Music Banter

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Kartoffelbrei 03-18-2014 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Mankycaaant (Post 1428838)
is it just me or has the forum got so cringeworthy recently?
I don't want to take part in this compliment for compliment, "I love you internet people I don't know" lovefest.
I find myself coming on here, I feel motivated about music but my curiosity drags me this thread, to the member picture gallery to 'the lounge' for checkups. Y'know, I find the majority of you people interesting, I'm interested to learn about you outwith the music chat.

But when I see the embarrassing posts you leave to one another, I vomit in my mouth and just say f*ck the music discussion, I'm away to Last FM, I'm away to Sputnikmusic, I'll text my friend and talk about how an album affected me.

Drop this "I love you, I really like you" fake tripe. You don't know one another. That's the reality, you know one another's internet personas. The new members are the worst for it. So quick to compliment and asslick those they've interacted with one or two times.
I've got the folk on this forum I respect as people: Big3, Goofle, Urban, WWWP, 216, DJ, Sansa, Fred Hale, etc. But y'all need to build up proper connections or observations with people before you start singing their praises like Oliver Twist pleading for more slop.

I don't know, maybe it's me. But I quite liked the music discussion combined with real edge and animosity that brewed between members
Why should you agree with my fu*cking opinion. Disagree, tell me I'm an idiot. Spit on me.

ugh, stop being so lovely dovey and let's get back to being faceless internet characters who are true to who we are. Desperate souls in need of outlet.

Not even reading over what I've wrote, I'm drugged and it feels right.

You must be extremely sad 'n unsatisfied if you post something like this.
But it's not the fault of the people here, to interact so trusting with each other, it's just how the future is. Everything is evolving 24/7, the idealisms of clear deduction, love and respect, instead of premature justice and meaningless hatred for another spread and widen it's circle. Anonymity is dead. Everyone's wearing a mask in real life now, so it's no difference when it comes to the internet. All the people look at there phone 24/7, got locked up in a world they don't even understand, and lose their face in facebook. There are a lot of people in the world, who are not able to really talk to one anymore - as they're always distracted by their smartphone, telling them what to do next. So what is the problem with strangers? We're all strangers, even if we've met in real life. It's gotten easier to deduct who someone is, who posts a massive text like you in a forum of strangers he says he shouldn't care about, but cares enough to write this massive text, than to deduct one's existance, who's staring on a phone 23/7, and 1 hour looking and you, saying "what did you just say?"

James 03-18-2014 07:15 AM

We've had a fair few crazy new members lately *cough*

butthead aka 216 03-18-2014 07:17 AM

Thanks neo

Manky is right tho bring the hate

RoxyRollah 03-18-2014 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Kartoffelbrei (Post 1428962)
You must be extremely sad 'n unsatisfied if you post something like this.
But it's not the fault of the people here, to interact so trusting with each other, it's just how the future is. Everything is evolving 24/7, the idealisms of clear deduction, love and respect, instead of premature justice and meaningless hatred for another spread and widen it's circle. Anonymity is dead. Everyone's wearing a mask in real life now, so it's no difference when it comes to the internet. All the people look at there phone 24/7, got locked up in a world they don't even understand, and lose their face in facebook. There are a lot of people in the world, who are not able to really talk to one anymore - as they're always distracted by their smartphone, telling them what to do next. So what is the problem with strangers? We're all strangers, even if we've met in real life. It's gotten easier to deduct who someone is, who posts a massive text like you in a forum of strangers he says he shouldn't care about, but cares enough to write this massive text, than to deduct one's existance, who's staring on a phone 23/7, and 1 hour looking and you, saying "what did you just say?"

:rofl: That's Manky. And I can't decide whether or not to tell you why your response is so hilarious.....

RoxyRollah 03-18-2014 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1428661)
So Circe's would get it from behind in a public place, Roxy's would take it from black dudes, Steph's would end your depression, and Vanilla's would chop down your cherry tree?

I don't do black dudes. So this is just a lie.....

Trollheart 03-18-2014 08:28 AM

Sigh. Nobody got Plankton's joke. Steph said "say something about me" and he said something about me. You all missed it. It's like "Quick! Call me an ambulance!" "Ok, you're an ambulance!" :D

Manky: I like you but I have to say your attitude, changing from week to week month to month pisses me off. You were the one who said you were fed up wasting your time here and were going off to pursue a real life, and basically sneered at us all as if you were better than us. A real case of "Screw you guys, I'm goin' home!" Then you came back and sort of posted a little (that I saw, but not in your journal sadly) and now you're telling people they shouldn't be blowing sunshine up each other's skirts. What is it to you anyway? I've had my share of people slagging me off; it's nice to have a few compliments.

And while sure, nobody knows anyone I think that apart from maybe one or two who are deliberately maintaining constructed personalities here, most people are pretty honest so what you see here is likely what you get. If you met me you'd recognise the sort of things I say here, my general attitude and the only thing you wouldn't be prepared for is the fact that I have a big orange beard. No, not really. It's green. That's also a lie. I don't have a beard.

But I think it's counterproductive to sneer at people being nice to each other. There are reasons why they're doing that, and anyway isn't there enough hate in the world without encouraging more? If it's insincere that's one thing (the love I mean) but if it's honest I say more power to the people.

Finally, kudos to Neapolitan for his hilarious reply to your Captain Bringdown post. ;)

I don't hate anyone, not at first sight. They have to do something to make me dislike, then really dislike, and finally hate them. In real life as here. I don't think that's a character flaw, I think it's a strength. I'd rather newbies came on here saying "Wow! Everyone seems so nice!" then "You all suck."

Oh, and did you meet Doesntreallymatter, by the way?

Kartoffelbrei 03-18-2014 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1428973)
:rofl: That's Manky. And I can't decide whether or not to tell you why your response is so hilarious.....

you know i read something that sounds desperate and think:
"hey, maybe this person needs some nice words",
and hahaha my response is soo, srsly.
I can't even agree with the lovey-dovey stuff he said,
as I got kicked in the face and jumped at my throat repeatedly here
and still i just wanted to cheer that person up, ffs.
I'm really not made for this forum ****.
It's just about who's better at kicking who in the nards, obviously..

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-18-2014 08:43 AM

Actually I thought Mankycaaant was spot on with his post.

Nobody cares what you think about us if you've not even been here a week. Neither do I really want to read weekly updates on who you like or who you don't like from anybody no matter how long they've been here.

If you want to prove yourself to us do it by being a good, interesting poster. Impress us with your knowledge about things, not by making tons of kiss assing posts either in here or in the lounge. I don't feel the need to use this thread more than once a year and when I do I at least make an attempt to explain why I feel certain ways about certain people.

This thread when it was used properly was one of the best and most interesting on the forum, now it's just become a boring popularity contest with huge amounts of mind numbingly dull chat in between each entry. Just looking at the couple of pages before Mankycaaant's post, I mean f*cking hell that kind of crap would be scraping the bottom of the barrel in the shoutbox, so what the f*ck is it doing in here?

Paul Smeenus 03-18-2014 09:42 AM

I hope it was obvious that I was kidding. I like Manky.

RoxyRollah 03-18-2014 09:49 AM

Something that is concerning me, and I am gonna address it right motha****in here because I can!

The super new people, like a week new, need to sit down some ****in where. There is a value in observing. But instead it just seems like they either are desperate to fit in, and I do mean desperate or they come across, as being extremely narcissistic and are too involved in themselves to know that they are not that interesting. They maybe friendly, and nice and all that, but as far as interesting goes. No, not so much.

You know, my opinion is not based on anything other then them cramming their mindless posts,gifs, and other bull**** spam in threads that do not pertain to it (see Spam Thread goddammit)down my throat. It's quite obnoxious actually. So stop that ****. By you doing that, you are saying that it's ok not to take some of the threads, and posts seriously, and devalues the thread topic. And that **** is rude. I come here to talk about music, with other liked minded people, not to watch you post your ****in spam, nonsensical comments, or watch you try to pathetically impress people with how much you know about whatever it is you think you know about.
I am afraid, we will lose posters like James because of this. See everybody missed Jame's guts, because the newbies were to busy blowing each other. And the sad thing about that is, y'all just met each other, and nobody has bought anybody a proverbial drink yet,so learn how to use your ****in pm box and blow each other that way.

This thread is called Spill Your Guts, not Spill Your First Impressions Of People.

I waited damn near a ****in year to post in this thread, because I ****in knew I wasn't qualified, to have an opinion on people.

Because people are so desperate to be excepted, and desperate to be liked, and adored, or whatever the **** it is they are after, the forum will end up losing the joy of having quality posts from people like James and Manky. I dunno why you people left what ever **** show forum you were at before you came here, but you are ****in cluttering up MB.

Stick a sock in it for a month or two, and actually learn what this place is like, then come comment.

sssh...ssh...shhh.... stop typing your response to this, SILENCE IS GOLDEN!

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