and what's a breadless, plateless peanut butter and jam sandwich but a bunch of shit all over your counter? |
i have no problems with anyone on this board. It is alot better than i thought it would be when i first joined. I think it is verdical fiction and lucifer sam who have the best sense of humor possibly though. Oh, and savanna is really hot and posts a lot of pictures. :)
Savanna - Does she realize this a music forum? Antonio - Cool dude with good taste in music |
Ok, I've copy/pasted some usernames that I've gotten to know somewhat. I'll try to be as nice as possible but it would be really boring if this just became another ass-kissing contest. I've made some more personal connections with some of these people but I'll try to keep my observations to their forum activities.
Right-Track Probably the funniest guy here. I'm not sure why he sticks around though, there was never much here for him, as far as music goes. I still haven't figured out what he listens to outside of Northern Soul. Ok, there's Talking heads and Joy Division but nothing much from the last 20 years which is where 90% of my favorite music comes from. As rare as his posts have become, they're always a pleasure to read. (: Urban Hatemonger Ok, I've never much liked him, mainly because it seemed to me from the start that 90% of his musical choices are conscious efforts to be as bizarre as possible. That's probably not true but I've never been able to shake that feeling. On the plus side, he does seem to have an encyclopedic knowledge of music, on the downside, not particularly good in debates of any kind which is unfortunate seeing as he enjoys starting arguments. If you challenge him to articulate his opinions he usually runs away or gets pissed off after a few posts...which of course amuses me. Jack Hammer Extremely enthusiastic about music, almost as enthusiastic about films, don't particularly share his tastes in either which is why I get the urge to argue with him on a regular basis. Also...way too insecure which he tries to compensate with some bizarre wordiness. I'd say he needs to learn how to relax...absolutely indispensable for musicbanter though, I'd say 70% of the new and exciting stuff which I'm too lazy to participate in but other members seem to enjoy is down to his seemingly unending enthusiasm. So, keep it up...(: Sleepy Jack My homey, very intelligent, super funny, don't share his taste in music at all. In the last year or so has changed somewhat dramatically. I suppose he's outgrown this place but old habits die hard. He'll probably leave eventually, I don't see much keeping him here...:\ TheBig3KilledMyRainDog Oh what to say...I don't think any other member gets on my nerves this much. I'd say he's almost as insecure as Jackhammer and tries really hard to impress people but is pathologically inarticulate. I think he's smart, just not as smart as he thinks he is or hopes to be. Unfortunately, knowing your intellectual capabilities and limitations is one of the things I most value in people and he just hasn't admitted his own. Edit: And he sulks like a 5 year old... Janszoon Nice guy. Chilled out. I appreciate that....in others...:D Toretorden Our music tastes and interests are very different but you can see he's very smart. The fact that he can come off as really smart while communicating in a different language speaks to his intelligence. But...even though he's my age he acts like he's in his 30s. Not a bad thing I suppose, especially for a mod, but I'm the exact opposite so I don't see much in common. Hopefully this place won't become too serious with him doing the policing. Dreadnaught I love smart and funny ladies, and I think she sometimes ventures into the indie forum which is an added bonus. Other than that, she reminds me of swim. Boo Boo Weird but ok. Smart and self-critical which I appreciate. I'm sure he'll realize one day that most anime he watches are really just exotic cartoons for silly 10 year old girls. Btw, have you checked out Mononoke yet?? Now that is fucking anime. Savannah Typical "girly girl". I'm sure she's aware of it, and I like her well enough, but I like women who are more empowered so to speak. 333 Like this girl for example, smart, funny with a dash of bitchiness. I'd definitely tap that....if I was into vagina... Lucifer Sam: Smart and into indie? Yes please. Plus, for some reason he reminds me of Gentelman Johnny...not a bad thing, I love that guy. Comus: Douche in every possible sense of the word. Could have something to do with his avatar, every time I see it I get the urge to punch him in the face. We don't share tastes in music so thankfully I don't need to read his posts that often. Although he does have his lol moments, I'll give him that. JayJamJah: The dude was fine, until that whole water boarding incident which made me wonder what the hell goes on in his head. No idea what his tastes in music are, apart from the Van Morrison obsession. Had a sneaky suspicion he wouldn't be able to maintain a consistent interest in this forum, and I was right, and I love being right. Not that I'm ever wrong... Rainard Jalen: One of the very few people with a similar taste in music. Doesn't spend enough time here for me to get to know him better but he does seem to go overboard with some of his arguments. Sweet_Nothing: Also reminds me of Ethan a few years back. And an unabashed Coldplay fan which is a major bonus. Veridical Fiction: One of the most pleasant new additions. Smart and articulate, and lgbt friendly, all very surprising considering his army background but that's just my prejudice talking. Cardboard Adolecent: Ever since he got into college he's become a stereotypical Linklater character, a tad too pretentious for my tastes, but you can always learn something from guys like him which is why I'm glad he's still around. He's never been too bothered with this forum though. Molecules: Chilled out and funny, gives out the vibe of upper middle-class Britishness, which gives me a major boner. Shame we don't share that much as far as music tastes go. Nonsubmissivewife Me likes. I get the feeling she'd be very easy to get along with, maybe because she hasn't gotten cross with me for teasing her. Always a good sign...(: No idea what she listens to. Bane Of Your Existence A slightly more abrasive/macho version of Veridical. Also no idea what he listens to. Ok, seriously, there are way too many members in this place and I've become too lazy to read all of your shit so I haven't been able to develop a better picture of anyone who joined post 2007. And not enough people consistently post in the indie section which is all I'm really interested in here, aside form the occasional lgbt related thread....or any other chance to flame on big3...AHAHA. Myes. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...lpower/sir.gif |
Here's a few for now:
Urban - Urban and I started posting here roughly around the same time 5 years ago. At that time he had a photo of Stephen Hawking as his avatar and that forever influenced his "inside my head" voice when I read his posts. If I called him up it would probably blow my mind to hear him speak in a British non-computerized voice. Beyond this, I think Urban and I remember a sweeter time in MB history when rivers of moronic n00bs ran like golden honey and it was like we were cowboys herding dumb cattle into the Green Day Corral. It was an elitist heaven. It's safe to say that are musical preferences are almost mutually exclusive these days so we don't interact much, but I have nothing but respect and admiration for the Simon Cowell of MB. Noobs and haters just know that despite the frustration you may feel over some undue criticism or treatment you've received from him, He's really taking it easy on you and if you were here 5 years ago you'd be frying out your computer keyboard with you own tears Savannah - Girl, I just wanna' get all up in yer' kitchen & make some biscuits!!!!!! Seriously, anyone who questions the validity of any "relationship" that has its beginning online I will tell you that this girl was there during the darkest point in my life. When every other "real person" I knew, including my family, was only concerned with how much smoke they could blow up my ass and that their 2 cents got counted, she brought the truth and didn't care how pretty it was. To anyone who complains that she posts too many pictures of herself. Don't get your underpants too twisted up in the hate game. If I looked like Savannah I'd be renting billboard space on the freeway! Besides she knows her music, is very well read, and she ties her own flies. Yeah, she IS gorgeous, but I find myself even more obsessed with what a genuine person she is in light of that fact. Sometimes late at night when all is quiet I think of her and I swear I hear the opening bars to Waylon Jennings' Luckenback, Texas faintly in the distance. More than anything she is a dear and true friend. Boo Boo - I love this kid because he reminds me so much of how I used to be before I tasted the empowering sweet nectar that lies in the nether regions of Thong Island. Boo is a bona fide pimp waiting to happen. He doesn't know this, but I am not that huge of a prog fan, I just need an excuse to chat with him sometimes. Tore- I'll admit sometimes when I think of Tore the immediate analogy is of Hal the computer from Stanley Kubrick's 2010: A Space Odyssey. I don't know him too well yet, but he definitely represents a much needed objective intelligent prescence on the boards. Jackhammer - My British doppleganger. He makes me wish I posted more. I think if we were to compare our music collection when we were 17 they would be nearly identical. He almost always seems to know what you're looking for before you actually know you're looking for it. At times he reminds me of a high school guidance councelor in the way he projects such genuine concern and insight in his posts. I know that I'm one of the few who can say I remember a pre-Jackhammer MB, but its almost impossible to imagine MB without him. Adidasss - God I wish I was gay sometimes! I think Adidasss wins the overall most improved award, cuz when he first started posting here around 4 years ago he was NOT mod material. I really like Adidasss and wish that I got interact in threads more with him. He always seems to be reading something really good too. Right track - The Godfather. For as much as I like him. It's really hard to articulate what I think of him. Genuine, fair, and objective at times ruthless at others. Always has a great sense of humour (I spelled it with an "ou". Ya' like that David?). Jackhammer, he, and I are the dads of the board so we have that connection as well (Fathers day's coming soon guys). Sleepyjack - Ethan is the greatest debater on this forum period. He never concedes. He never relents. He will make you put your money where your mouth is and never expects any less from himself. All that being said, it can be really fun to just fuck with him. One day I'm going to take a trip to Washington state and beat his ever loving ass for not telling me that he changed his name. I really missed Misfit. |
That's not what you told me. :rolleyes: I don't know a lot of people here well enough to type up paragraphs on each one (except Darkest_Hour but I'd prefer not to flame him and get in trouble, plus, the paragraph would be way too long) but most people are pretty cool and don't act like annoying douchebags. As long as a person is cool with me, I'm cool with them. At first, I thought a few of the vets were quite anal but it's expected when you're a noob. Since then, none of them have been rude or anything so it's all good. |
Urban Hatemonger has become my entire idea of what a real live British person is like.
^^^^^^Kinda' just makes ya' wanna crawl inside a bright red phone booth with a basket of fish & chips and call the Queen don't it?
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